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Fantasy Reaper OOC

Reapers are extremely strong. Weavers even have difficulty killing them, this is why not even Revnoir can't kill them all with the abilities he has. PLEEEASE I'm trying to keep the story similar without some more complicated things that are in the book like Reaper Claws or how your eye color changes when you become a Weaver (it is here but I didn't make you guys choose a previous eye color) and all that fun stuff.

I'm not mad at you guys dont think I am! I just want you guys to get the feel of the story and have the story go along as it should. Just no showing off ok? Thanks
thanks for understanding guys! also I'm gonna get to sleep soon ^^ just this next event then i'm gone



whaddya mean its got everything? xD btw it's on wattpad the link is in the notes tab. working on chap 2
lol ik i red part of it. i am happy to be a part of helping to make this storry. and i mean everything i love in a book.
>uO ok well heads up the story is gonna get more interesting as it goes, it'll start a little boring and run of the mill.

ther'll be fight scenes and drama and all that fun crap

K GNIGHT EVERYONE >u< I'll be on tomorrow around 8 or so? or 9? or 6pm? who knows?
Ugh, sorry I haven't been online for a while(*^*), caught up in school work(':3), so can you guys please tell what's been happening over the past two days?(' :) )
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova]Ugh, sorry I haven't been online for a while(*^*), caught up in school work(':3), so can you guys please tell what's been happening over the past two days?(' :) )

all you missed was Revnoir getting his ass kicked (OuO) for the sake of sadism.

no but seriously, all you missed was everyone going out (mainly cos there was a look-alike of Rev's sister Enma) and they didn't know it was the reaper that killed her and there was an ambush and shit hit the fan. That's it.

You missed all the fun l:
xD yeah that was the majority of what just happened

@hotarumaru you do know you can jump in whenever ready, right? ^^ I mean... your character is all set up, all there is that's missing is you
ah, yeah! but i'm just not sure where to start or how to squeeze into whatever's going on without interrupting anything, haha
just jump in as one of the recruits who are there when the whole group gets back to Weave >u<

ALSO everyone who is fairly active in the rp, this is important (*^*) In my book I was hoping to add the best characters into the book (if I can. I may not be able to make them extremely important as I'm not used to using others' characters) but if you give me permission I will add them into little events in the book ^^
alright, i see. thanks!

also, feel free to use akashi! it's just that the character himself does not belong to me, so it would be wise to change his name if you ever plan to write him into the story.
I'm actually not sure which characters but once I choose the ones who would fit into the story best, I'll ask for permission to the owners of those characters ^^
heads up guys I'm off to work, so I wont be on till later tonight (of tonight at all)

Also school is starting for me Tuesday so heads up I'll be busier around that time (tho my first semester is super easy >uO from what I'm seeing)

anyhow gommen Ima take my leave for now~!
that terrible moment when you realize what you've done... Both of my characters are more or less out of commission xD Revnoir's currently unconscious (which will last for quite a while) and Xillia's too busy losing her mind to give a shit. (>u>)
Hey all! Thanks for having me—

Late to the party but I'll try to find some way to squeeze in c;

Edit: Speaking of which, where exactly is everyone right now?
>uO Welcome! Make sure to have fun, and be yourself~!Unless of course you're IC. Then you should probably be your character.

ALSO everyone who's following the story in the book too, Chapter 2 will be a bit late. I'm going back to school soon so yeah... Sorry l:

One last thing: I'll be adding a page in the Notes Tab for current info known about the Reapers and Weavers ok? It'll keep track of what your characters should know about the situation.
@Ceres I dunno... just say you just arrived at the base and you walk into the situation. We're all pretty much either in the infirmary thing or out in the hall infront of it. I THINK that's where all of us are, I dunno...
Alright guys sorry but I'm feeling too sick to pull an all-nighter so I'll be on tomorrow if I can! Any new characters will be reviewed ASAP ok? Also @rereadingit50times is supposed to be returning Monday (which is technically today... at least where I am) but if she's on be sure to welcome her back ^^


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