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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

*Viable relaxing and slumping his shoulders down a bit more*

"Ah thank you sir"

*Grabs his knife and returns it into his holder*

"Have you suffered any injuries that need to be looked over" * He says while doing a quick visual look over of Aura*
All of a sudden prides on a pirate ship in a red pirate outfit with a hook on one hand and a mustache."Huh what the hell,"he says as he looks around at his pirate crew. A short man with white hair and glasses comes up and it appears to be Aura."Oh captain captain hook its Peter pan he's coming for the prisoners." I make a angry face." Damn that Peter pan he will never beat me get to you stations men," I say this and the men do the prisoners are wendy played by lust and the others played by well whoever I don't give a role to. All of a sudden I hear a Boys laughter and Cain appears as Peter Pan. "Huh that doesn't make sense oh well on guard Peter pan," I say raising my sword. We battle on moving along the ship sometimes I have the advantage sometimes I don't. Eventually I corner him."Haha your mine now Peter pan," I say as the music turn dramatic. I then stab him and he falls into the ocean. Everyone then cheers and I cut Wendy loose and we kiss. Then I hear a eerie and familiar noise and lights shine on me."Oh no not again hide me smee hide me," I yell leaping into Auras arms. All of a sudden I'm running on a road dressed as captain hook the cars back on me."No not again anything but that please,"I scream before the cars run me down.
She was jolted awake as Prude let out a quiet cry. She looked at him. "Don't worry...I'm not going to let those awful cars hurt you.." She said softly, thinking that's what his dream was about. She kissed Prides cheek and held him close, trying to comfort him.
Pride awoke to lust embrace. He snuggled up to her."Ahhh this is nice,"he mummbled to himself.
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She blushed a tiny bit but held on to him, his warmth appealing to her. She sighed and purred a bit. She only did that when she was super happy, and right now, she was
"Freshly Enlisted Sir"

*Says with a smile while scratching the back of his head*

(I sometimes wonder if I think to small for RPs but eh)
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Pride snickered mischeviously and used his threads to form a fake version of Cain and slowly slipped out of the bed. Giggling.
She opened her eyes to see Cain instead of Pride. "The fuck?!" She exclaimed, instantly backing up and covering herself with the blankets, Holding them to her chest. "Where'd pride go?" She said softly, knowing Cain would never sleep with her do why was he here?
"Well thank you sir haven't really done much beside assist not really anything worth a promotion but thank you"

*Is confused, happy, and unsure what he did for this promotion as hes rubbing his head "
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