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Fantasy Reaper

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"Tch, I can't believe this complete and utter horse crap. I mean seriously, pull your head outta your cracks, guys." Complete and utter annoyance. The complaints of but a single person fell upon deaf ears as the lone man walked with his hands stuffed into his pockets. "First, I'm sent off to check on a bunch of amateurs only to find out they've already completed the mission, but were too busy goofing off to return. Then, I don't even get to come back because one of the idiots completely forgot their objective at the site. Then, I only get there to find out it was destroyed. Utterly and completely beautiful!" Somewhere deep inside his mind, there was constant turmoil. But, only due to the annoyances he had gone through since he was forced out of the base for quite some time. He just wanted to relax more than anything.

What was even worse, he was forced out there before he could change out of his pajamas. So now, his favorite light blue pajama bottoms covered in cartoon dragons was more than just a bit dirty. There was a bit of mud stuck to the pant legs, which sadly, covered some of said dragons. On top of that, his sandals were a bit muddy as well. Needless to say, his feet were also rather dirty. Thankfully, he was able to at least get some proper clothes on before he had left. He wore only two other things than his pajama pants. He wore a rather bland hazelnut brown hoodie over top of a black t-shirt. On the front of the t-shirt, it had a picture of an open shark jaw with the words "Bite Me" written in red within the open jaw. His hood was up so that it covered his shoulder length raven black hair. Like always, dark circles were just below his hazelnut eyes. The fact that his eye-lids were half closed today only proves that not only was he tired, but rather bored as well.

"No use complaining now. What's done is done, but I just don't understand why they had to send the newest of all newbies. It just...doesn't sit right with me. Meh, either way, it's too much of a hassle to complain about the small details." For some odd reason, he was talking only to himself. He didn't even seem to care if people were listening in on what he was saying, let alone the fact that he was talking to himself. Even if this was a common thing for him to do. "For now, I'll just scoot on back to my room and forget that any of that even happened. It's for the be-" His words were cut short as he picked up on something. "Voices? And just who the heck would be in this section right now?" He thought to himself. In all honesty, Venom thought he was heading towards his room, but was so busy complaining he hadn't realized one important fact. He was completely and utterly lost. Somewhere along the line, he took a wrong turn and now he was paying for it, even if he hadn't realized it yet. Sheesh, what a space cadet.

Moving down the hall, the first thing he saw was a woman stomping off somewhere. The woman in question was Ayame. Someone in which he didn't know. Of course, he hadn't a clue what was going on, but considering there were two other people there as well, his mind immediately began to go places. "What's this? Love confession gone wrong? Pfft, I'unno, but it looks like it'd be annoying if I got involved. Though, I suppose it'd be fun to watch." Of course, the other two he was talking about was Scourge and Aura. Moving a bit closer, Venom stared blankly towards a wall, almost as if he was spacing out. Yet, he was most certainly observing the two now, even if it looked like he went for the most stellar trip to the moon. Say, I wonder. Would he bring back some moon rocks if I asked nicely? I mean, that'd be pretty epic, right?
"Wait! where should i bring the good doctor?" Aura asked franticly.

"And who is that guy watching us?"
Everyone was gone when Aura asked, but Xillia came running looking for Scourge and seemingly in a very bit hurry. She bumped into Venom, and stumbled. She fell and squeaked when she hit the ground like any generic shy girl.
He really did space out. He wasn't listening in the slightest. The moment he was bumped into, Venom actually fell forward and went face first into the wall. Strangely, he actually stayed like that for a few seconds before coming back down and realizing he was currently kissing a wall with his face. Actually blinking in confusion, he took a step back before he felt the presence of the other person. Unlike a normal person and actually turning around, Venom slowly started leaning back. Bending backwards, he formed a full arc with his body as he looked at the girl that he didn't know. Yeah, that's right, he's pretty much leaning back like a full fledged candy cane and he's still standing upright. This power is definitely on a level far beyond normal human thoughts!

