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Fantasy Reaper

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Ayame took all her pent up energy on a dummy as her husband had suggested.

Though he probably thought it shouldn't have been alive.

She sparred with one of the fighting partners that was just sitting around the workout room.

Scourge was also seemingly sipping coffee, lifting his mask just high enough to drink. He looked at Aura, adopting a sinister smile. "Did you need something?" He asked, lowering his mask.
Scourge sighed. "You new kids don't know how to relax, do you..?" He asked, sipping his coffee again. His face looked pretty young, but there were a couple scars on the part you could see.
"Ive just learned to trust my instincts sir. It kept me alive befor the millitary found me." Aura said somberly.
"Well what would you like me to do about it? If you're itching to fight something, you could always go spar with someone?"

Aura walks into the training room where Ayame whent and looks around at the equipment.

"so this is the training room?" he says
Bursting through the door Donaldson staggers in, looking disheveled and dirty he moves in to the main hall. " This is the last time I do a damn thing for a while" he says as he crashes to the ground. He had left unexpectedly when the recruits had shown up to run a covert mission and mark targets for demolition. "I'm just gonna lay here and you guys just move around me" he spoke into the floor. His body ached he was hungry tired and the only thing he wanted right now was a bottle of rum. "Rev....Ayame......Whats cooking in the DiFac (Dining Facility)" He pushed his self off the floor and got back to his feet. His beard was longer then normal his clothes were torn all over you could see the many scars and tattoos on his body. He smelled as if he hadn't showered in a few days. "Boy you wouldn't believe the places I have been" he spoke trying to get the attention of the other squad leaders.
Revnoir walked over, smiling. "This is why you don't go alone on missions. I thought you would've learnt your lesson by now?" He said, helping Donaldson up. "Oh and you asked what they're cooking? I wouldn't have any idea, but it's probably not ready right now..."
Donaldson smiled "Now what would the fun be in that, besides if I take you two with me whose gonna lead these guys." his smile turned into a blank face "Yeah it's pretty much like walking through any living hell you can possibly imagine. And I survived the Helman province of Afghanistan 4 times in on year" he spoke to the He shuddered as he thought about the old runs with his units in what had been the most dangerous place in the world. "I'll be fine then i got some snacks in my office I'll eat there, also I'll brief you later on what went down." He nodded toward the guy standing over there.

He started to walk off towards the back of the arena heading towards the office." Stupid Reapers with there stupid abilities, hows a guy supposed to fight that." He got inside and slammed his gear to the ground dropped his gun and sat in his chair. He read over the reports of the latest mission. that went down during his. He felt bad that he hadn't been there to lead his men through the fight but knew other missions sometimes take priority. He looked over the new joes in his squad. He grabbed a bag of beef jerky and ate a few pieces.

He went over plans to get squad together for there first meeting. " Where is that bottle of rum. I am gonna get something to drink then we will start soon." He raised his arms up stretched out "Damn kids gonna get soft with me after Ayame and Rev had them. Oh well gotta keep a sense of humor out there or it will kill you."

He got up and walked to the door " SQUAD 8 GET YOUR YOUR ASSES IN HERE ASAP OR SUFFER THE WRATH THAT IS ME". He knew his voice would carry. They would get the message as his voice carried well in the empty halls.

@Shinohara @RedZombieWolf @Lelogic @TommyGun15 @MoltenLightning
Krasny heard Donaldson's shout and ran towards it. As he got to the office he saw what appeared to be a very pissed off officer, "Seargeant Medved reporting as ordered sir."
"looks like things are getting interesting in the squad 8 bace..." Aura says to Revnoir. "Something is comming, isnt it?"
(Not an officer I work for a living)

