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Fantasy Reaper

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"Thank you Donaldson, for that!!!"

Then turning back to Aura, "I want them sorted by what kind of paperwork they are. There are color coded bins in the corner over there."

She said pointing to a corner of her office piled high with boxes of every color.

"Yellow for missions, blue for rookies and personnel, red for budget stuff, and blue for alerts for things I need to put on my 'to do' list. And when your done with that stuff, trust me on this,"

Ayame motioned around her desk that was so covered with files and paperwork that it wasn't even visible anymore.

"There is always more."

Ayame slumps down onto a couch in her office and get down to her own task.
Aki sighed and threw the book down on the floor next to him. "Uus raamattu... ja vitut... en ees oo uskonnollinen..." He talked to himself. (BTW don't try and translate that... it's not how it should be written )
Aura moves to the bens and starts to sort through the stack of papers swiftly and efficiently.

"so.... is squad 7 usualy late?" Aura asks politely.
"Uh, yeah it took forever for everyone to show up and then they just have this way of disappearing periodically. It kind of drives you a little mad. They just come in and act like they are so experienced and great and love to show off their skills and powers to the rest. But, when the time comes to go into battle, they all disappear. Poof. Like a magician. Doing a magic trick...on himself!"
" I see. You will find i wolnt do that." Aura said distatastefuly, obviously not liking that they run and dishonor themselves and the squad.

Aura finishes sortong the papers and grabs another stack. "This is simple work." He says as he continues to sort.

"Are they comming?" Aura asked. "cause im almost out of papers to sort."
He got up and left his office and headed down to the shower room. He proceeded to clean himself up. The weeks worth of dirt fell off as he scrubbed. He might as well of brought the outdoors in. He got out trimmed his beard and put on a fresh uniform. He grabbed his favorite hat turned it backwards to hide his thinning hair. He wasn't old but if you looked at him you could see combat hat taken its tole on him. Specks of gray darted his red and black beard, his eyes had permanent bags under them. He holstered up his 9mm and slung his custom made M4A1 Rifle over to the front and left the shower room. He loved the feeling a fresh shower after being gone for a week.

He walked down to Squad 7s office and beat on the door "Hey-yo Ayame where did you get the fancy secretary I wan't one" he smiled thinking of the mess his office was currently in. " Wanted to know if you wanted to talk for a bit before chow opens up?"
"Done!" Aura exclames after finishing the work. "And im not a secretary. I just follow my orders with swift efficiency."
"Yes I will have 6 sugars with my coffee your so sweet" he smiled at her "my guys just cuss at me in foreign languages and sit there like a brick wall. I am pretty sure a brick wall has more personality then Spetz though." He looked down at the girl with her papers "I am sure you are a good person and mean well but relax or the world outside will eat you alive. When you leaver here go do something you think is fun make a friend hug a stranger, do something that will make you smile OK that's an order"
"Okay, mom." Ayame put down her stack of papers and stretched. "Wow, I don't think my office ever looked this neat before."

Ayame grins at Donaldson. "Anyway what did you want too talk about D?"
"Nothing much been to long since we sat down and talked, figured you didn't like me no more " he said jokingly, he grabbed an open chair " beside you and your intern here need to loosen up, are those crows feet I see. You don't want to start looking like me a beard doesn't suit you" he reached in to his pocket grabbed a picture that he always had with him flipped it on her desk " It is Nathans Birthday today you know, he is 8, at least I hope he is"
Ayame pats Donaldson's hand. "Of course it is, we'll find them D, I promise."

Ayame picks up a folder from one of the boxes and opened it.

"Whoah, D, a mission report!"
"ohh yeah were they sending you, please say Daytona Beach" he smiled a hearty smile " be safe out there its not getting any easier out there" He grabbed his pic "Don't worry we will talk when you get back ok" as he walked out the door back to his office he flipped up the deuces sign.
Revnoir sat in his own office, rewriting code for a new AI, one of the AIs became corrupted. He looked extremely bored, typing away at his worn out keyboard. He went so far as to tell Rogue to ignore anything sent to him so he could focus on the coding.
"By the way sir.... I am a man.... just because my hair goes down my back doesnt mean im female." Aura says to Donaldson.Aura turns around and faces him. " But thank you for the thought. at least your not a mean person. "

"Im going to go see Scourge now that im done with fileing." Aura says as he walks out.

Aura walks up to Scourge's office and knocks on the door.
Scourge's voice comes from inside. "Come on in!" He sounded pretty happy, but not the kind of happy you'd want.
Scourge laughed a little. "Seriously? You just can't stand still can you? Just how much coffee did you drink this morning, I'm sure Revnoir would love to know your secret to staying awake." He said, then yawned. "So would I... But from what I know Xillia already did all of the side work we have. Maybe you can ask Revnoir if he'll spar with you, I'd love to see which shadow weaver wins."
"he is a warrior who has much more training and battles under his belt. but parhaps i could learn a thing or two from a match with him. and as for my secret for staying awake...." Aura says as he grins, "is simple. I saw my family get ripped apart. my sister and i are the only survivers.... and she is missing. I joind for revenge, and to find my sister. I stay awake because my dreams drive me mad."

"with the help of an irish coffie of corse." Aura finishes.

"But enough gloomy talk am i right? i know i would lose if i fought Revnoir, but i could learn much. So i will go ask him." Aura starts to get up and leave.
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Scourge sighed when Aura left. He underestimates Revnoir's nightmares. From what he's told me I'd be suicidal two nights in.

Revnoir yawned, drinking his probably eighth coffee today. He decided to take a break from his coding and stood up. He brought his coffee with him as he left his office and walked down the hall. As Scourge's office was right next to Squad 2's office, Revnoir's office was right there since the offices went in order of Squads. He looked at the two who were talking, and casually sipped his coffee again. He obviously got much less than eight hours of sleep last night as he had bags under his eyes and he looked exhausted.
He walked down to Revs office cracking his back and scratching it at the same time. "At some point getting old will be good for me" he thought. He went up to his friends office and rapped on the door waiting to find out if he was in there. He was thinking about his son. Nathan was 8 today. The only reason he accepted the solo missions wasn't because he was able to operate on his own, but it gave him a chance to move through the city to try and find traces of him. He had been to there apartment and looked like it had been abandoned long ago before the Reapers made it to the city. He was worried though because Nathans favorite stuffed animal, some rabbit bear thing he won for him at a carnival they went to long ago, was left on the couch. It now was attached to his Assault Pack he carried out into every mission.

He scratched his beard and waited for Revs response to his knocking
Aura walks out the door to Scourges office to see Revnoir holding a coffee. "I was just about to look for you sir."
Revnoir looked at Donaldson as he was just leaving. "Please don't say your AI broke. If you do I won't give you a head start before hunting you down and ripping you limb from limb." He growled, obviously tired of coding. It was interesting, but not when it was an old model. He stared at the older man unimpressed, beyond the point of just tired. He then looked at Aura. "Same goes to you."
Aura takes out his finaly refilled flask, an walks up to Revnoir, porring a little in his coffee. "Stur it in. It will help you stay awake." he says calmly. " I have the same poblem with sleep you and the other squad leaders seem to have."

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