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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Sabrin's Chopper=

"sure then" Vayne said without questions "not human huh" he said silently and goes in the chopper and creates extra metal threads.
*Tries to get relaxed in the chopper* "This is a really nice chopper"

*He says as he looks at the ground"
“Ok, JAX take us to town ASAP!”

The large chopper slowly lifted up in the air, seconds later the thrusters of the chopper push it forward, straight to the town.

“ETA 10 Minutes.” JAX announced on the choppers speakers.
Scarlett didn't get very far until screaming could be heard. Not the loud, sorrowful shriek of an adult. The screams came from a young child. Which was just as bad. She felt the maternal instinct to help and it was its own unique type of torture as she hopelessly looked through the building for the child. Fire threads had destroyed much of the home.
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The chopper begins to slow down as the Three Soldiers - James, Vayne, And Sabrin - Make there way to town at incredible speed. Soon the chopper is beneath the town, Sabrin opens the choppers door, feeling the incredible gust of wind blowing him. It was good to be back in sky. But the feeling of getting back to his old route reminded him horrors he faced in the battlefield.
“Reapers, Leviathans, Oh, and uh, Phoenixes, and probably a horde of grunts tearing through innocent civilizations..... Need I say more James?” Sabrin answered with a Sarcastic Smile.
*Takes a deep breath relaxes and smiles* "No no I only expect the best when you take me out to the nice places so lets get this show on the road guys"
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As Vayne make his way to the town he grabs his cube and wraps himself with his metal threads for armor "guys if your in trouble use this" he said and gives the extra metal threads to Sabrin and James.
Scarlett pushed through the door easily. She discovered the reason for this to be the fire spreading throughout the room. The beams had fallen into a pile. Carly wanted to scream. She couldnt help the child. {Where are you?!} Part of the building collapsed just behind her. She had to hurry. Her eyes fell on a wisp of black hair. She quickly moved towards it and found something that haunted her. The child was crying, its body shaking despite the extreme heat. The volume and desperation of the cries made Carly fear that its vocal cords may break. She started sobbing and picked up the child. It was clearly having trouble breathing and before turning around, Scarlett saw something shiny. A ring. Under the rubble was a woman, her face still frozen in horror. She couldn't save her baby and had died believing it to be on its way to death. Carly reached down, her hands trembling, and took the ring from her cold hand. The baby needed a part of its mother. As Carly hurried out of the house, a creaking gave her a second of warning and she used her water threads to block the incoming beams. There was little humidity in the air so her threads dissolved quickly but it gave her enough time to get out of the way. Scarlett covered the child's head and ran outside. It was so cold.
After watching the show and talking about it on tmblr. She decided to go into town. She didn't do all the damage just some of it and the citizens did the rest. Its amazing how people act in a time of panic but she enjoyed it. And that's why the town was going up in flames. She stared at the chaos she caused then smirked. She hoped some weavers would come and try to stop her it was always interesting when that happened.
"Name is Vayne Pleasure to meet you" Vayne introduces himself "anyway there other great uses for that thread anyway Good luck" he said as he jumps off and activates his spiked tower shield ready to slam it to the ground in case if there are enemies.
The child was wailing but Scarlett couldn't hear it. She stumbled forward, tears streaming down her face. She knew how it felt to lose both parents. But at least she knew them. Carly cried for the baby and herself. The anguish she felt was deeper than she would have expected. She knew there would be casualties but not until this moment did she know how tragic death was and how tragic life could be. Standing in the cold air, Carly realized that her tears had dried and the baby was quiet.
*Lands on a side street and begins to look around checking to see if the area is clear* "Okay checking in assuming you guys landed nicely as-well"
Sabrin impacts on ground causing a massive shockwave pushing nearby Grunts back. He then proceeds to pull out his chainsaw and begins finishing them off while they're still on the ground, and remembering their weakness, their cores..
“*Static*...... Can you guys hear me?.... Its Sabrin.... If you guys can remember, aim for their cores, which is their like their heart or something........ Sabrin Out!... *Static*...”

@Anem, @Alternated
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A Reaper jumped from the building shortly before it collapsed in on itself. Its fire threads disassembled and Carly hugged the child.

"Piece of sh*t," Scarlett spat, watching the Reaper escape unharmed.
As Vayne was about to fall to the ground Shield first and falls to a Grunt the spikes finished him off and he noticed another two coming at his back and used his axe to fight them and hears Sabrin about their core "Got it" he said and knocks them back and uses his shield to block their attacks his axe got longer and stabs one dead and multiple strikes to the other one "whew that's tiring" he said but he didn't let his guard down.

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