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Fantasy Reaper

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They made their way outside, and the civilians were safely loaded onto the bus. No Reapers seemed to be around, oddly, but it didn't matter. They headed back to Toronto. Back to Weave. Back home.
As they headed back home, K'bain had doubts about some of the civilians, he doesn't know much about Reapers, but he knows something is odd with some of them, just as they were getting off he calls Revnoir, “Revnoir, Sir, hold on!”
They arrived, and Revnoir looked at K'bain. "Your question? Whaddya need?" He asked, on his way to go do paperwork.
“Prove me if I'm wrong Sir, but can Reapers shape shift?”, K'bain asks Revnoir, “Because we have more civilians than what I assumed we saved”

K'bain counts the civilians they saved, “Uh, sir, we have more than what we saved”, he says nervously..
"No, not that we know of. If you have concerns, go talk to Scourge for that. It's not like he's doing anything important at any given time." He said, then promptly left to do paperwork. Or see Xillia. Who knows what he does at this point?
“Ok sir, will do”, K'bain Salutes at Revnoir, he then heads to Scourge's Office, he knocks, “Sir, May I enter?”

“Hmmm... No response, well I'll come back at another time”, K'bain utters, he heads to his quarters and enter his Sleeping Capsule to rest, but before he did he asked his computer to keep watch of the civilians through the cameras, he falls asleep by the sleeping gas that is administered to him...
Ayame did a silent headcount and noticed the increased number.

Ayame turns to the group of seven civilians and smiles really wide.

"Okay! Can everyone follow me and I'll place you in some safe rooms for the night?"

As the group followed her she grabbed the three she found in the bathroom.

"Not you three."

She puts them in one room and locks the door and smiles at the others.

"Precautions, y'know."

'Where is K'bain I need backup'
"The Reapers have been acting strange lately, we haven't lost a single civilian since two months ago. They've got some tricks up their sleeves. Magic tricks that we can't call them out on. Be sure to keep an eye out for anything strange." Revnoir keeps hearing Scourge's advice over and over as he does his unnecessary paperwork. More civilians than we counted earlier..? Maybe we just didn't see them? "Rogue identify the civilians we just brought in, would you?" Revnoir asked the head AI, stretching his hurting arms. "Regalia, check the whereabouts of Scourge." He ordered his Squad's AI. They both approved the order and their voices left in search for their targets.

Scourge walked up to Ayame, waving subtly. "How did it go? Any complications?" He asked, suspiciously knowing about the extra civilians. Ayame could feel the grin that resided hidden underneath the Light Weaver's unusual mask.
"I think you know, sir. Not any major ones apart from the obvious and I've managed to separate the extra ones from the ones we definitely saved from the house."
Scourge nodded in understanding. "Alright, what do you plan on doing with the extras?" He asked, crossing his arms and seeming oddly serious.
Not being overly involved with the mission earlier Camilo decided to make himself useful by watching over the civilians. He'd just finished handing out some coarse but rugged blankets and now stood guard in the hall, wondering what was next. In his boredom the blond summoned thin threads which shaped a weapon then burst in a little flash of light before reforming in a slightly altered form.
Scourge nodded, then turned on his heel and left. As he left, he was laughing quietly to himself. "It's getting interesting..." He said under his breath, his silver eyes glittering with amusement.

Revnoir came a few minutes later and approached Ayame. "Rogue couldn't find any identification on the extra civilians, we shouldn't have them anywhere near the other civilians." He said, and Xillia hurried in after him. She seemed to be following him everywhere, but Revnoir didn't seem to care.
"Yeah. I managed to put them in separate rooms for now but we should put the ones we did rescue into a safer location."

She smiled reassuringly and pats Xillia on the head.

"Don't worry about it sweetie. We've got everything under control."
Revnoir nodded, and Xillia smiled. "Is there anything I can help with?" The girl asked, now more at ease since she had two of the strongest Weavers right next to her.
"Can you check on my rookies? Since we've gotten back I haven't gotten the chance to see where they are and what they're doing. Also, try getting them to do something useful, Adam always needs more help in the infirmary.

Xillia looked excited to help, and to do something so important, or at least it seemed important to her. She ran off, finding all the rookies she could find, not yet knowing who belonged to which Squad. She soon found Camilo, and caught his attention. "Excuse me, I was told to find some new recruits and have them help in the infirmary?" She said to the new Light Weaver, smiling.
Camilo was a little surprised when the pretty assistant approached him and asked for some help in the infirmary. Hiding a momentary blunder by clearing his throat he nodded, “Thanks, I might not know much beyond first aid but I'll make myself useful.” then added with a tinge of worry, “None of the civilians got injured, right?” Before heading toward the infirmary, the sterile hospital smell struck him before he could give a courtesy knock and push into the room. "Excuse me.."
Xillia walked in behind Camilo, about to ask Adam if he needed any help. She then noticed someone injured in one of the beds. She scurried over and scowled. She spoke to him, asking if he was ok, worrying.

Revnoir didn't seem all that worried, but decided to go ask the extra civilians a few questions. He didn't believe that they could change their appearance, so his guard was down.
Before he left to the civilians, Revnoir looked at Aura and frowned. "Who're you? Another late Recruit?" He asked, hostility in his voice.
He sighed. "I wonder just how many more are coming... What Squad are you?" He asked, clenching his fist and unclenching it over and over. He seemed annoyed, and a little stressed as usual.

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