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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

as zen was about to slash the cannon balls in half he was jerked and thrown into another truck"who?" he tuned seeing aura "you look...rough.." he said studying aura 'what did thos asswholes do to you?" said zen furiously
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"Tell ya when we are safe." Aura said, pulling up into the bace. He stepped out of the truck. "Get Rev inside.... Put us on lockdown.!"
*Begins the to help the injured man into the base*

"Okay here we go man"

(Does this mean the base is on double lock down)
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(Then he hit her boy friend or future boy friend with a car so yeah and it would of been funnier if he reacted as he got hit)
(Its okay now at least we know prides can be beaten by trucks)
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Pride was getting ready to fight the weaver when all of a sudden he heard what sounded like another vehicle.Pride looked over just in time to see the vehicle coming at him like a rampaging elephant. "Oh you have to be," he was cut off as the vehicle ran him down. He slowly got up and looked around. "What the hell don't people know how to drive anymore" he said drowsily confused from being run over twice. He decided to go home he stumbled back towards the sins base. The turned around when he realized he was going the wrong way.
"Nu! They are ahead! I must win to the base!"

Kano turned around and while doing so his motorcycle made a wheelie and Kano tried his best to control it. He couldn't see where he was going so he kept going full speed forward. Suddenly the front wheel of the motorcycle plummented straightdown and there was a giant thud. Kano looked behind him and he saw the new pride, where the front wheel landed. He ran over pride. Kano bursted into laughter and he lost control of the cycle. The motorcycle tilted sideways and crash.

"Aw fuck!"

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