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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Sabrin Walks around the base feeling bored, whilst looking out from Arya, In hopes of bumping into someone to talk too.

(I presume Kazu is playing video games)
*The weight of a fresh promotion on his mind a big smile on his face and a quick fist pump as he walks down the hall*

"Woo today is good day"
Sabrin as he walks around sees someone Fist pumping in the air, bored, he approaches the person.

“Excuse me, do you know the time?” He asks with a smile.
*Gives a slight jump then starts patting himself down for his watch*

"Hmm its 5 Pm" *He says as he holds his watch for the person to also see*
*Was about to open his mouth and say something but then pauses then looks confused as he looks at his new acquaintance*

*He then speaks up*

"Wait why were you hiding in a closet"
"Well Sabrin on to the question you asked I got me a promotion today that why today is a good day. That and I finally had some bacon after a long while so hey that's a plus"
“Congrats on your promotion James!” Sabrin claps then gives James a Pat on the back. “Well sadly I have to go somewhere at this time, I'll see you again.” With that Sabrin salutes James before heading off somewhere in the base.

(Got to go, sorry, it's just that, My teeth are in so much pain, I just want to take a nap to get my mind out of it, see ya later... *Goes to bed groaning in pain*)
(im just checking i have to go to school so i was refreshing myself with everything i missed last light ill be on later today because of anime club)
Sabrin Pauses as he walks around the base, he reaches his fingertip to his chin whilst looking above in question. In order to answer his question, he asks JAX.

“JAX, can I ask you something?” He asks while continuing his walking, or strolling, maybe even both, I guess.

“Yes Sir, what would that question be?” JAX Responded, who's always eager to answer questions, and who's also eager and not afraid to rub his intelligence of many things to other people's faces, Apparently.

“So, Ok, we're in Canada right?” He stops walking for a bit, “So I presume the Bacon that James had would be Ham, right?” He then continues walking.

JAX laughs from Sabrin's question, which he finds funny and childish for his intellectual format, “Well not really Sir, By Bacon, Sir James just meant Regular Bacon, Not Ham.”

“I'm confused JAX, So if Americans call strips of meat as Bacon, And Canadians call their Ham as Canadian Bacon, Which do you think James had?” Sabrin Asks once more, this time, more confused than ever.

“Just -Regular-Normal-American-Classic-Bacon, Sir.” JAX Answers, almost irritated by Sabrin.
(Canadian bacon is in the same form as American xD Just we have the option of maple-flavored bacon. We call ham... Well... Ham)
“So you mean, he just had bacon, regular Bacon?” Sabrin Asks, seemingly trying to annoy JAX.

“Ugh!, Sir, allow me enlighten your empty head. Canadian Bacon, is just an expression to call Back Bacon, which is Ham, but, Sir James didn't had Ham, He just had Bacon. And, Sir, just because we're in Canada, doesn't mean all the Bacon here is considered as Ham, it's just an expression”. JAX answers, this time, annoyed and really irritated.

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