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Fantasy Reaper

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"My name is Seira. And my 'false pity' is nothing to get your panties in a twist about. I was being sincere, I just can't make it seem that way." She said, jumping down from the tall wall and landing effortlessly on the ground below. She looked at Aura, her strangely colored eyes sharply watching the Shadow Weaver.

"Regrettably, I was told I need to get rid of you. Maybe you'll meet your sister in the afterlife. If you believe in that." She said as emotionlessly as ever.
"I can't disclose that information with you. It won't matter much to you anyway." She said as she unsheathed her dual blades. They were pitch black, as if made by Shadow Threads, but also resembled Reaper Thread enough to lower suspicions.

"Please stay still. People who struggle against death will only suffer more."
Aura sighs. "Hasnt thee been enough death today? If you continue on your current course of action, i will have no choice but to free your head from your shoulders. Please dont make me do that."
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She didn't say a word, and gripped her swords tighter.

Without any notice, she lunged at him and slashed at his throat. She wasn't the fastest, though.
Aura was behind her in soconds, his face emotionless as he grabbed the back of her neck and slamed her into the wall hard enough to make the wall shake.
She seemed unphased by the pain and spun around to slam the sole of her boot in Aura's knee with surprising force. It causes severe pain and damages the knee. She quickly places distance between them.
Aura coats his entire body in his threads,making spikes and barbs all over it what would cut through practicaly anythging that touched it. he then made a sythe and waited for her next move.
She seemed more serious, now. She took a couple steps closer, leaving patches of shadows where she had stepped, and watched the man for moment. Then it was as if she disappeared. She was behind Aura, but she didn't have the appearance of herself. Before Aura could turn and land a hit, she had formed her body into the body of Sayla to play with his emotions. She aimed her swords to kill.
(BTW both Grim and Seira can change their appearance, but only Seira has any interest in doing so. It also takes a lot of energy)
Aura turns and without hesitation grabs the woman's throat. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT HER MEMORY!" His face twisted in rage. He started to coil his threads around his hand and slide them into her throat.
When Aura had turned around, Seiras Threads formed something that resembled a human. The form had a weapon, which it used to try to impale Aura with.
"Now i will ask you one more time befor i deside to stop pulling my punches... Who Sent You?" Aura asked again, his face twisting into a snarl.
"What do you not understand from 'cannot disclose that information'?" She asked, the form made of her Threads now disappearing. It was as if she couldn't feel pain, because she watched him with a blank expression.
Aura makes his threads go in a full circle of spikes around her neck. They whent deep enough that if he pulled, her head would come off. "Then tell me what you can befor i grow tired of your shit."
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She was somehow breathing just fine and barely bleeding. Her body was different from Grim's in many ways.

"What I CAN say? That you are a primary target for us. We were told that if you and Revnoir were not killed, then we ourselves will be killed. We were also ordered to kill as many Weavers as possible." She said, not really caring about giving too much information. She was just there because she had nothing better to do than at least attempt to kill Aura. She knew she wouldn't be able to, as she was the weakest of the 7, but she wanted to try. She wanted to show the others that she wasn't too weak.

After all, she was promised the ability to feel emotions if she killed one of the targets.
zen walked outside stretching. he had finally managed to fuse his guns with reaper cores for the up coming battle.it didnt really do anything except for allowing him to create bullets of pure ice from his threads. he looked around seeing aura holding some girl by the throat "either aura went into a blind rage or somthing is going down" zen walked over to aura keeping a 10ft distance just in case "what's going on aura?"
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"Well it would be best if you didn't, if we're being honest here. Even someone like me doesn't want to die by the hands of their enemy." She said, her cold emotionless gaze still on the silver haired male.
Aura turned his attention back to the girl. "I can ensure your protection if you wish to live. But you must give a little intel. and not kill any of us. Sound good?"
zen looked around aura to the girl noticing he had a pretty tight grip on her neck seeing this reminded zen of the torture he suffered before everything happened it caused zen to drift slightly back into insanity"man i remember the death grip like it was yesterday" a look of absolute ecstasy spread across zens face before he recovered his composer "p-please ignore what you just heard....any way who is this supposed assassin?"

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