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Fantasy Reaper

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"Indeed, I am. And, no, I was just exploring around. There's nothin' really to do around here, and I don't want to just use my thread without anything important to use it for. If, you know what I mean. And, Carpenter, how'd you know? Just a hunch?" She asked, clearly intrigued.
Revnoir's voice was heard from around the corner. "Most people here are." He said as he came into sight. Xillia looked at him then smiled. "Sir! I have your papers." She said as she hurried over to him and happily handed her pack of papers to the Shadow Weaver. He gave her a smile, which was fairly odd, and took the papers. He said nothing to her. He glared at Carpenter. "Mind explaining why you're so late arriving?"
Kano backed up a ALOT from Revnoir knowing that he is a shadow weaver.

"Don't kill me please."

He says just a little hesitant but not too much scared
"I had a hangover." Carpenter explained, taking another pull from his flask. "I was told there would be weavers in these squads. I was told that if I didn't like it, I had to deal with it." Carpenter pulled a cigar out of his pocket, lit it, and put it in his mouth. He blew a smoke ring into the sky. "The Reapers need to die. I think we can all agree on that. As for Weavers... well, I people like them right now. But once the Reapers are dead... who knows. It's not my decision. I believe in judging people by who they are, not what they are. But at the end of the day, what happens then won't be my decision." He sighed. "Sorry if I've been ranting."
Revnoirs gaze snapped to Kano. He didn't say a word, and looked back at Carpenter. "You... had a hangover? You were late because you had a hangover..?! And how the hell did you get to talking about morales?!" He was obviously angry. Xillia was tugging at his sleeve. "Hey, calm down..!" She said to the Leader of Squad 3.
"Not my fault I'm a weaver..." She whispered to herself, a little angered by Carpenter's talk. She leaned against a wall, and sighed.
"Hangover eh? During the post apocalypse? Seriously?"

He walks past Carpenter and pickpockets the flask still going the same way.

"Now you won't have anymore until you live the war and win it..."

He waves the flask in the air mocking the male human.
"All I'm saying is that I lost a lot of friends to Reapers. And honestly, I'm personally not too informed on what exactly the Weavers are except that they're half Reaper. I won't start any trouble just because of my own ignorance, and I apologize if I offended anyone. And yes, I'm late because of a hangover. I'm not gonna lie about it."

He turned in Kano's direction. "And I've got a whole moonshine still out where I got my tent pitched. I can afford to lose a few ounces of it."

Kano crushes the flask with his one hand frustratedly. Seriously? He has more of it? Why does he have so much? Kano thought to himself. He throws the crumbled flask out and turns with an angered look.
"Yea, I don't even know myself. I applied for the military because I wanted to make a difference, and they shove me into a chair and say its for the best..." The words died in her throat as she looked away, a melancholic look on her face.
Revnoir frowned. "Just because we have Reaper blood doesn't mean we're anything like them..." Revnoir walked up to Carpenter and formed a scythe out of Shadow Threads. He put the blade up to Carpenter's throat. "Now look here, I'm not going to stand for alcoholics. Unless you're going to be useful, then I plan on killing you before you even see another Reaper."
"So let me get this straight. You're nothing like the Reapers. Therefore you will kill me for the production of a very useful disinfectant and fuel source. Specifically, drinking perhaps a bit too much of said disinfectant and or fuel source the night before what promises to be the beginning of a series of very hard days that are sure to bring up very painful memories for me? Tell me, how does that work?"
"So you drink away your worries? Is this how you'll be acting for the next while? If so, it would be better if you didn't show up at all." He growled, and pushed the blade up to the back of the Human's neck.
Kano sighs and walks over to the two. He stabs his sword into the ground making a wall of light between them and part of the wall makes the ground shift moving Revnoir move away.

"Thats enough... I hate him too but he is a recruit..."
"If this is how you treat your allies, maybe it would be better if neither of us showed up? I'm a relatively simple man. I hunt, I fish, I make moonshine. I drink, yes. But I fess up to my mistakes. If I wanted, I could've made up some bullshit excuse about why I was late. But I didn't. I took this thing seriously enough to be honest about something that I knew would get me in trouble. And I took the time to make sure I was fit for duty before showing up. I have my reservations about what I don't understand, but I'm not going to jeopardize the team. I'm a bit of an ass, I'll admit, but I'm not one-hundred percent dick."
Revnoir's glare, if looks could kill, would probably slowly rip Carpenter's limbs off one by one slowly while it listened to his screams, then probably feed him to the Reapers. "If you're late on any other occasion, I'll be sure to leave you to the Reapers." He said coldly, then his scythe disappeared as his threads always do.
Revnoir shot a glare at him before leaving, muttering something under his breath. Xillia looked a little guilty, as if it were her fault because she didn't stop him. She nodded. "Lately, yes, but he really isn't a bad guy..! Please don't think he is, he's just a little stressed out." She said before running off after the Weaver.
"Okay, what am I watching right here?" Ayame cries as she rounds the corner.

She quickly surveys the scene and spots Revnoir and the brunette.

"Hello, Xillia, sweetheart, how are you?" She sniffs. "Do I smell dog? Anyway what is everyone doing standing around here wasting time? If you guys are so bored you can go help out in the kitchens or the infirmary!"
K'bain Continues using his Computer, he is busy playing CS: GO, he wins some and loses some, he took a small break, he checked what time it is, his surprised that the amount of time he was playing, and still he wasn't called for a mission yet, he stretches his back, shuts his computer off, grabs his Minigun, Ammunition, Grenades, Explosives, and other weapons he needs, he then heads out of the barracks and into the Arena, the Arena is empty as a Ghost town...
Xillia's eyes widened. "Another?! There's another?!" She squeaked and ran behind Ayame and Revnoir to hide. "Where is it?!" She screamed, hiding her face in Revnoir's back, who rolled his eyes and sighed.
Carpenter sighed. "I'm going to go clean my weapons. If anyone needs me, I'll be at the Armory. And if the infirmary runs out of disinfectant, I've got plenty of alcohol. The stuff I'm not drinking has to go somewhere, and I can't use all of it to fuel my flamethrower. And let me know when we're heading out. I need to burn something."
K'bain hears someone screaming and begins to head to the corriders, there he saw a dead dog, Revnoir, Xillias, Kano, Carpenter, and Ayame, he sighs with a frown..
"Xilia, honey, are you coming to Elias's birthday party?"

She smiles at the young woman then turns to the other recruits an K'bain as he turns the corner.

"Okay,anybody want to do something useful?"

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