"Oh, sorry. Didn't hear ya comin'. Was it you that bumped into me?" Of course, his question was directed towards Xillia, for she was on the ground. And last he checked, there wasn't any debris on the ground nor did it look like she was cleaning. After all, he was just kissing the wall with his face, and that normally wouldn`t happen unless he tipped over. And that only happens every once in a while. Mainly when he really drifts out. "Or...are you just inspecting the floor. 'Cause it is a nice floor, just like the wall. Rather splendid actually."
Aura rushes towards the woman to help her up. " You must be Xillia. Im Aura, the new guy." then he turns to look at this strange man who just made out with wall. "Your different. verry interesting. Are you a Weaver too?" he asks
Xillia stared at Venom with wide eyes. "Are you some sort of socially awkward contortionist..?" She asked, slowly getting up. She winced and fell back down.
"Hmmm...." Aura looks between the two of them, unshure if he should laugh or try to say something again.
His gaze trailed from Xillia who was still on the floor over to Aura who decided to ask him questions. He just shrugged off Xillia's question for the time being, for the reason that she was probably right one way or the other. And that in itself was a fact he didn't want to focus too much on. Turning his head towards Aura, Venom cleared his throat and pulled his right hand out of his pocket and extended it towards the individual. As always, he had his favorite pair of gloves on. A pair of black leather gloves that had five gears attached to the shortened fingers of the gloves. Each gear was small in size and perfectly fit each of his appendages, especially his thumb. Clearing his throat, the somewhat droopy eyed male felt the need to introduce himself.

"Venom is what most call me, and I'm probably the newest of the new around here. You could say that I'm a Weaver, but when you call me that, it makes me feel like a Spider. It's really creepy feeling like a spider." Apparently, Venom has a problem with spiders. "And as for your question floor lady, you might be right. Then again, I'unno. First time anyone's ever called me that, but hey. If a cool nickname comes out of it, then, why not? I ain't got no problem with it." Clearly, he wasn't very caring if people desired to make fun of him.
Xillia got up, rubbing her hip. "You're so weird..." She said, looking at him weird. She looked at Aura. "You look pretty weird, too." She said, then sighed. "Anyway... Have either of you seen Mr.Scourge?"
"He just left to find you..... asuming you Are Xillia." Aura said as he shook this flexable mans hand.

"And im not weird......." he turned to Venom, "Am I?"
"I don't know who this 'Scourge' fellow is, but the name alone sounds a tad discouraging." Great. He does puns too. "No but seriously, I ain't got a clue. And with what he said, I would take it that Scourge was the other guy that was there." Standing upright, Venom turned to face Aura before brushing off his "Bite Me" shirt. "Weird? You do know you're asking a guy who just introduced himself in a highly flexible position, right? Do you really think I'm the best person to ask?"
Xillia thanked them both, probably being overly polite seeing as she's pretty Canadian. She scurried off after Scourge, looking a little worried. So much to do with so little time..!
"You realize i wear a long black hodded trenchcoat all the time, even in hot weather, sleep, rain, and swimming?" Aura comments back. "I dont find you strange at all Venom."
"Your point is? I just came back from my first assignment in my PJ's. How am I not strange?" Not strange? How could this be? It was like the one before him was trying to tear apart the stupidity within Venom's head. Even if said stupidity was nothing more than a facade. Shaking his head, he only shrugs. "Welp, to each their own. If you don't find me strange, then that's fine by me. Oh and for the trench coat deal, I like the sounds of it. Pretty cool if you ask me." Venom gently stroked his chin in thought before he looked around. Finally, it dawned on him. "Oh, wait...hold on a moment. I ah...I don't think I'm in the right area."
"Mission? Oh no, I would hardly consider what I did a mission. More or less, it was an errand. An errand that required me to run out and check on something that had already been done." Sighing to himself, Venom crossed his arms in front of his chest. Oddly, the gears on his fingers actually turned in synchronization for a split second before stopping once more. Shrugging and clearing his throat, he tilted his head slightly to his right. "Well, no matter. Either way, I should probably be finding my way back to my room. I need to rest up a bit and get properly dressed. So, I'll meet up with you and the others later. Who knows, I might even get to showcase some of what I can do. I sure hope so, my gears are grindin' for a good time." And just like that, he turned to his left and headed off again.

"I'll see you and the others later. Peace." The moment he came to a corner, he turned and actually disappeared. Without warning, he suddenly slipped into the ground below his feet and disappeared completely out of sight. He was actually using the ground to travel to his room, this way he wouldn't run into any unexpected guests. So, it was the easiest way for him to avoid confrontation.
Aura sighs. "Well..... Lets go find a doctor." he turns and walks toward the medbay.

Aura enters the medical area, and looks around for the docter.
"Are you looking for someone recruit?"

Adam walked up behind the rookie scanning the room.

He had just been getting more medical supplies from the storage area.
"good....that means im in the right place" he mumbles to himself. "By any chance, do you have a daughter whos birthday is today?"

(i saw. my tablet lagged. it showed i had not posted it)
Adam laughs.

"No I do not. Who made my wife mad today? When she gets angry her thoughts get all mixed up. I have a son though, who is turning three today."

Adam grins at the rookie.
Aura continues the blank stare and overly calm tone, "Its you then. follow me."

Aurath pulls out a flask from his coat and takes another swig.

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