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Fantasy Reaper OOC

Howdy ya'll! I have been stalking your posts like crazy over the last few days. (OuO) I have read through the Out of Character (OOC) section, the Notes section, the various character sheets, and of course the Overview section! My interest is much more than sparked, this is a really successful example of great world-building. In fact, to answer some of my questions and further delve into this world, I even read the story that is linked in the Notes section. I am very eager to jump into the RP, but before I go making my super-hardcore-ohmygodmyeyestooedgy character, I was wondering if you all could do me a favor and answer some questions? ( :) )

First Questions: Threads! (crown)

I plan on making a weaver, however, I am sorely lacking in the knowledge that pertains to the actual art of weaving. I understand these individuals have been surgically altered to have "threads" and because of that, they have access to a "magic-but-not-magic" power. I was wondering if you could give me a detailed explanation on how "threads" work exactly. I mean to say, they are essentially everywhere in the body, correct?

Do the "threads" exit through pores, or do they simply phase through the skin when summoned forth? What body parts are capable of summoning forth "threads?" More so, when an elemental power is used and the "thread" appears, do the "threads" change color in accordance to the power? Do the rest of the "threads" in the body also glow when the power is used?

I noticed that some characters have so far been able to manifest powers unattached from their threads. Is this common? Are "threads" only able to interact directly, like a whip, for their power to be used, or can the "threads", say, fire bolts of energy? (Example: Someone with Electric Threads uses their power, does this power manifest and act as a long cattle-prod like thing that jolts and shocks targets, or can it manifest and actually shoot out a bolt of lightning-like energy to damage and shock ranged enemies? Is it capable of doing both? )

What is the reach on the average "thread", first being the actual thread itself, how far can it be away from the body? In addition, if the "threads" are indeed capable of launching bolts of energy or other such ranged effects, what is the generally accepted range at which these powers can reach? In fact, while we are here, how durable, exactly, are "threads" in fact? Since "threads" run through the weaver's body, when a thread is cut or damaged, does it cause severe pain, or are the "threads" essentially intangible/and/or indestructible?

What are some of the more abstract "threads" out there? Fire, Electricity, Water, Ice, Mind, Earth, Shadow, Light, what others one are out there? Do different "threads" affect the body differently? In what ways do they, if they do? I don't plan on doing any character with mind, shadow, or light "threads," because I want to try and go for a more abstract one. So, what out of the ordinary "threads" that wouldn't be god-modding would ya'll suggest?

Would the following types of "threads" seem plausible to you?:

-Blood (redPotion)

-Metal (Liquid Metal) (helmet)

-Plantlife of some sort (Is that Earth?) (bluePotion)

Second Questions! (chest)

Are you still taking in recruits, or would you prefer only veterans and/or squad leaders by this point in the storyline? I can comfortably play either a veteran or a recruit in all honesty, though I think to balance it out, I'd like to be part of one of the teams that have few-only one people (person) Based on the interactions between the recruits and the officers, I think I would like to play a veteran weaver from another location, transferred over to these teams for some reason. Recruits have so far either been antagonistic, or antagonized, or are being coddled, though I don't think it was intentional! (Or was it?) Might I be a veteran weaver, from another location then? Or would you prefer me to be a recruit? I can honestly work with either if he plot/the boss calls for it. (^.^)

Is there a turn order, or is it "post as the event happens and becomes important to you" ? Also, what kind of times are everything being posted? I am posting this myself pretty early in the morning. I can RP late into the nights, but mid-day I can't really do because of college.

As above, if I am allowed to make a veteran, than what is the expected kill-count of the Reapers? In the early battles in the RP itself you folks seemed to have cut through them, while not easily, enough so to dent them, or at least, take down a dozen or so. In addition, during the Journal entry in the Overview, it is said that, so long as there was one or two veteran weavers, the Reapers stood no chance. Was that only back then, and the Reapers are subsequently far more powerful, or does the same rule apply?

