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Fantasy Reaper

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Seira held up seven fingers.

"If you mean people like Grim and I, seven." She then lowered her hands.

"Scourge told us that we're based off of the seven deadly sins, which confuses be a little... None of us know which we are, so we don't know if it's even true. His son says that Grim is Pride, though, and that's all we know about each other. We've barely met everyone."
"Seven deadly sins eh? I think you might be... Envy?"

Kano said a bit brightly. He knew many ancient things such as myths and legends which helped him figure that out easily.
(how'd you knoooowwww? xD )

Seira shrugged. "Probably, I guess I fit the spot the best. And as for targets, we have three. You, Revnoir... And... I uuuuh..." She looked a little worried. "I forget who the third one was......."
(The details of her talking about how Grim is better than her? Great job with those btw)

"Aww... I'm not a target? That sucks..."

Kano pouted sadly. But it is his fault for being a bit childish at times.
zen sighed"i might have gotten a few new test subjects had i been a target..." zen had been secretly testing weapons on low level reapers it had become sort of a hobby now kept him occupied when he couldn't sleep
"Yes she is. Anyway until we are 100% sure you can be trusted, Kano, could you keep an eye on her? Make sure she doesn't try to kill anyone."
Seira thought for a moment, looking at Kano.

"Maybe it WAS you... I'm not entirely sure..." She sighed.

"Is Revnoir here?" She was acting a little suspicious out of the blue. Now she wanted to see one of the targets, which probably raised a few red flags. As they spoke. Revnoir had ditched the scene with Belle and everyone else because it was getting ridiculous.
(The small details that she is envy)

"Sure of course I can..."

Kano sighed a bit while responding. He placed his hand ontop of her head smirking.

"I'm a light weaver after all..."
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(ah well kk xD well I gtg now, off to draw the stupid parliament I go~ tch, stupid Civics class....

o shit O.o my media arts project is due tomorrow l:

"Sorry about this but It is needed..."

Kano grabbed her wrists and tied them together behind her back with his light threads, not cutting the thread. He led her to his office and sat her down on one of the chairs there.

"Saryn? Can you lock down my office doors and keep an eye out for anyone who wants to enter my office? Thanks..."

The door to his office got locked down with steel plating which dropped down from above the door. The camera outside of his office turned on and a screen showed up on his wall, projecting the camera angle. Kano sat down in his "throne" and played around on the computer.

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