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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Okay" *takes a deep breath and relaxes*

"Support me we might be able to help him if we act fast enough"

*Begins to preform CPR*

(Going to assume he didn't have a pulse)
"I got my own ride!"

Kano grabbed his seemingly perfectly fine motorcycle from on top of the dead reaper's body, he drove back off ahead of the others. It had a auto pilot mode it seemed and Kano switched it on. He turned his body around to look behind the bike to make sure the others followed.

It took a worrying amount of time before Revnoir jumped back to life, coughing up water like no tomorrow.
"Hey hey relax your not out of the clear yet but can't check for those untill we get back to the base"

*Saying this while patting him on the back*
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(And we'll just assume that Leah was so horrifically stubborn and convinced them to let her at least ride in the back. Despite krutches. Yup. Stubborn. >.>)

As time seed to stop while everything continued to happen all in the same few milliseconds, Revnoir jumped back to life while Aura yelled at them all to go. The visible wounds laden on the two shadow weavers seemed as if they were endless. Moments later, Kano rocketed off on a flashy motorcycle. Kano? Dang, the whole base arrived, did they not? Leah was propping herself up on her krutches, hiding the ache of each bone as they trembled over ridges and tiny hills.
"well it seems this fellow would happen to be a sin.." zen sighed allowing his own threads to flow out into his surroundings causing the temperature to drop significantly near freezing. so much so the ground began to frost over. zen put a hand. oh the hilt of his katana."tell me...would you know where a friend of mine would be..it seems you kidnapped him not to long ago"
"Where's..." Revnoir coughed up some more water, his chest feeling as if there were a building on it. "Where's Cain..?" He asked weakly, his eyes barely open.
"Well by my count about 30 miles in the opposite direction don't worry your safe now so please try to relax"
"Maybe why should I tell you," pride said angrily."The names pride I'm the one who captured Aura but you I don't need to capture,"pride said smiling his threads turned into a small arm cannon.
(just the thought makes me burst into laughter)

"is that so..well i guess only one of us is making it out of here then" said zen slowly drawing his katana frost billowing from the sheath in overwhelming amounts
Revnoir groaned in pain and closed his eyes. He tried not to focus on the pain, but it was hard when it made it hard for him to breath.
Pride sent a barrage of white glowing cannon balls at zen."How do ya like dem balls you damn weaver,"he yelled as he let loose on zen.

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