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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

She muttered something foul and changed into a black crop top, and grey faded jeans. "Apparently this is all I have to wear at the moment since everything else isn't for me today..." She sighed, walking back to Pride. He might be an ass but that was to be expected. He was pride after all so she had to expect that he might ruin her outfit. He did say that she was beautiful before he started talking about himself and that made her smile a little but he's not getting anymore of her booty today. Nope.
Entering the meeting room in a fashionably late way." So what did miss?" Making a goofy face. He was wearing his black trench coat with his black biker pants and boots.
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Pride began dreaming of his past. Images of fire and destruction plauged his mind, and a man who look alot like a older version of himself was dragged away while a tiny child version of Deus watched a shocked look on his face. The man kept screaming I didn't do it reapetedly, and the child screamed back agreeing with him. Then the dead body of a woman was wheeled away, and the scene switched to one of Deus in a straight jacket screaming at the top of his lungs when a man walked in to the room then everything went black.(there ya go a bit of back story to pride)
Lust walked into the room and saw Pride still sleeping. She smirked and grabbed a marker. Before he could wake up, she drew a moustache on his face and coloured in his eyebrows. She held back laughter on how he looked. She put the marker away and waited for him to wake up.
Pride began to toss and turn in his sleep as the nightmares began again. Eventually he woke up sweeting he wiped the sweat from his face smudging the marking on his face. He noticed the black on his hand and ran to the bathroom."LUST!!!" He yelled from the bathroom. "I'm going to kill you once I get this off," he said as he turned on the faucet to the sink and began scrubbing his face.
She laughed loudly, rolling onto the floor with laughter. Soon she was gasping for air, then got up, ready to move when he came back at her, she smiled a bit, but this was only temporary as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail, readying the marker which she chose as her weapon.
Pride ran back out with out a shirt and now he had a mask covering his face and a marker in his hand."Oh you are so dead lust I'm gonna make you look like one of Picasso's pieces,"he said referring to Picasso's art work. He then charged at her marker drawn
Cortana saw the marker and the mask. "Shit..." She muttered and started running. She jumped over him and ran out the door. "ZERO...SOMEBODY?? HELP HES GONNA RUIN MY FACE!" She screeched bloody murder as he slowly gained on her, the jeans restraining her legs from moving at full capacity.
Pride came running through the door after her moving like a bat out of hell."Come back I just want to make your face look like art,"he yelled as he chased her down marker in hand.
"NOOOOO! IM SORREH!" She yelled before she tripped over her jeans. "Shit!" She yelled as she turned over and saw that he was right on her
Pride leapt ontop of her and put the sharpie to her head."Eye for a eye lust,"he said as he began writing the words property of Deus on her forehead.
"NO! What the fuck are you writing??!!" She screeched, glaring at him. Her arms were pinned under her legs and her legs couldn't reach him
(@Aurath Moonblood nobody else is online, just start)

Zero, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Deus by the collar and was holding a gun. He glared at Pride. "Quit acting like children and start fucking planning, jackass." He said, his eyes different. He was angrier than anyone's seen in a long while.
She got up and passed a few people on her way to the bathroom. They stared at her and looked away quickly. "The fuck did he.....DEUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSS! " she yelled, beyond pissed now. "I'm gonna grab his core and rip it out if his chest then make him eat it.." She growled, wiping the marker off.
(Kano is in the meeting room.) "Alright... Let's start. We can fill the others in later." Aura said.
"I thought we already had the plan," pride said to zero annoyed by his ruining of Deuses fun."So what the hell am I supposed to do I'm useless remember, "he said mockingly at Zero.
Cortana slowly walked out of the bathroom, a deadly air around her.nshe needed to grab something and beat the shit out of it. "Now where's Deus.." She said softly, the killing intent almost suffocating her words
Zero pistol whipped Deus with all the force he could, now getting fed up with his shit. "Then go play with some god damned dolls, twat!" Deus had just gotten onto Zero's blacklist.
Cortana found him but saw Zero was fighting him. She sat back and watched, wanting to see Deus's ass get whipped by Wrath
Aura stood from his chair. "Cain is out there... He controls the reapers... And the sins.. I killed his father so he will be out for blood. I've got a feeling he will strike soon... So I want everyone on guard. Be suspicious of everything... Even civilians. Additionally... All squad members must have at least one person by them at all times. Is this understood?" Aura asked.
Zero formed a coating over his hands that made him look as if he had Reaper claws. He slashed across Pride's face, aiming for the eyes. He didn't wait to see if he actually hit him, and kicked Pride in the stomach sending him flying into a nearby wall. He swiftly got to his feet.

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