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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Vroom vroom,"goes the car." Vroom vroom,"it repeats. The noise is eerie and Sabrin doesn't know where its coming from only that...its coming for him. In a flash head lights are points towards him and they charge at him as if they were hunting him.(lol helping with the nightmare xD )
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'She stood in the middle of a silver bridge, she wore her beautiful white dress, her golden hair waves as wind blows it, her pale white skin shines from the sun rays. I approached her, when I was beside her, she looked at me with a smile that made me melt, her face was blank, other than the black outline of her smile. I held her hand not minding her blank face, her hand was warm and pleasant, I complimented her as I would in every other day we would meet, she said words that made anyone happy, she had the kindest and gentlest aura.'
'I looked at the Blue sky, birds flew above us, but their were many of them, and all were heading to one direction, away from the city. I looked at them for several seconds, only to notice, most of them were crows. Suddenly, Sounds of gunshots emerges, I look at the city, as smoke rises from it, civilians began to run out of the city, but soldiers and military vehicles rushes into the city, feeding the ever growing chaos that is occurring in the city.'

(I don't know if this is gonna go well...*Nervously shakes*)
'I heard an inhuman scream behind us, I wanted to look, but she told me not to. Her grip in my hand began to get tighter, her warm and pleasant touch begins to fade away, Now, the only thing I could feel from her touch is cold and lifeless. I looked at her, she's still smiling, I could see her eyes now!.... But she's crying.'
'I looked at her dress, no longer white, but instead, red, crimson red. I heard the Inhuman scream again, tempted, I look behind us, What I saw was beyond imagination, a dark, demented, humanoid, creature, with sharp deadly claws, and one of its claws in submerged to her back. I Try to punch the blasted thing, but my fist just went past its body, It smiled cruelly at my pathetic punch, it pulls its claws out of her body, then lunges its claws towards me, hitting me, making me launch to the ground. My vision starts to fade as pain and agony takes control of my mind, The last thing I could see was that thing multiplying, and then tearing her to pieces.....'
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Revnoir slowly blinked his eyes open, staring up at the colorless ceiling as he weakly pulled himself into consciousness. He groaned in pain as his body started to ache, and he vaguely remembered that he hasn't taken his meds in a few days now.

He realized that he was alone in the room and sighed quietly. It was cold, and everything hurt.

With the time he had, his mind wandered enough for him to notice that this was probably one of the only times he had slept without having been woken up from nightmares since the Reapers showed up.

He was left to his own thoughts, as he slowly started showing the signs of the lack of medication.
Yulier watched him for a short moment. "What're you writing?" She asked, smiling. She was still trying to cope with the fact that Aura and her had established that they shared the same strong feelings about each other, but she dealt with it silently.
"Ah, alright. Did you need help with anything? I've got nothing to do and I think Revnoir's still unconscious." She said, fidgeting with her hands. It wasn't that she didn't want to be around Aura, she did, it's just that she was getting uneasy. She wanted to be working with them instead of watching them work.
She scuttled over, smiling a bit. What if he kisses me..? Is that going to become a regular thing with us..?! What if I accidentally slap him? Would he think I hate him?
"What am I looking at..?" Ok so he won't kiss me. Thank the Reapers. Wait... That makes me sound like I don't like him. Dammit Yulier!
She read shockingly fast and shook her head. "No, you're remembering everything. Well, everything that I can remember." She said, giggling a bit nervously.
Günther sat inside the medbay, reading the patients list. He sighed and walked into the the tiny office inside, looking at the pile of books there. Maybe I could go gather more books.... Wonder if Arya would like to follow me?

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