When a weaver does die, does their "thread" also die, or can it be salvaged? More so, does it essentially delete itself from the body when the body stops breathing forever? (Example: If a fire weaver dies, does their body suddenly combust in flames? When a shadow weaver dies, does their body slowly fade into darkness? etcetera. ) (O:))

I think that's currently it for my questions for now!

Thank you, whomever reads this, and thank you VERY much to anyone who answers this probably way too elaborate questionnaire. You are saintly and deserve a cookie. I am sure I'll have more questions down the line, and I am really sorry about taking up so much space on the OOC board, but I wanted to ask this stuff before I went ahead and made some super-edgelord character. ('
:| )

I am not new to RP, however I am new to RP-Nation, which is why this is not a private message to the RP leader. Plus, even if I was allowed to PM, I wouldn't know how to. Yes, I am that new. Well, that's about it for now, so thank you for listening, and I hopefully look forward to RP with all of you. (*U*)(<3)(music)
First answer to you...

I think of threads like Medusa on Soul eater her arrow like powers... Something like that and threads definitely do not come out of pores... I hope...

A good thread type that is abstract is probably almost amything as long as you explain how your threads will work as in, how will your threads work and what they will do. Such as the new mind weaver, someone made that one up in the character sign up and explained how it will be like.

Also about the veteran character quaestion...

Right now she isn't taking any more squad leaders until we have more people and i think, i hope, I'm next to lead. Also the fact that we cut through reapers easily before was when the reapers didn't have elites or like squad leader types where they are more powerful than regular one. I control the elite ones heuheuheu... So now every mission i control one causing a lot of panic and chaos however now that the weavers and humans know of these they can now expect even more and train more to take the elites down.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]Also about the veteran character quaestion...
Right now she isn't taking any more squad leaders until we have more people and i think, i hope, I'm next to lead. Also the fact that we cut through reapers easily before was when the reapers didn't have elites or like squad leader types where they are more powerful than regular one. I control the elite ones heuheuheu... So now every mission i control one causing a lot of panic and chaos however now that the weavers and humans know of these they can now expect even more and train more to take the elites down.

kazu y xD y u no happy with recruit? But fine I'll up your character to SL later in the story (*^*)

also... you don't control all of them l: you also got a few answers wrong. Lemme answer these, but ty for answering while I was away anyway
@Field of Crows Mmkay lemme 'splain all of this.


Threads run though a Weaver's body, found in large density in the blood. When a Weaver summons Threads, it is summoned subconsciously from the hands (as you noticed in the story on WattPad the characters have Reaper Claws, that's how they play in if you were wondering. To protect the hands from being ripped apart from the Threads or something like that. Honestly, this is a re-make of an old book of mine. I don't remember all of the details) but yeah the Threads can only be summoned if there are other Threads just like it inside of the body. They are summoned around the body and surely do not come out of pores (that's kinds weird l:) hope that answers part of the question.

For ranged attacks it depends on the Thread. As you mentioned, Electricity is one that can have mild ranged attacks, such as small bolts of lightning although it cannot go further than 5 feet (shorter when you're a new recruit, seeing as you don't have full control of your Threads at that time) which brings me into the range a Thread can go. Depending on how experienced the Weaver is, Threads can go pretty far. Scourge himself (the first Weaver from what the SLs know) can reach up to 100f but say Revnoir can only reach around 75f in certain conditions (he can normally get to about 60f) and that condition will be shown either in the rp or the story whichever comes first. A new recruit can reach aprox. 25-40f (still pretty far) (oh and f is feet if you didn't know l:)

Threads take on it's elemental characteristics. Take Fire for example, if a Fire Thread touches someone other than it's Weaver, it will burn them (how badly depends on the Weaver's skill and experience). Not all Threads glow, it's really only Light (seeing as its properties make it glow) and maybe fire, depends on how you're visualizing this.

Blood Weaving is a little iffy, I'm not sure I'll accept it unless you find a way for it to work. It's sort of a confusing subject right now. Metal would be ok, and so would liquid, but it would have to be red-hot metal to be liquid, so it would have the properties of molten steel. Plant-life is a no. Nothing alive, and no making anything alive. The reason for the ban on life (>u< yeah, the ban on life. Don't judge, I'm still half asleep) is going to be shown MUCH later in the story after the main enemy is shown.

