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Fantasy Reaper

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K'bain Notices trails of blood, curious, he follows them, minutes pass as the trail of blood led him to the Med Bay. He enters the room and sees wounded soldiers everywhere, some freshly wounded, others Still Recovering. He notices a man Ranting on a bed restrained, He approaches Him, “Are you Alright?”, He asks him, “That definitely does not look comfortable”
"Would you damn, punks keep it down a man's trying to sleep here" Donaldson yelled out his door, he didn't want to be bothered with the failures of today he just wanted to drink and forget. He got out of his chair to go check on what was going on. He walked into the medbay. "What, you act like you guys ain't seen death before," he looked at the rook just staggering around "Jesus kid your going into shock. Lie down. DOC GET ME A BLANKET!" He tried to grab the kid and lay him down. the immediate thing to do was to get him warm get his blood flowing again. He grabbed a tourniquet he kept on his person. He put it high on his arm so to stop some bleeding. "You there come put some pressure on some of these wounds, right there at the pressure point" he said signaling to K'bain. "Come on these guys ain't got enough hands to help everyone immediately," He looked around for a pair of gloves " just hold on there buddy, I will do what I can" he grabbed a drink from the bottle he had brought with him. "I will do what I can."
“Sure”, Mini tells the restrained soldier, He proceeds to remove the restraints and helps him up, “By the way, Why'd they restrained you anyways?”. He then hears a Squad leader yell at him to put pressure on a wounded guy, “Yes Sir!”, He heads to the wounded soldier and begins applying pressure on his Wounds.
Revnoir was already being taken care of in a separate room, and Xillia seemed to be losing her mind at the thought of losing Revnoir to the Reapers.
"Ah, this is boring," drawled Akashi with a yawn. He had been sent here as a newly registered Weaver, but he supposed that his expectations were too high.
Kano sighed as he entered the armory. He went to one of the rooms there with his clothes, extra armor and weapons. He undressed and grabbed new clothes, white and blue tuxedo. Next he grabbed his katana and sheathed it and connected it to a special belt which he also put on. Kano still kept the bandages under his clothing however he still couldn't fight. He walked back towards the med bay and bursted in with a shout

"Oi!! Do you have any pain killers or some medication? I need it bad!"
Aua looked up at the man, then reached into his trenchcoat and tossed him a bottle of painkillers. "I want them back when your done. I use those to train when im wounded." Aura said to him.
Kano grabbed the bottle midair and opened it then flicked a pill or two into his mouth swallowing them. He sighed and gave the bottle back.

"Thank god... Damned reapers can rip you up..."

He stretched his wounded left arm. He smiled then frowned.

"What happened to you?"
(Oh you guys got ahead...I never got any notifications)

Once Suzuya had mostly healed from his wounds, he covered them with bandages putting his clothes on to cover any signs of his injuries and walking outside his room finding his way to the armory overhearing Aura and what sounded like the soldier from that day. He walked in and slightly waved towards everyone, his eyes appeared to be squinting and if you looked close enough bloodshot red! (Pretty much the only reference I'll ever make, swear) "Morning guys" he commented interrupting their conversation at the same time.

@Kazu Kun

@Aurath Moonblood
"You were reckless, and almost lost your life."

Yui leaned against the wall besides the doorframe outside of the room. Her arms were crossed and she turned around to look at Kano. Her eyebrows furrowed in speculation. "You are your squad leader's responsibility, but I would hope any of our recruits wouldn't be so brash next time." She lowered her arms and turned to Suzuya before nodding.

