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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

He nodded, taking a seat and finally remembering to put out his cigarette. He looked a bit tired as usual. "So what's this about?" He asked, knowing he'd explain it once everyone was there but he was a bit impatient.
"So they cause a panic and draw the guards attention," he ask annoyed by wrath."Amateur my ass,"he mummbled to himself."Just jelous of my idea is all,"he mummbled again waiting for wrath to continue.
"Well... I have this bad feeling. We need to be ready for Cain to attack. Also... From here on out... Any sin that goes against us shall have their head mounted on a pike outside the gate alongside Issac's head. I will go into more detail later... Once everyone is here." Aura said.
"No. We caused a panic the last time and see where that got Scourge. We do this without them even knowing what happened. We get the Reapers that are inside will attack the civilians, and the Weavers will have to fix the problem. While they're off in the civilian area, we enter without the guards noticing us and assassinate the Squad Leaders. We focus on Aura. With the strongest Weavers gone, the others will lose faith and we'll be within reach of victory.

"Alright." Revnoir said simply, scowling a bit.
"I clap sarcastically oh what a great plan because that's so much different from my idea. Anyways some of use aren't as great as sneaking around guards as others not speaking of myself of course. But what are we going to do about them," he asked curiously." I mean I'm sure there are going to be guards stationed everywhere."
"That's where we improvise. You, since you can't do shit will most likely play the role of decoy if we need you." He said, looking at the map again. "Remember, this plan isn't perfected. There's quite a few holes and variables in it."

"You sure that's a good idea, Aura..?" He mumbled, not loud enough for the man to hear him.
"I'm new that's very understandable I might be inexperienced but I am in no way useless so if you'd do me the favor of not insulting me id very much appreciate it," he said getting really annoyed now.
"Nothing, sorry. Just talking to myself." He said, smiling a bit and motioning in a circling sense towards his head - the motion of being crazy. He essentially made the excuse of being crazy.

"Why, you gonna


? Can't take the heat, flower? (references to mythology)" Zero teased, grinning.
He chuckled. "Ahh no no nothing like that its just that I tend to snap when it comes to my pride," he said his mood turning serious and dark."Being as we're in the middle of preparing for a big battle I'd rather we not have our own little fight here,"he said facing zero.
"The only one who would be inconvenienced by that fight would be you." He said, standing up straight instead of his previous stance of having his hands on the table.

"Sorry, I've got nothing." He said, but his voice faded off as he started to remember what happened with the former First Squad.
Pride let out a loud laugh."Oh pleas id be more inconvenienced by messy hair than by you. Your not as big and bad as you think you,"he replied also standing.
"I'd rather not talk about that, Aura..." He said quietly, fidgeting with his hands. He seemed a little nervous.
Lust casually walked into the room, having heard their little fight but decided to keep quiet about it. "Mmm...so I heard about the plan and about the decoy...I didn't hear much else besides your fighting but..can you please reeducate me on the plan?" She said gently, sitting in a chair and crossing her legs, smiling at them
Zero was now more than pissed off. How annoying..! He sighed. "You put some Reapers in the base without them knowing. We go in without letting the guards know of our plan. We kill the Squad Leaders. The others are killed later. Make sense..?!" He asked, snapping because of how annoyed he is right now.
"..if I said no.lhow would you react?" She teased, laughing at him. She couldn't help but laugh at how he was acting. "Yeah I understand, don't blow a fuse!" She chuckled, still smiling at him
Cain walked in with Cardona infront of him. He had a gun to his back, and if he shot it would kill Sloth instantly. "Deus! Put the mutt down immediately, but keep the mess to a minimum." Cain said as he pushed Sloth towards Pride. He left the room immediately. He wanted Deus to kill Cardona, who was shaking from fear. They already had a replacement on their way, so there was no use for a traitor like Cardona. He was wanting to leave, and Cain caught him planning his escape.

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