Threads are very strong, to the point where only other Threads can destroy them and other specialized weapons for if Weavers go "berserk -hint hint. circumstance-". If a Weaver's Threads are severed, they are caused massive amounts of pain, and can sometimes be paralyzed or killed depending on how many threads were broken. Threads also are not infinite so there is a capacity to how many you have (influenced by your experience) and in the end you can create whatever kind of character you want as long as it fits into the story. If you want to be a veteran you can join a Squad (3, 7, or 8. 13 and 2 are new Squads and generally only take recruits unless veterans are transferred to their Squad)

About the whole OP thing where everyone could kill Reapers? That was a mistake. It's much harder to kill Reapers in the current time than it was in the journal entries. We don't know if Reapers are intelligent enough to have Leaders but there are events hinting that they are. Recruits will die if out in the fields alone, no questions asked. SLs will too given the circumstances (it almost happened in the rp) and that's why it's against the rules to go out in small groups. Scourge can't afford to lose too many Weavers.

A Weaver's Threads cannot be salvaged after death, and no the Threads do not rid of the body. The Threads are still present but they become whatever element they were tied to. Fire will actually only burn the surroundings as the Weaver was still in control of it but they're dead. You can't control Threads when you're dead. It's hard to explain. Also, there is no turn order, just jump in whenever you want.

I hope that answers all your questions, feel free to ask any other questions! I may not be online all day tho, family issues...

@Dark lane I'm sorry I have no idea l: just walk into the situation, I'm a little lost here too
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova]A couple of minutes pass as Mini had to bare EVE and her nonsense gossip about Revnoir based on what Rogue told her or something. He then suddenly stops at a front of building as he hears what seems to be static from a radio.
“That's Odd, EVE do you hear static or is it just me?” He asks as he turns the engine off to hear the static better

“Kinda, I don't know, maybe, maybe not” She replied

Mini steps out of the vehicle and begins walking towards the building, but before he could, EVE stops him from getting any closer to the sound.

“STOP!, ARE YOU NUTS?!” She yells in form of a whisper, “Don't go inside, they're might be Reapers in the premises Mini!”

“Don't worry EVE, you worry too much!” Mini chuckles at her, he then proceeds to enter the building ignoring EVE's whispered shouting at him not to go.

Inside the building, what may seems to be a car factory, Is covered in black mold, with strange black liquid coming out of holes from the walls. Strange orange and yellow glowing egg like shells form from the ceiling. He begins to slowly creeps towards the static, until he stumbles upon a Creature sleeping. The creature is A Reaper!, but not normal one, this one's different, it's much more larger than the others and more terrifying. Mini spots from the distance is a dead pilot, Who's chute is stuck to a metal bar on the ceiling, The pilot's body is torn in half. Whoever he was, he was piloting a Cargo Plane, on which is now a bed for the Giant Reaper, The plane was full of dead scientists. He proceeds to sneak his way to the plane, in there he begins checking the scientists IDs, what he finds is that they're Weave Scientists, he looks for anything more interesting, in luck he stumbles upon a large locked crate, locked by a code.

“EVE can you see what I see from my point of view?”, He whispers to EVE through his TacNet.

“Yes, interesting, In actuality I'm recording it” She tells him.

Mini Brushes dust off of the crates which appears a label that says "Project Grim Reaper", Mini bents his head side wards in curiosity. Mini begins to call Weave HQ for assistance and back-up, and all of a sudden he feels heavy breathing coming from his back. In fear he shakes and trembles as he forgot to bring his guns when he left, which are still in the garage, He turns around slowly as he sees the sheer existence of fear too all, A Giant Reaper!. And suddenly all He could feel was pain as a spike began to burst out of his chest even with his power armor, His vision blurs as he stumbles to the ground in pain, blood pours from his chest as a large hole was punctured to it. All that he could see were Nothing but Reapers clawing their way to his body and all he could hear was his own heart beat and the voice of EVE. All he could do was signal a flare in hopes of help...

