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Fantasy Reaper

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Comet shrugged, and stayed next to the wall. After a moment, she wondered if there was anyone else wandering about that was a new recruit, so she went the barracks as well.
Aki walked into one of the barrack buildings and sat down on his bunk. He pulled a large green bag from under the bunk and opened it. He pulled out a heavy soldiers gear out from it and placed the gear on the bunk.
"Okay, look I'm sorry I forgot invite you but wouldn't it be weird, and might I add creepy, to invite a mysterious masked man to a three year old's birthday party?"

Ayame put her hands on her hips.

"I can't believe that after just being told that I was to take like, ten rookies out on the field without any training I was being hassled about who is invited to my son's birthday party!"

She wanted to pull her hair out.

"I mean, one stormed off, two are busy comparing the sizes of their di-...guns, they all have the WORST attitudes and have no respect for authority, half got lost on the way here and the other half hasn't even shown up yet!"

By the end of her rant she was bordering on hysterical.

She let out a huge breath.

"I'm sorry sir, I know this isn't your fault but, I know for a fact that almost all of them will go all commando and not listen to orders. The second we are out there they will just try to kill as many reapers as they can and in the process kill us all. They're too arrogant, sir."

[talking to Scourge]
Scourge stared at Ayame for a long, awkward moment, before he burst into laughter. "If you're worried about the recruits not being ready... Then they die." He said, sounding almost as insane as Revnoir. "And if they die, Revnoir will... Well you already can guess what happens if he were to see something as gruesome as that." He then signaled a circulating finger near his head - Revnoir would lose it. "So if you want to keep your kidneys, then I suggest you establish this with them." Scourge said, tapping his finger on his desk. "Oh... And by the way. I'm not as creepy as some, and even if I am creepy, I have feelings! Geesh, always bullying me!" He said, pouting and crossing his arms childishly.
Aki got the gear on and filled it with his equipment. He then walked out of the barracks and headed towards Scourges office, asuming that Ayame and Revnoir were there.
Ayame sighed. "Fine. You can come but there is no cake if I don't get home in time because of the mission."

But what Ayame was worried about was her getting home at all. She and Revnoir were a great team and could protect each other's backs while in battle but with a whole batch of rookies fresh out of the academy she didn't know who would survive.

'These bastards better follow orders, or their out.'
Revnoir arrived in his own office, where a man around the same age as him was pacing around. He noticed Revnoir and quickly stopped, obviously scared. At his feet were pieces of a broken computer on a sheet so the pieces wouldn't be lost. "I swear, it wasn't me. It was the new guy, he was moving it..!" The red-haired man said, panicked. Revnoir glared at him, walking slowly towards him.
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Scourge's pure-white threads pulled open the door, letting Aki in. "Did you need something?" He asked, resting his head on his hands as he watched Aki with two platinum eyes.
Scourge looked at him as if he were stupid. "7s right here. 3 is in his office. Come to think of it, you should go check that he doesn't kill the new guy we hired. Could you do that? Unless you have other business?" He asked.
"New guy?" Aki sure wasn't the smartest person but he was more than capable of fighting.
The idea of going to the range didn't particularly excite Camilo so he brightened up when it was canceled in favor of an actual mission. However, it seemed the only thing him and his squad leader currently agreed upon was how little they trusted each other... not exactly stellar conditions.

Since he didn't have much equipment to prepare the blond spent a fair mount of time wandering the compound so he wouldn't get lost again. Eventually he decided to try and talk things over with the fearsome squad leader, just to clear his own conscious. Coming upon a peculiar scene he gave the door frame a quick knock; praying it would not draw all the pent up tension in the room upon himself.
Scourge sighed. "We hired a new guy to help Revnoir with maintenance on the AIs and computers. He broke one of the computers in his office. He'll probably lose it so would you mind heading over there?"

(@Fenris is your character in Revnoir's office or Scourge's office? or none of the above? l:)
(sorry for being unclear, I meant Revnoir's office. Though I don't mean to jump the gun on Aki, they can both get there around the same time?)
Dayna walks up to Renvoir's office, as she recognizes him as her Squad Leader. Even as a short little girl with a small build up, she held a large battle-axe over her shoulder. Squad Leader Revoir was angrily stomping over to another man, in which Dayna assumed was an intruder based off his terrified tone. She didn't say a word, despite what went on. Without struggle, she lowered the axe to her side, and waited for the scene to be over. She glanced at Camilo, who was considerably taller than her.
(? can both who arrive at the same time???? whats going on? >u< I'm sry its not ur fault, I haven't slept well for the past month, I'm not all here right now)
Sergeant Medved walked into the compound and looked around. He was looking for anything that resembles a rally point, and he saw an office and decided to head into. As he entered he saw a woman who looked like an officer and decided to approach her, "Sergeant Krasny Medved, I'm looking for the commanders of Squads Seven and Three."
Revnoir grabbed the man by the throat and slowly put more and more pressure on it. The man started to struggle, but it didn't help. "I thought I told you not to touch them until I got back. Did you not hear me properly?" He asked, slightly lessening the pressure so he could speak. "I'm s-sorry sir..!" The man said, scared out of his mind from the looks of it.

Scourge looked up. "Oh, so many visitors... Squad 3 leader is in his office, he's probably about to put on a show. I'm busy with Leader 7 here." He said, fidgeting with his fingers.
Day listened intently. She heard a voice of panic and Squad Leader's furious tone. Without hesitation, she went inside. Day still didn't say anything.
K'bain Was still in the Firing Range Shooting his Minigun obviously, while he was firing he heard commotion outside, but he ignored it and continued shooting, until 'Click!' sound occurred, he led out a sigh and then begins removing the drum magazine, he places the drum magazine on the magazine reloaded, few seconds pass he places his magazine back to his Weapon, and heads back to the Arena, as he was heading there he saw Aki jogging, and follows him to an office..

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