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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

*Holding his gun in both hands and trying to relax on the hand metal ground of the vehicles trunk with a look of discomfort but enjoyment on his face*

"Well I guess I can marked this down as a first in my life being in trunk waiting to pop out to waiting to strike. Guess I can mark this down on my list of stupid things I've done"

(Well im a very agreeable person it just seems to happen)
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"Hey Aura!"

Kano heard Aura's shout and followed it. He spotted a reaper aimed for it. Kano said ramming into one of the commanded reapers. He jumped off on impact and grabbed the handle of the cycle them slamming te cycle into the other reaper.
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Lust sighed and bit her lip, staring off into space. "I'll let him decide.." She thought to herself. Cortana chose to let Deus come out with it when he was ready and not to force him
The Reapers stumbled backwards, but didn't attack Kano. They squeaked harmlessly, but Cain was yelling something and shot at Kano but it was unheard because of how far he was from them.

Terra sighed. "No, just sit and wait for him to get back." She said loudly.

(FKING DAMMIT KANO STAHP ATTACKING THE REAPERS :C They weren't gonna attack! Read the situation!)
"Well I guess its go time"

*Popping out of the trunk gun at the ready taking aim*

"Huh what there not fighting"
"Sorry can't do that" pride yelled back as he leapt outside and ran to anywhere that you might go to drown someone.Pride made it to the lake and looked around for Cain."Hey Cain its me pride I came to help where are you "he called from a tree.
(just jump out)

Yulier ran over to Revnoir, and started shaking him. She saw that Aura was alive, but Revnoir would be another story if they didn't do anything. She was yelling for him to wake up, but he didn't move an inch.
"Hey if I remember right your name is Kirita now I don't know why they arent attacking but think you can go get that guy on the ground I will cover you"

*Keeps his assault rifle trained over the situation also hops out of trunk to a better location*
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Zero was infront of Cain in an instant and formed a massive wall of his Threads that could easily block an arrow of any type.
Pride let out a sigh."I suppose I could just hide out for a while before I go back enjoy the outdoors. Yes that's what I'll do and make sure I remain unseen,"he said as he vanished moving around the area looking at things and watching .
(Is the thing zero made was like dome or just a rectangle block thing?)
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zen really wanted to follow them. in fact he wanted to follow them so much that without even thinking about it he was standing out side the gates with his weapons and last few grenades in hand."wait...where did they even go?.." as zen said this he found his answer. tire tracks >he let out a smile as he jumped in one of the other trucks he had almost forgotten but he threw his armour in the back of the truck and sped off at the highest speed following the tire tracks"here goes nothing!"

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