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Fantasy Reaper

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Sayla decided to head back. No way she was going back down there. Besides, negotiations had broke down the moment belle arrived. She finally got back to see reapers closing in. "Shit....." She said as she tried to sneek past them.
"We don't have enough time.... Unless you can make it in the next few minutes. " aura said.
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"I have enough time to make one though..."

She rushed inside to her squad's weaponry. She grabbed all explosives and started to make circuits and shelling and such. She would take about a half hour which should be enough.

"Let me hold them off of the gates... If thats fine..."

Kano was shaking with excitement and anticipation. He wanted to fight the many enemies there were. It was way better than the simulation which he was most excited about.
"Kano... If you see a leviathan or pheonix class, do not engage. anything below you must obliterate." Aura said, worried about kano, even though kano probably hated him at this point.
"And zen, dont engage Nobles or above. So basicly, I take down the leviathan and pheinixes...

Kano takes out nobles, and Zen kills the rest of them."
"if you say so"zen picked up his scythe swinging it over his shoulder his guns were in his pockets and his sword was strapped to his left side"man...i feel like some kinda assassin now..."

Kano smirked cockily, however it slightly seemed psychotic. He jumped over the walls and under him was a noble. It looked up with the death filled eyes, however, it will meet death itself. Kano pulled out his broadsword and held it like an ice pick dagger. He spun in midair and went straight down at the reaper. The noble's thread almost blocked the sword but gravity added force, which cut the noble in half. He stood up and glared at the horde of reapers with a "come at me" look.

zen vaulted over the wall landing in the middle of a crowd of low level reapers he sighed and put the tip of his scythe to the ground "out of my way" zens threads covered the ground around him freezing the reapers solid. he spun his scythe slicing them all in half and splitting their cores.
Sayla was in sight of the gate now. She saw kano kill a reaper and was releved. She was home free she thought. As she whent to call out to kano, it mearly came out as a wet gurgle as blood trickled from her mouth. She had been impailed though the heart by a noble, mearly feet away from kano and Zen. Her eyes wide with horror as the life slowly drained from them.
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Kano started cutting down the elites, grunts, and sometimes nobles. Luckily he didn't encounter a Leviathan or Phoenix yet. Until now. Kano was ignorant of the fact that one of the reapers in the crowd looked more deadly than the others. He kept cutting the reapers down slowy going towards the Leviathan. Kano cut down a Noble standing in between Kano and the Leviathan. The noble covered the Reaper and when it was cut in half and feel of danger surrounded Kano. The Noble fell to the ground revealing the Leviathan. Kano saw Sayla and saw the Noble behind her. He tried to get over to her but the Leviathan grabbed Kano's neck and threw Kano back over the wall and onto the floor. Kano landed near Aura and coughed a bit.

"Fuck... What the bloody hell was that thing?"

Kano got up and took out his gunblade. He stretched slowly which regenerated him quickly from the throw.
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"Judging by the fact that you just got thrown over the wall and caughed a little drop of blood, id say its what i have to fight. Lure it over the wall, i will take care of it." Aura said, having no idea that his sister was slowly dieing on the other side of the wall.
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zen looked around seeing sayla.."crap.." he would engage and go to help her if the one attacking wasn't a noble "...well...nothing was ever gained by the coward who complained" zen strapped his scythe on his back and pulled out his guns shooting at the noble while approaching sayla
the noble became enraged when the bullets hit it. It sliced a claw acrost Sayla's throat , opening her juggular vein, then threw her limp body to the ground as it charged at Zen, claws ready to impale him.
"I might not be able to do that?"

Kano got up onto the wall and loaded his gunblade and dropped down. He needed to be stronger. He loaded a custom ice shell, his first one he tried. He shoulder charged the Leviathan from behind, staggering it. He shot the gunblade right on it's back surrounding the Reaper's chest in ice, limiting his limb's movement. He sheathed the gunblade and took out his broadword and used it like and icepick katana. He started a barrage of slashes and stabs at the Reaper, draining it's health slightly slow. He couldn't save Sayla with this Leviathan in his way. Soon enough he was able to cut the Reaper down and dead. He saw Sayla drop dead and at the sight he was aggravated. The sight of a comrade's death was affecting him now but he kept going. Kano pieced the Noble's chest before it got to Zen.
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"well fuck!"zen shot a bullet covered in his threads at the reapers legs freezing them to the ground. he put his guns back in his pockets before quickly unleashing a torrent of flying ice blades from his hatana and sprinting for the gate
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Aura had enough time now. His threads surrounded the hoard in a deadly trap. only nobles, leviathans, and pheonexes would survive. that would get rid of all but about 80 of the reapers here. "Everyone back over the wall!" Aura shouted
"way ahead of you!" zen vaulted over the gate sheathing his katana "holy absolute fuck that was intense...." zen looked at aura...he wasn't sure how to tell him that his sister was just killed by a noble and it was partly his fault
Kano grabbed Sayla's limp body and jumped over the wall. He lied her on the floor and closed her eyes. Kano sighed and rubbed his almost crying eyes. It was inevitable... It's the way of life... Everyone dies one way or the other... Kano thought to himself as he sat down and rested.
Aura sprung the trap, enclosing the hoard in his own razer sharp threads, closing them all in together and slicing through all the reapers, killing all but the nobles and above. that gave the remaining reapers pause. the would wait till more reapers came to help them. it was then that aura saw her. "S...sa..yla.....?"
Aura fell to his knees by her dead body, sobbing silently, making no sound as the tears streamed down his face. Now he had no family left in the world. The reapers had taken them from his grasp.... Scourge..... took them from his grasp.... "Did... did she suffer?"

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