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Fantasy Reaper

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"Pshhh nah, can't a friend come over with good intentions its not always work" He smiled. His friend looked overworked and exhausted. " Just came to talk Ayame left in the middle some mission dropped on her plate. And you know how I feel about rooks (rookies recruits whatever you feel you want to be called). They don't last long enough to become friends like we are" he gave his friend a slap on the shoulder " Besides you know you missed my glowing personality."
Aura quietly watches, not wanting to intrude, and trying to not get angry over the 'rook" remark.

"i will last... i will find her..." aura mumbles to himself.
Revnoir looked at his coffee and sighed. "Oh how I missed you..." Revnoir said sarcastically and went to go place the mug on his desk. He looked at Aura. "Try not to forget - I don't drink alcohol." He said and yawned, looking back at Donaldson. He blinked slowly from his exhaustion. "So Ayame's out on a mission?" He asked, not exactly caring for an answer.
"Yeah apparently its going around like the plague" he grabbed a seat in front of Rev " come on man no need to be so stuck up I got you a little something" he reached into his chest pockets and pulled out a small USB " I got some pics of the Reaps while out on mission. The pathway is now clear for small transports to bring supplies in and people out of this hell hole" a serious look came across his face. Play was play but business was serious with Donaldson. " Had the C4 waited any longer I may not have made it back to pass this on. I don't know how much longer we will be able to keep opening these routes, every time I make one its a matter of days before they close it off" he sat back in his chair. "What you think we should do?" he looked at his friend, he highly valued Rev's blunt opinion it made him look at things in new lights.
Revnoir sighed, taking the USB Key. He signaled for Donaldson to hear Aura out while he thought of something and plugged the USB into his computer.
"you go out more than i probably ever will.... if you find a woman who looks almost exactly like me.... could you please bring her back...?"

"She is my twin sister... we got seperated befor the millitary picked me up.... "

"if you cant, i understand. im shure we are all missing people...." Aura says saking a small swigg from his flask.
He scratched his head, and tried to think "I ain't seen her yet, but if I do Gloomy I will." He knew exactly what it meant to be out there looking for someone. "Rev whats been going on with you lately, you seemed more stressed then usual?"
Revnoir stared one of the pictures, where there were civilians in hiding. They were waiting for the path to be cleared so they could be brought to safety. He stared at a particular girl. He opened his pictured files and opened a picture of a family portrait. There was a boy with short black hair and brown eyes beside a younger girl who had long blond hair and deep blue eyes. Standing behind them were seemingly the parents of the family. He poked Donaldson, frowning. "I'm half asleep right now so I need to make sure I'm seeing this right." He pointed at the girl in the picture from the USB who looked exactly like the girl in the picture. "Am I seeing it right? Are they the same?"
Revnoir stared at the screen. "She can't be alive... Donaldson that's my sister. I watched her die, it can't be her. You're positive you're not seeing it wrong?" He asked, now seemingly more awake than before.
"Yeah thats the same person" he tried to think " maybe you got a doppelganger there" he was trying to make sense out of it. "That was taken on the South side of the city bout 3 days ago, I am not sure if she got on transport or not I had to draw reapers away from the area for the trucks to come in." He was a human. Bullets and explosives were the only thing he had going for them and even then it was pretty tough to kill a reaper. "What do you want to do about it then?"
"Mmmmm?" Aura starts to seem intreuged.

"Could it be a reaper...? is it possable they can take the forms of those that they kill..?"Aura asked, "ive heard rumer that they could take a human form...."
Rogue's voice came in. "Sir should I check the database to see if a girl with that appearance has been checked into our systems?" He asked, and Revnoir stayed silent. His hand was shaking, and he looked deeply disturbed. He was trying to make sense of what this was. His sister looked so unique, how could someone look exactly like her? Besides, it couldn't have been a coincidence that it was the south side of the city. Four hours south of this location was Windsor - Revnoir's home town. Rogue ran the scan without authentication and found no matches. "Sir the girl must still be out there. What actions should I take?" Revnoir still didn't answer. She couldn't be alive. She died. She was killed. It's not possible. No. Impossible. There's no chance that that was the case. She couldn't have survived. She was dead. Revnoir's mind flew at a thousand miles per hour but it was full of insane nonsense. He couldn't think straight.
Revnoir didn't look at either of them. "We're going to find her, it's all we can do." He said, still staring at the two pictures.
"Look my squad is somewhat ready to go, if you want I'll move with you and we can do a covert out there. I am sure you got a rook around here that can watch over things, or if worse comes to worse Scourge. We can move out and try and see its been 2 days since I left so there is chance that there are people still there maybe they know something" Donaldson suggested
"Sir. let me take this mission. i shall bring her here to you. i need the experiance anyhow, and i lived for a while using my instincts befor i became a weaver. i could be back befor anyone notices im gone, and it wouldnt compramise the security of this bace."

"it would be the best stratigic plan. Squad 8 is our hevy firepower. to send them out would be unwise." Aura said.
"To risky, I don't even want my guys going out there, We need some one whos been around the block without mommy holding our hand" he looked over at the kid " My guys will stay in the rear take command you and I can go and check it out, besides I have been there and mapped out the area already in my head.
" With all the respect that is due Donaldson, i have been around the block. I survived the reapers on my own after my sister and i got seperated. my sister could be out there."

"but if you are asking me to go with you to find her i will accept." Aura said. " It would be good to have someone who knows the area and has more expieriance."
Donaldson stood up and stuck out his chest " Listen here boy, I don't care if you have the answer to life itself" his eyes narrowed and his voice got cross " I can't babysit and go out there with someone. As leader of Squad 8 you will listen and stay behind damnit" He looked over at Rev "I'll be ready in ten mikes (minutes) meet you at the front"

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