"Morning..." Yui frowned. "What happened yesterday?"
"Conversation!" Belle's head popped from the doorway, a grin on her face as she barged in on the two. "Don't be so prissy Yui-yui, if the boy wants to walk out to his death, I'd cheer him on and hope it's quick! I'm sure Ayame wouldn't mind if she lost a few." He gave the boy a quick glance before turning to her fellow leader. "He doesn't look like he has a death wish, though. He'll be A.O.K. in a few minutes so give the kid a break, why don't cha?"
Suzuya's glared dulled "Are you both talking about me?" he said with a curious expression pointing to himself as he peaked his head out towards them "What makes you think I got a death wish? I knew what I was doing.." a tone of disbelief coming from him while saying this he stood back up straight crossing his arms and looking away.
"I have really no idea, probably not? Maybe? Who knows?" She rapped a knuckle on her head lightly. "Yui-yui was just being angry again, so I decided to have some fun. There's no one to take care of on my side anyway so it gets a bit lonely. So new recruits right? How's it feel surviving the first of many fun times?"
"How sad, I have to deal with two losers" he exclaimed with a sigh knowing that Aura was also in the room.
Yui cracked an irritated smile. "You can start by taking care of yourself and that childish personality, Belle-Belle." She folded her arms once again. "I thought I told you I didn't want to be called that." She sighed. "Besides, I wasn't talking about you," she said looking at Suzuya. "I was talking to one of the 'losers,' although I suppose I can say I'm still talking to one. I don't recommend overconfidence as a personality trait, boy."
Sazuya laid back sighing "If I'm a loser what does that make you?" he answered her pausing for a moment before adding "And if I wasn't overconfidence my Squad leader would be dead, and then you'll be stuck with me to take care of, And from the looks both of us don't want that."
"The loser's superior," Yui retorted. She sighed and rubbed her temples. Are all kids like this nowadays? "I'm about done playing leap frog with you, but there's a difference between being stupid and taking risks. I will admit you weren't wrong in whatever happened with your leader, seeing that you're still here. Since you're new, I'll just leave it at that." She raised a brow and smiled before adding, "Though I wouldn't mind taking you off of Donaldson's hands. I'd be glad to take care of you." This kid's a pain, Yui thought, but he's definitely interesting.
Belle shook her head from the side of her colleague. Even children were supposed to know that the leaders were the leaders for a reason. Still, the situation was dissolved peacefully, she hoped, and that in itself was something good. There was another thing she had to deal with though and that was..." You finally called me Belle-Belle~" She leapt at the Mind Weaver, securing her in a tight hold as she proceeded to rub her cheek against the swordwoman's "This is the best day ever~"
Sazuya looked away steaming "Hmph, I doubt that." trying to hide his blushing cheeks he putting his hood on and facing his head down "I'll just stay quite." he sighed
"Im not shure of all these new people" Aura muttered to himself from the rafters. He started to walk along them and towards the training room, still bleeding,but he didn't care. If blood loss stopped him, how was he ever to become stronger? He was hoping they all wouldn't notice the blood dripping past them as he made his exit.
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I'm Bored as heck, again, Mini Utters to himself. He goes outside of the base for a bit of fresh air, well not fresh, more like rotten, smoky, and full of dead people, literally. “Ugh!, Smells like Dead Stuff out here!,” Mini swaps the front of his face to separate the foul smell from his breather, “Man I should have stayed inside, it smells way worse out here that it is in the base.” With that in mind he heads back inside, he proceeds to enter the garage to check if there's anything important in there, like a squad going for a mission. But he grunts to see nothing special that can take his boredom away.

Mini, Feeling bored, decides to go for a stroll around the city. He 'borrows' a vehicle from the garage, opens the bay door, and leaves the base, of course he remembered to close the door. As he drives through the dead and lifeless city EVE calls him. “Mini Where are you?”, She asks. “Just going for a quick stroll around the city, Why?”, He responded. EVE doesn't reply back, instead she transports herself to the vehicle's GPS computer, she then forms a digital face on it. “AHHHHHH!”, Mini yells in surprise, nearly loosing his grip on the wheel, but he regains control later and continues driving. “Don't be so scared Fat-So, It's just me, you're friendly personal AI, EVE. I wanted to explore too ya'know, it's boring in that base, every AI in their can't even give a proper gossip, exept for Rogue, she/he can give quite a gossip about Revnoir.” She winks. “I don't know of I should feel creeped out or interested on what you just said..” Mini responds in awkward manner.

Kano sighed from the loudness of the three. He turned around and started walking out the door.

Before he exited he shouted out.

"Thanks again for the pills!"

And also he pointed a glare at Yui after saying the sentence. He slowly walked to the walls of the base and then to the top of them.

"That one is going to be a pain..."

He observed to the torn arpart city in the distance. He sighed again is annoyance. Suddenly light whispers went straight into his ear annoying Kano even more. He covered his ears and made them stop.

"What was that?"

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