((I don't want to be a know it all or a smart arse right now( :o ), I'm just suggesting Ideas at the moment, if you don't like (*^*), I'll remove this post, ~Cheers(o'v'o). And possibly Goodnight))

Let me explain something xD The "Grim Reaper Project" is actually something from the storyline. Except for... I'll let you in on the fact that the Grim Reaper isn't a Reaper. It's a Weaver. I'll make their character soon but just so you know that that large Reaper won't be the Grim Reaper (good idea tho how'd you know about the GR?)
Yui would be just ecstatic to have a new recruit (not really lol, but it would be interesting.) I've updated her history, just in case anyone wants to have some backstory as to why she's so stuffy.

Umbra, I think all that good stuff you wrote should be put under notes, or somewhere where it can be easily found. It clarifies a lot of things ^^

But now I'm curious— threads are limited? How do you know if you've reached your limit? Is it regenerative over time, or does it correspond with the user's physical health, etc etc?

Also, could you tell me more about how Mind Weavers work? It's much easier to understand how Threads work with the more organic elements, but I'm not too sure how it would work for the mind. And how do melee weapons have any significance to this?
Thank you Kazu Kun and Umbra Regalia , you two have been very helpful! I feel kind of bad for the two newer squads however, might my character be transferred to them right off the bat as they join the storyline? To sort of balance a couple of the squads, that is. If you really don't want me joining one of the newer squads, or the new squad leaders don't want me to join them, that's all okay! (OuO)

One more question! Are weavers capable of any form of control outside of their body in regards to an element? (I.E. Could a fire weaver affect candles as they walk by, or are capable of spreading a fire that was created by something else?) I think if Blood weaving was to work, it would entirely depend on this answer Unless, of course, that Blood Weaving is more of a personal thing, feeding on its weaver in order to supplement it's "threads."( :o )

I'm alright if you decide Blood Weaving shouldn't exist at all, however! (B')

Also, I was asking about pores because it sounded like "threads" were veins before, so I chose the only exit from the hands that was natural. (>u>)

And I know I said this before, but one more question! Can you explain the reaper claws to me? (' :| )

Thank you again!

@Umbra Regalia
Mehitsuji said:
Yui would be just ecstatic to have a new recruit (not really lol, but it would be interesting.) I've updated her history, just in case anyone wants to have some backstory as to why she's so stuffy.
Umbra, I think all that good stuff you wrote should be put under notes, or somewhere where it can be easily found. It clarifies a lot of things ^^

But now I'm curious— threads are limited? How do you know if you've reached your limit? Is it regenerative over time, or does it correspond with the user's physical health, etc etc?

Also, could you tell me more about how Mind Weavers work? It's much easier to understand how Threads work with the more organic elements, but I'm not too sure how it would work for the mind. And how do melee weapons have any significance to this?
to know if you're near your limit of threads, you'll mainly feel it. You'll start feeling light-headed as if you lost too much blood.

Also I'll add it in another format in the notes. I'm working more on the book rn tho but once Chapter 2 is up I'll finish that.

Mind Weaving is one of the more confusing Threads, so I dont blame you!

It's less for attacking and more for strategic things like influencing others' moves. for example a Mind Weaver at Yui's level of expertise would be capable of influencing how a Reaper moves, almost completely controlling a lesser Reaper. You would not be able to control one of the elite Reapers tho, but you can give them second thoughts of attacking. Did that make sense? -sucks so bad at explaining- l:

Also melee weapons... Are what you're supposed to be using l: They're made of Threads for the most part. Or did you mean the Weapons for controlling the Weavers? Cos those are a completely different thing. Those are actually shrouded in secrets and almost nobody in the rp will know till later (like what they're made of and all that fun stuff) but yeah they don't seem to be made of a known type of Thread.
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]to know if you're near your limit of threads, you'll mainly feel it... but yeah they don't seem to be made of a known type of Thread.

