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Fantasy Reaper

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Adam hurries to catch up with Aura.

"So, is that what they teach at the academy nowadays? Stay calm and cold?"

Adam shakes his head. "I just think that you should live while you can, loving the people around you as much as you can."
K'bain Has a great sleep, he dreams of peace with his family, them having a family reunion, no Reapers, no Weavers, No other Non-Human creatures, just a reunion, until EVE tries to wake him up, then it's no longer a Happy Dream, more like a Worst Nightmare.

“Mini wake up” EVE nudges him using a robotic arm, trying to wake K'bain Up from his Capsule, “Mini this is important, please wake up”, she nudges him more, “MINI!”, She screams at him while Zapping him with an electric tazer.

K'bain Wakes up from being zapped, “What is it EVE?!, are Reapers here!?!?!?”, he asks EVE while doing a barrel roll, whilst grabbing his Minigun and points it the door way, “No Mini, No Reapers inbound”, EVE tells him calmly, “Then why did you wake me up for?!”, He asks, “It's about the Civilians Mini.”

Few minutes pass as EVE discuss what's happening, K'bain understood what she said, he begins loading himself with more bullets, explosives, and sidearms, he heads out of his barracks, while he was sleeping EVE installed a couple of augmentations and software upgrades on him, to help him fight better, other than fighting like a Barbarick Berzerker with his Minigun..
Aura looks into his empty flask and sighs. "Well, looks like im out. I'll have to refill it soon." he says frouning deeply.

"Excurse me sir.... bu i.... seem to be out of booze..... could i maybe be directed in the direction of more?" Aura said, slurring his words hevily, yet still in a calm maner, making it quite obvious he is drunk.

"hey docter.... what do you think...? where should we go to start our hunt for the party?"Aura said, looking sadly into his empty flask.
Xillia ran around, looking for the man who you'd probably run into on the Deep Web in a snuff movie, and Revnoir hopelessly wandered the building. There is absolutely nobody around, where the hell is everyone..?! He thought, grumbling to himself. Things always got boring after missions, which really sucked.
Aura spots the man who sent him away cause he didnt want to deal with him, not quite remembering his name. "hey! I know you! where the party at?" he said drunkly.
Revnoir looked at Aura, now even more annoyed at the situation. "The party..? God dammit she invited you?" He asked, then grumbled loudly. "Just wait at the front of the building I guess." He said rudely, ambling away.
Aura turns the flask upside down and tries to get at least one final drop, getting nothing and sighing. "im too drunk to care about that mans rude nature...." He turns to the docter "come on." Aura starts toward the front of the building, not bothering to see if the docter is following me.
Xillia finally found Scourge, handed him what she needed to, then they both headed towards the front of the building. Revnoir was there a few minutes after them.
Aura finaly finds the front of the building, and looks around for squad 7s squad leader to tell her that he found the docter.
"Sorry for the delay Ma'am. no one told me where to bring him to." Aura says somehow now compleatly sober and ready for duty.

"What is my next task?" Aura asks in a formal maner.
Revnoir was sipping some coffee, which he probably got from the break room, which even this place had. Yeah. "You're joking right..?" He asked between sips.
[i'm kinda gonna fast forward through it cuz it would be kind of boring tbh]

"Nothing, just don't get drunk and behave yourselves."

Elias's birthday party was fairly good Ayame had to admit to herself despite the cake being set on fire in the oven due to Ayame's awful cooking skills. They ordered takeout instead and Elias fell asleep halfway through. Since the birthday boy was asleep they opened presents without him and he got guns, ammo, hunting knives, some liquor, a book (Ayame's present), and some surgical tools (Adam's present).
"Well that was.... Interesting.... but i do have a bad feeling...." Aura said, looking around nervously, as though expecting an attack.
Revnoir was leaning his head on Xillia's shoulder, obviously tired. Xillia was just giggling a bit from how adorable Revnoir seemed, which made her shoulders move and Revnoir didn't seem to enjoy his head being bumped up and down. ( -_- ")
"well... now that this party has died down.... i should probably se if someone has something for me to do.... i dont like all this waiting.... it makes me uneasy...." Aura mumbles to himself, just loud enough to be heard
"Mmmm, me too." Ayame felt uneasy as well not being up and doing something.

"Go." Adam says pecking her on the cheek. "I'll stay here with Elias. Go mutilate some dummies or something."
Bored. Absolutely, positively, bored. Since there was no one around and he had already taken a quick nap, Venom was rather restless as he looked for something new to do. He had even gone to the liberty of changing out of his dirty clothes and into something better. This time, he changed into something only slightly dirty, so it was better than muddy. Just like before, Venom's glove covered hands were stuffed into the pockets of his obsidian colored jeans as he walked. He was still wearing the "Bite Me" t-shirt, but he swapped the hazelnut hoodie out for a black one. He wanted the darker approach this time around. For once, he wasn't wearing his sandals. Instead, he was wearing a pair of heavy boots. Oddly, in the center of the soles of the boots, there was actually a rather large gear sticking out of it. If one had to say, the gear would be the size of a baseball, but it's hard to tell since only half of the gear stuck out of the bottom of his boots.

Then again, that doesn't really matter. What matters is that he has absolutely nothing to do and there was no one around. That in itself is the perfect recipe for stupidity. Just like always though, his eyes are half closed and only stand out more with the dark circles underneath them. He needed something to do and just walking around all day isn't what it called for. He needed something to keep him entertained, even if said something was beyond idiotic. Then, a brilliant idea came to his head. "I wonder... Would anyone throw a fit if I were to take a cooler and claim it as mine?" Of course, he was talking about those small blue coolers that people put ice in to keep their drinks or other items cold. Whatever he had in mind was surely going to be stupid.
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