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Fantasy Reaper

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A reaper launches itself toward Comet and Ayame knocks it in the head with her crowbar and rips it apart with her threads and grabs the core. Ayame tosses Comet a bag.

"Here, put them in there."
"I'm worn out..."

Kano steps back and his sword transforms into a polearm/double headed spear. He sighs and just spins his weapon to make a wall to block enemy thread while protecting comrades.

"Anyways I won't be the one who dies first but if I do I will do it saving a comrade!"
Carpenter used a short lull in the fighting to pull out his flamethrower. He ignited it, causing a small flame to burn at the tip. He pulled out a stick of dynamite and lit it with the flame, hurling it into the largest group of Reapers he could without blowing up his own team. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!"
Ayame ducks out of the way of Carpenter's flamethrower and tosses and knife at a reaper's head knocking it back. Another one leaps toward her so she just stabs it in the core without harvesting it.
“Crap!, we were so busy killing these things we forgot about the driver!”, K'bain Shouts to the others, he heads to the driver, who is slowly getting pulled out by a Reapers hand, the driver tries his best to break off..
"Someone go help him. I'll clear us some space." Carpenter stepped towards the Reapers, sweeping his flamethrower back and forth over the crowd, setting them alight like candles. Every so often he'd ignite a stick of dynamite and chuck it into the crowd.
Comet grabs the bag, then uses her thread like a whip to keep them away. She puts it over her shoulder putting the core she had gotten into it. She shocks one of the Reapers, stunning it long enough for her to make it into a spear point at the end that killed the core. Dang it! She thought, then realized a Reaper had gotten dangerously close. She was good at long range, not short.
Kano turns and slips falling backwards seeing a reapers right above him.

"Do a barrel roll..!"

Kano rolls around literally dodging each thread by a millimeter from his hair. His thread shoots up another flare evaporating to a blinding light to the reapers execpt for the one on the driver. He then gets up and runs back to the bus.
The Reaper bearing down on Comet was engulfed in a gout of flame as Carpenter continued to try and clear some space between them and the horde.
K'bain heads towereds the side were the Reaper is pulling the driver's arm, and unloads led to it's chest, the spray of bullets turns the Reaper chest into Swiss cheese, it falls to the ground still kicking, K'bain uses the weigh of his leg to crush it's core, he asks the driver if his alright, the drivers nods at him with thanks, K'bain covers the side to protect the driver, he is still amazed that he was able to kill a Reaper for his first time..
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Comet turned around just in time to see it catch on fire. "Oh god.. Thanks!" She shouts, while attacking them with spear-like shots that recoiled back, sometimes getting the core and other times not.
Ayame kicks a reaper to the ground and turns around and knocks another's head off with her crowbar.

Suddenly a reaper leaps onto her back snarling and clawing at her throat.

She hurriedly tries to shake it off when the other begins to stand up again. She uses her ice to rip the one on her back off and rips it to pieces grabbing the core when the other is now running at her at full speed.

Suddenly she rams into someone behind her and trips losing her balance.

"Rev!" She manages to shriek before it launches itself on top of her.
Revnoir looked to see what was wrong, and growled. His swords turned into what seemed to be claws on his arms that went fairly far up his arm. Within milli-seconds he has his claw through the core of the Reaper attacking Ayame. His eyes seemed to show that he was enjoying the combat and bloodshed.
Reaper begin to surround K'bain, he begins to spray and pray at them, soon his Weapon overheats and jams on him, Damn It, not now!, He utters to his head, he drops his minigun and begins punching Reapers way up in the air, it doesn't kill them though, but it gives him time to grab his secondary, a Diamond Edged Chainsaw, he cuts their arms and legs, leaving them on the floor to let others finish off, “Guys!, I need help over here”, he shouts..
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As Carpenter swept the flamethrower for another pass, the flames began to splutter and die. "Oh... shit..." He dropped the nozzle and pulled out his axe, bringing it acroass the face of a charging Reaper. As it fell to the ground, he brought the blade of the axe down on it's chest where the core was supposed to be. "I'm a bit busy at the moment!" Carpenter pulls out his revolver and fires it into the chest of another Reaper.
“Just finish those on the floor, there a lot less energy consuming!” K'bain tells Ayame while fending himself and the driver from the Reapers, a Reaper Launches to his back and begins clawing him...
Revnoir hurried over to help the others, his threads becoming more and more numerous, and they started to critically wound the remaining Reapers. "Hurry up and get rid of them! If we don't get into that city fast enough, the civilians we're trying to save won't be much of anything to save!"
Carpenter spun around and drove his axe into the back of the Reaper attacking K'bain. Another Reaper leaps at him, and he barely manages to bring up his revolver to put two rounds in it's chest. "Easy for you to say. You don't have to worry about ammunition."
Comet throws her thread at one, pulling him, then retracts it and makes a dagger, cutting his chest open and grabbing the core. She shoves it into her bag.
“Thanks!”, He tells Carpenter, “Here use this!”, K'bain hands his chainsaw to Carpenter and he proceeds to grab his minigun, which is no longer overheated, he pulls out a bullet that was jamming it and continues to spray the Reapers into Swiss cheese..
Revnoir finished a number of them off and extracted their cores, and after a couple minutes, it was all over. The Reapers' bodies were lifeless, and the bus was moving again. "That took longer than planned. We need to be as fast as possible, or Scourge will probably cut a hole in me with his damned Threads... And if I get in trouble i'm forwarding the pain to you guys." Revnoir muttered, not impressed one bit. A few minutes later, they were fairly close to where the civilians were supposed to be.
Carpenter sat down in his seat. "I suppose we'd better do an ammo check. I got... a dozen or so .357 rounds, about 30 shells, and 20 slugs. I'm out of dynamite, and my flamethrower is empty. I'd refill it, but somebody," Carpenter shot Kano a look, "crushed my spare fuel can."
Inside the Bus K'bain begins to reload his magazines with more a bullets and begins to put one on his gun and the rest on his ammo pack.

“Need any ammo?”, K'bain asks Carpenter nicely as he could, “I got plenty to spare”
Ayame drops her ruined crowbar out the window and grabs a new bag from her backpack and puts her bag filled with cores away.

From her backpack she pulls out a kusarigama.

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