It makes perfect sense! I was thinking that's how it was used, but I just wanted to make sure. Same with the rest of the schtuff

Looking forward to the next chapter ;0

Anywho, should I make the next post and have it so everyone is alerted to where Mini is? I feel like it's a good way for people to somehow jump into the fray (though I don't know how to tackle the whole Grim Reaper Project issue)
Mehitsuji said:
It makes perfect sense! I was thinking that's how it was used, but I just wanted to make sure. Same with the rest of the schtuff
Looking forward to the next chapter ;0

Anywho, should I make the next post and have it so everyone is alerted to where Mini is? I feel like it's a good way for people to somehow jump into the fray (though I don't know how to tackle the whole Grim Reaper Project issue)
yeah get everyone out to help mini, but my characters are unable to join into that so I'll be controlling Grim


@Umbra Regalia [/URL]
No they cannot influence their surroundings like you're thinking, their only abilities are Threads but if they want they can use the Threads to say light a candle or put out a light (or even light it).

Also... Reaper Claws do not take a part in the story as it would be a little too confusing and I didn't want to limit your characters to monstrous people >u<
Quick final round of the questionnaire!

-My previous question on how threads work, would you buy into how I (jokingly at the time) said a blood weave would work?

(That being the blood threads feed on the weaver, however giving much more output per amount fed on)

-Are threads capable of affecting the body, example being, does having fire "threads" raise your body temperature? Vice versa with ice. Does having water "threads" make it so you remain hydrated for longer periods of times? Would a metal weaver naturally have more passive endurance than another weaver type?

Thanks for clearing up the claw issue!

[QUOTE="Field of Crows]Quick final round of the questionnaire!
-My previous question on how threads work, would you buy into how I (jokingly at the time) said a blood weave would work?

(That being the blood threads feed on the weaver, however giving much more output per amount fed on)

-Are threads capable of affecting the body, example being, does having fire "threads" raise your body temperature? Vice versa with ice. Does having water "threads" make it so you remain hydrated for longer periods of times? Would a metal weaver naturally have more passive endurance than another weaver type?

Thanks for clearing up the claw issue!


Threads are capable of affecting the body yes but not as well as you'd expect, as they are only SIMILAR to their Elements. A few things are Shadow and Ice Weavers have colder body temperatures. Fire and Light have higher temperatures. Water stay hydrated yes, Earth are easily dehydrated, Metal would mean they have harder skin (like callouses all over their body) and say Mind Weavers would be less prone to insanity. Make sense?

And I'm leaning towards the no on Blood Weaving (although its not absolutely a no, cos it is cool and I'd love to see it work out).
[QUOTE="Dark lane]Jade
Me and andrew were practicing our fighting skills with our fire in the training grounds. We heard through a loud speaker that all fighters report to the North-East as quickly as possiable. I just screamed like a school girl clapping my hands as I did a happy dance. "Finally we can start fighting. I was getting kinda bored" i said yawning grabbing my knifes putting it in my boots as andrew did the same. "This is going to be so much fun" said andrew. "Yeah it is blood and guts everywhere" i said laughing spinning around. "Don't forget brains" we said at the same time laughing. "Come on we better hurry" said andrew grabbing my hand as we ran off. This is going to be fun i thought smiling evilly.

I'm getting the feeling that you're going to have them be able to kill the Reapers in barely any hits? Yeah if you do just heads up I won't be happy. Shit will hit the fan.
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]I'm getting the feeling that you're going to have them be able to kill the Reapers in barely any hits? Yeah if you do just heads up I won't be happy. Shit will hit the fan.

I'm not going let them be able to do that. There talking about human blood. Like seeing how the reapers kill and hurt other humans. Maybe should i had made my reply more clearee sorry.
[QUOTE="Dark lane]I'm not going let them be able to do that. There talking about human blood. Like seeing how the reapers kill and hurt other humans. Maybe should i had made my reply more clearee sorry.

no no its ok >u< I just misunderstood, its fine. My Weavie senses were tingling so yeah c:
I might spend my entire career on this site asking you questions, I'm sorry!

