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Fantasy Reaper

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(sry i fell asleep)

zen gripped the scythe"well i guess it is fitting for me to use the weapon i made" zen's treads flowed into the weapon turning the core a light blue "well lets get on with this test" zen swung the scythe from the left side of aura first he wanted to test how it held up against a counter attack
Aura swung around with a sythe made from his own Leviathan threads and connected with the sythe belonging to Zen.
(Nah. Lemme do it. I'm umbra's helper on this page so I would rather take the phaxk for it if she gets upset. It hasn't been postponed. I think umbra is just bussy.) Slate looks over at Aura. "Sir, multiple hostiles inbound. Recommend sounding alarm."

"Shit...." Aura said as he presses the button. He comes over the buildings intercom system and says "This is not a drill. I want snipers on the rooftops. All able bodied weavers to the front door!"
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