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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Scarlett cried. She cried until she didn't have anymore tears. She cried until her chest ached and her heart told her to stop. Until it hurt to breath, to move, to live. Her parents had died and the world was in ruins. All the horror she had experienced was relived all at once. Carly stared at the scribbles on page 19.

"I want to die

I want to die

I want to die

I want to die

I want to die

Someone kill me


Scarlett skimmed through the journal. She found the page from yesterday. She was finally happy. She made a friend. Scarlett looked at the unfamiliar face on the page. The girl studied his scar and said his name aloud, "Aura?"

Carly didn't want to leave her room.
Scarlett didn't know what was out there. It was like she was forced to live someone else's life.

((Thank you ^-^))
Sabrin's Watch begins to beep out of control, As he tries to muffle it with his hoodie.

“Sir, there seems to be a Problem in town, Some of the Russian Federal Task Force have informed that the town is in siege!” JAX informs Sabrin from his headset.

“Well Sir, I have to go now, some matter of importance is happening in town.... AN ATTACK!” Sabrin then rushed to the rooftops.

In the rooftops, he hacks the Base's network Once more for an announcement while beginning to wear his Armor and reassemble his weapons...
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Pride stood up and grabbed the remote."Oh I think it's very funny but I do have my pride as a gentlemwn so."pride clicked a button on the remote and reminded it all the way to the beginning of the show."It's a good thing we have DVR,"pride said laughing.
“Attention to all units available for battle deployment, The nearby town where civilizations are, is under attack!, please report to the rooftops for deployment, and be Ready for battle, you may never know what's out there!”
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((Thank God. I thought you guys might think I was being too sappy x3 ))

Scarlett pulled her knees up to her chest and reread the parts that hurt the most and gradually worked her way down to the easier parts. She had stolen this person's life. Scarlett was a new person now. Starting to accept it, she closed her eyes and waited for her heart to stop hurting. Maybe it never would.

Carly took the mechanical pencil from her bed and wrote:

"Who will I be today?"

Who did she want to be?
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Scarlett opened her door and hurried down the hall. The rooftop? She amused herself by avoiding the cracks between the tile. She suddenly glanced up. {Wait... Where am I going?} Carly saw a flight of stairs and assumed this lead to the rooftop. The journal didn't include a map. But she didn't want to think about the journal.

{Even if I don't know these people. I have to help them. I will.} She made a silent vow. The stairs lead to another hall and Scarlett went slower, less certain of her location.
Vayne heard an alarm "hmm what's going on now?" he said and eats his snack quickly and walks at the stairs to the rooftop as he drinks his wine "I better buy another one of these" he said happily.
( I feel like we never have any serious matters when it comes to the sins lol and not alot goes on with them so yeah) pride sat down and drifted off to sleep dreaming of things such as cars and himself and mister miyagi."Vroom vroom ,"went the cars getting closer and closer to pride. But this time he was prepared for some reason he was dressed as mister Miyagi he made a strange stance as the cars came at him."WAX ON WAX OFF, "he roared and as he did a bright light came from him and then the cars where gone." Hehe mister Miyagi knowns ancient Chinese secret for taking down evil cars hehe."
Sabrin waits in the roof for anyone who might want to help, cause he knows that going in alone can be dangerous by experience. He puts on his helmet, and with its enhanced sight zoom he looks over to the town, where large dark smoke rises from it, which makes him more agitated to go alone.
Scarlett found the spot clearly labeled "ROOF" and pushed the door open. She was hit by a strong gust of wind and squinted in discomfort. She saw the other Weavers and was a bit confused. She walked towards the edge of the roof and saw the town. Smoke? Scarlett got an idea and immediately bolted from the roof, shoving the door open and thundering down the stairs. She knew exactly what to do.
Vayne enters the rooftop feeling the air but also worried, Vayne just finished drinking his wine and accidentally drops the bottle making a loud shattering sound "well at least I finished gulping all of it" he said and scratches his head.
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“JAX, where is my chopper!” Sabrin asked while walking in circles waiting for others to show up.

“It'll soon be here Sir, just give more time.” JAX answered.

“Time?!, The Civilians don have time!” Sabrin began to get more agitated and more frustrated.
Carly turned sharply and went down the second flight of stairs. Her long blue hair flowed after her as if trying to catch up. The burst of energy she felt made her worries disappear. When she slowed down the girl realized that tears had begun to run down her face. Scarlett wasn't exactly sad but the feeling was unfamiliar to her.

(I'll warn you guys three posts ahead of the plot twist. Expect much poetic-ness.)
Vayne yawns "well i thought I have a free time" he said and kicks a shattered glass "Orders?" he questioned Sabrin as he pulls out his Axe.
*Came running up the stairs equipped with a rifle and a medical kit* "I heard the announcement how can I help"
Carly paused to catch her breath. She wiped the tears away, annoyed. Not wanting to get too close to the town, Scarlett kept her distance. She tried to stay hidden. Her feet hurt and she let out a noise of surprise realizing that she didnt have shoes.

Watching the town closely, she shifted her position, thinking.
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“I'm not a squad Leader, but here's the order..... When we get to the Town... Kill anything that's not Human!” Sabrin commanded.

Sabrin's Personal Attack Chopper finally arrives. “Alright everyone In!” He yelled, trying to out roar the choppers noisy engine roar.
Carly sprinted towards the town. Her feet kept a steady rhythm.

"Right left right left right left right left right..." Scarlett repeated in her head. It didnt matter that her reckless behavior would probably get her killed. Hope kept her running.

"Right left right..."

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