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Fantasy Reaper

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Aki sighed. "Then I need training in using a machine gun..." Aki rubbed his eyes as he was frustrated.
" Don't worry buddy your gonna learn" he grabbed a bight of beef jerky " this sucks, hope that chili is worth a damn last time i ate it I blew more then C4 last time. Your gonna learn then your gonna teach everyone will know each others jobs is that clear?"
"well i supose its time to report in to my squad leader."Aura said to himself, now heading towards squad 7s quarters
Anger shot across his face his eyes Glared "Drop NOW!!!" he yelled standing up and pointing at the floor " you are gonna learn I am not a Sir, a ma'am an officer or some ass hat who get lost in his own bathroom. Salute me again call me sir again and being in the push up position for two hours will be the least of your God Damn problems, I said my name is Donaldson, I was a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army and no little prickle dick like you is gonna disrespect me got it" Nostrils flaring and temple throbbing " Do I make myself clear. I can be a very calm cool and collective guy but if you can't follow simple directives like that how can I trust you to take orders to save other people."
Aki sighed and stretched his neck. "Habits..." He didn't do or say anything else than that.
His eye started twitching "Pretty sure I did't say to talk I said drop" He wasn't mean by nature but it was a thing he didn't take lightly. " I am usually a nice guy ask anyone. I make Saint Teresa look like a bad whore, but piss me off and Rev will walk away from me. I put a lot of faith in you guys as my team leaders I need you to follow orders break old habits. By the end of this training with me your gonna walk talk and even shit like me got it"

He started to calm down, then turned around and grabbed a old book with a yellow cover. It was faded and looked as if it had seen better days. " You and your team are crew serve weapons our security you will man the 249 and your boys will operate the 240 Bravo." he threw the manual down at Aki "Recover Tulip, that's your new bible you will read it before the two of you go to bed together at night ok" he smiled " We are primarily a demo squad yes but I need be able to have a safe place to lay the explosives. Spetz your operating team two you'll provide the big boom when i call for it. We operate in two man cells got it." He grabbed two radios from under his desk each of you will have this on you all the time if I call you answer, I don't care if you are talking with god himself or drinking coffee with a reaper you better switch over and see what I want. Got it?" He smiled looking for an answer.
"Good glad to see we can get along" he smiled and sat back down in his chair, you two are dismissed for the day when I get the other three assigned you will know who belongs wear. Now you two lover doves get out of here I am tired and I still have to prepare a back brief for the other Squad leaders." he pulled his hat over his eyes and kicked his feet on his messy desk
Aki took one of the radios and picked up the book. He then turned to leave. "Ei vittu" He mumbled as he left, heading for the barracks.
Ayame snickered. "Ooooh kill 'em. You sure are kickin' their asses D! And you were suppost to be the nicer one"

Ayame cackled and went off to her office to get her team together.

"See you soon D!"
"Olin Yhdysvaltain erikoisjoukkojen puhun eri kielillä" he said very broken up and poorly to Aki " your gonna learn to love me buddy or die trying."

"I am the nice one I have seen you when you get riled up, its like dousing to cats in water and leaving them in Revs room. He still hates it when I walk by his room" He waved without looking out at her
Aki quickly stopped at the door. "That sounded horrible..." He then walked away.

( Also with real grammar it would be "Olin Yhdysvaltojen Erikoisjoukoissa joten puhun eri kieliä" )
" I was never good at other languages, but I know enough to know when people are saying nasty mean things about poor little me" he laughed " I had some Afghany call me a donkey raper with a smile, when I figured it out he went from having some teeth to no teeth" He laughed again "Go on get some rest we start early in the morn"
Aki walked to the barracks and took of his equipment. He then layed down on the bed and shufled through the book.
"how do you want them filed?"

Aura takes the papers and sits down. " And I will work on relaxing some."

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