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Alice Baskerville]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3051-umbra-regalia/ said:
@Umbra Regalia[/URL] if it's not a problem then please do so ^^ thanks a bunch!)
(I was thinking of doing this beforehand but didn't want to if nobody would need it >uO It's no problem, i'll get to work on it right away)


[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova]K'bain stood outside of the office of his Revnoir, overhearing there arguments, Wow, I did not realized military was this argumentative, He says to himself, he sees Aki get out and other begin to get out as well, all angry and stressed out, Good thing I'm not a Captain, boy, they look like someone stole their kids or something, he chuckles, he then leaves the office and into his barracks.
In his barracks lies a large Capsule like bed, A weapons locker filled with Explosives and ammunition, he places his Minigun inside, he then proceeds to sit on a Box whilst using his Computer, waiting for his next assignment...

((We have a mission tomorrow?))

(irl tomorrow yes. sorry it took so long to answer)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](I was thinking of doing this beforehand but didn't want to if nobody would need it >uO It's no problem, i'll get to work on it right away)

(irl tomorrow yes. sorry it took so long to answer)

((Nah, It's Cool Ma'am, what time is it there anyways?, so when it starts I'll be online on time))
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova]((Nah, It's Cool Ma'am, what time is it there anyways?, so when it starts I'll be online on time))

(currently it's 10 16 pm. Eastern Time GMT-5 I believe it was, maybe Im remembering the letters wrong or something)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](I was thinking of doing this beforehand but didn't want to if nobody would need it >uO It's no problem, i'll get to work on it right away)

(irl tomorrow yes. sorry it took so long to answer)

(I'm not sure I can be on tomorrow >.< got school going on. If it really had to happen just let Sergio wait in the base camp for certain reasons or something, it's fine xD )
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](currently it's 10 16 pm. Eastern Time GMT-5 I believe it was, maybe Im remembering the letters wrong or something)

((That late!, Now I won't be able to post that early :( ))
[QUOTE="Alice Baskerville](I'm not sure I can be on tomorrow >.< got school going on. If it really had to happen just let Sergio wait in the base camp for certain reasons or something, it's fine xD )

(alright >u< btw this list might take the last bit of sanity out of me and I might turn into a real Revnoir. my mouse keeps clicking on its own so it clicked away from the screen and I clicked backspace and yeah... It went back in my history. Now I have to start this all over L(onoL) )


[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova]((That late!, Now I won't be able to post that early :( ))

(Ah alright, well the next one I will try to make it later in the evening so whoever couldn't make it at that time will get another chance. It'll switch around like that, so I won't leave anyone out. At least I'll try.)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](alright >u< btw this list might take the last bit of sanity out of me and I might turn into a real Revnoir. my mouse keeps clicking on its own so it clicked away from the screen and I clicked backspace and yeah... It went back in my history. Now I have to start this all over L(onoL) )

(Please don't turn like Revnoir ._.; he's scary xD )
[QUOTE="Alice Baskerville](Please don't turn like Revnoir ._.; he's scary xD )

I'ma tryin dammit ~(ouo~) But I cant help it. Revnoir was modeled after my personality when I'm stressed. just... more PASSIVE aggressive not aggressive >uO Fun facts~)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]I'ma tryin dammit ~(ouo~) But I cant help it. Revnoir was modeled after my personality when I'm stressed. just... more PASSIVE aggressive not aggressive >uO Fun facts~)

(That's alright! My online self and my rl self is pretty different. Sergio's personality is pretty much identical to mine when I'm in school and such (but I'm really not that extreme o_o" ) )
(>u< yeaaah I'm a teeensie bit bipolar so... oh but my second personality will be in the form of Scourge's assistant ^^ Darned Umbra. Or Xillia I'm still choosing her name. l: Umbras an old character, but Xillia is newer and has a prettier name >n< DECISIONS. also @Alice Baskerville the list of characters is done. is it enough info? its in overview with the rest of the info)
(-has no life. Is always stressed. Introverted. Passive Aggressive. AAAAAAAAnd loves computers >uO Rev and I are pretty similar-)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](alright >u< btw this list might take the last bit of sanity out of me and I might turn into a real Revnoir. my mouse keeps clicking on its own so it clicked away from the screen and I clicked backspace and yeah... It went back in my history. Now I have to start this all over L(onoL) )

(Ah alright, well the next one I will try to make it later in the evening so whoever couldn't make it at that time will get another chance. It'll switch around like that, so I won't leave anyone out. At least I'll try.)

(Really?, Thank You <3)
(I affectionately called mine Revnoir because the fans go crazy as if he's fuming with anger xD that and it's a cool name and I didn't have any other names I loved so much at the time -is in love with my own character. yes i'll admit it. judge me (*^*) we all know he can be lovable. ok maybe just me... but he can be)

(@Alice Baskerville glad it helped)


[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova](Really?, Thank You <3)

(no thanks needed ^^ I dont want anyone to feel left out. I wanna be that GM who involves everyone if possible. I want you guys to have fun here no matter what timezone)
((Can you tell me the parts of Weave Military Base?, so I could find images for them and post them on Overview, If you allow me of course))
Nionnova said:
((Can you tell me the parts of Weave Military Base?, so I could find images for them and post them on Overview, If you allow me of course))
(please send the pics to me first tho ok? just a heads up it won't look like the halo ships or anything mmk? but yeah sure its pretty much four squares with rooms all along the hallways. theres the shooting range, indoor arena, all of the leaders' offices, Scourge's office, hangar, weapon holding, AAAAAAAND outside is a massive coliseum-ish outside arena. that's all I can think of currently)
(I'll send the pictures)

((I'll send them later, got to go to my aunties first, may take a jour or so, so bye, but I'll send them when I get there, they have WiFi :3))
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova](I'll send the pictures)
((I'll send them later, got to go to my aunties first, may take a jour or so, so bye, but I'll send them when I get there, they have WiFi :3))

(I'll get them tomorrow, I'm gonna try sleeping properly tonight. Cya guys tomorrow ^^)

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