"Hey there sit down grab a drink" he poured a glass of rum for the guy " we are waiting for the others" he gulped his own down and poured another. "Kransy Medved, Career military man. Served in multiple engagements through every theatre of war before the Reaper attacks. During the start of the war you were hand picked to train soldiers for battle." he was reading from a messy stack of papers on his desk " Impressive. Good your carring the Rockets. RPG's Javelins AT4s and mortars. Big guy like you will be my heavy hitter." He liked the stature of the guy, his size would make it hard to find cover but it return he was gonna be a walking tank. "When the rest of the guys get here I will brief you all on what is expected around here, who I am and why we are the best..." he paused to look out the door for Rev "...damn squad around"
Revnoir sighed. "Aura, you need to loosen up a bit. Reapers aren't all we deal with here. He had been leaving to see what was going on and heard Donaldson. "Did I hear you say something Donaldson?" He growled, walking over to the other's office and looking in. "I must not have heard you properly, what did you say?" He had a grim look on his face as if he would mutilate the leader of Squad 8's body if he answered wrong.
"Your a charming ray of sunshine and are a pleasure to be around" he went back to his drink, downed it and poured another "He thinks he scares me.....only slightly but I will never tell" he laughed and looked at Kransy. He got up and took his flak off, sometimes he forgot he was wearing it. It was like dropping off a a led suit and putting on pajamas.
Aki came running late as he has been cleaning his gun and getting his equipment. He was carrying a huge rocket launcher on his back. "Tuominen reporting in!" He shouted as he arrived.
Revnoir let out a 'tch' sound and left. He muttered something inaudible under his breath as he walked away. It sounded like "Old prick" or something.
"Ahh good Aki you made it," He looked over the guy "Jesus Christ dude get that thing the hell out of here. Why would you bring that kind of explosive in my office" after a long pause " Just screwing with you. I think there is several pounds of C4 left in my Flak" he looked over the file " I met you before you left but I just now read your file. Grew up in Finland and was conscripted to The Finnish Defense Force at the age of 18. You decided to make it into your career and rose up to the rank of a Sergeant. You also served in LsvJK, Laskuvarjojääkärikomppania. I was Airborne My self for a while, but we don't tend to jump from planes to often maybe buildings. You are Team Leader you will be running the team with Spetsnaz over here" he looked down at his papers " I do a lot of covert ops like where I just came back from, in my leave you will fall into the other squads orders but you will run my squad under there orders both of you, Get to know each other like you were married in fact" he grabbed a piece a paper and scribbled something down " and handed them both a piece of paper " I now pronounce you man and wife, you two can decide who is who. If I ask for your certificate and you can't show it to me there will be hell. Secondly your duty is crew serve weapons. In our armory we have a 249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) you will be manning it providing our biggest security when we are providing the boom ok? Any questions from the two of you."

He paused long enough to poor another drink " Here have one" he pured one for Aki " get used to nicknames you guys don't tend to last long enough to actually make me give a damn so your new name is Tulip alright, you big guy already probably guessed it your Sptesnaz." He drank his drink down again grabbed a fresh bottle off the top of fridge and poured another. " We are going to have a lot of fun" he said smiling and chugging down the next drink.
Krasny took his glass and sipped at the liquid inside it. He looked to his left and studied the man he was now paired with. He looked to be of an alright sort, maybe he could even handle himself, "You can handle the SAW, I'll stick with my PKM." He then turned to Donaldson, "What nickname do we call you then?"
"Sir! Requesting permission to use my RK. It is much more accurate and reliable than a SAW!" Aki scratched the back of his head.
"Oh, hey D I heard you were back!"

Ayame popped her head into his office still in her workout gear.

"Welcome back and BTW they are serving chili in the DiFac. AND you missed your godson's birthday!"

[ @Scarecrowe be my son's godfather?]
"Tulip be lucky I don't make you carry my backpack, your main job is the saw what you keep in your kit is up to you after that, secondly don't call me sir I work for a living." Donaldson then turned to Kransy " yeah my nickname is Donaldson. call me anything else and there will be hell to pay." He put the topper back in the bottle set it down " you are caring the saw because I wan't a man i can trust to be alright to hold a position and give my orders from the rear. When I say man it you use it to secure my ass while I take a small team to blow up objective or provide support. We support the other Units as they accomplish the mission. We are what you would call a distraction." he reached behind his desk and pulled out a map of the city. "90% of the time we are out front movin ahead of the guys to give them cover or at least make a path. So if I want a saw gunner your gonna be a god damn saw gunner have a problem talk to your wife here and suck it the hell up."

"Yeah just walked in but an hour ago" he smiled, Ayame had that effect it wasn't that he liked her in that way she just had some weird effect like that. " Hope its better then the MRE's (Meal Ready to Eat) they i took with me. Thanks for looking after these two, they seem like quite the couple hope they didn't cause you any trouble."

He looked over at the two with his smile and an diabolical twinkle appeared in his eye then back to Ayame "Hows your boy doing it's been too long hes got to be as tall as you now right" he said with a hearty laugh

[For sure @rereadingit50times ]

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