So, for an overview of blood weaving, do you think this would work?

Blood weaving is based on a take and give system. It is allowing one's "threads" to actively consume the blood of the weaver, in return, the blood threads are capable of acting both defensively and offensively. Blood threads can form armor, weapons, claws, and even be fired off, similar to a contact missile. Blood Weaving is fast, often newer recruits that have blood "threads" end up dying, as they allow the "threads" to consume too much of their own blood. In fact, starting off, blood weaving is incredibly dangerous to the user, and actually offers almost no reward for the sacrifices made. An exaggerated example would be, if the new blood weaver allowed their "threads" to consume half of their entire blood supply. The weaver is then capable of forming a defensive armor that covers their arms, head, and part of their back. Then the "threads" continue to take blood as the weaver attempts to retain the armor past the designated time. The weaver dies due to blood loss.

As hinted, blood weaving would be essentially useless at first, and for those who have just obtained blood "threads" it would most likely kill them. However, this naturally weeds out the weak or the cocky. Those veterans who survive having blood "threads" can eventually find themselves able to pay with less, and less blood, and in return, their "threads" are capable of doing far more impressive feats. To put it simply, veteran blood weavers would get more power for less cost. In addition, even with new weavers, the regeneration process is sped up exponentially, and are even capable of blood cells multiplying due to the "threads." The "threads" essentially make an investment this way, they recover, heal, and resupply the host, and then take that blood when used by the weaver.

Besides the obvious drawback, what would you say happens passively to the blood weaver's body? (Like how fire and light weavers have high body temperatures, ect.)

If you don't think this would work, let me know! If you have a suggestion, I'd like to know as well! Anything helps! If it's overall a bad idea, don't worry about it, just let me know, and I will probably go with the far less complex Metal Weaving for my character. Once again, sorry for the million and one questions! (' :| )

Also, I'd love to be a part of your squad, @Mehitsuji (Squad 13)
@Mehitsuji [/URL] (Squad 13)
I'm sorry it won't work in that way. Not sure if I made this obvious yet but Threads are not made of their element. They have their properties. Think of them as doppelgangers of their element, but in thread forms. Fueling the Threads with blood would not work because of this. I also want to mention this before anyone asks... seeing as threads can influence their surroundings, blood threads can influence a person's blood right? Yes but not effectively and not in the way that's tactically useful. Reaper blood is different from Human, as Weaver blood is a mix of both. You'd only be able to influence Human blood, as Weavers do not have enough Reaper blood to be able to note it down. Hope that makes sense... But Blood Weaving is a no for now. Sorry.

Also don't worry about all the questions ^^ They keep me sane in a way. (@V@) I'm definitely sane. Definitely.

I think I've been writing as Revnoir for too long...
That's alright, and glad you are being kept sane by these questions!

So how would Metal threads work, do you think?
[QUOTE="Field of Crows]That's alright, and glad you are being kept sane by these questions!
So how would Metal threads work, do you think?

If you're asking if Metal Weaving is ok, then yeah it's fine.
No no no, I remember you said before Metal Weaving was okay!

I meant, as in, what are the powers a metal weaver would have?

I was thinking along the lines of forming armor/weapons that resemble metal.

Would they be able to do anything else? Do they not do what I was thinking?

I'll make my character soon I promise! Just gotta work out all the kinks before the hypothetical armor is busted before it even begins, you know?
Any Weaver can make armor, but Metal would technically be stronger than average Threads? I'm not entirely sure, but the basic idea for Metal Weaving would be stronger Threads and for affecting the Weaver they'd have stronger skin. Make sense?
Yeah, it does! I will go ahead and get started on the character sheet now! I've procrastinated enough, I'm thinking.

Basic Preview, does this check out/work for you?

-Metal Weaver


-Transferred from someplace else

-Preferably to squad 13 since it lacks members, might balance it out. Slightly.

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