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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Revnoir nodded, just imagining the ways Cain could kill the majority of the people at Weave. If they weren't careful, Cain could easily kill them all.
Pride looked up his face now covered with a masquerade mask. He then raised his hands with now had almost invisible wire wrapped around them."Come at me I'll take you out like I did Sloth,"he taunted Zero furious .
"In fact.... no one wanders alone anywhere. We are implaminting the battle buddy initiative. Everyone has a battle buddy and no one goes anywhere without their battle buddy." Aura said.
She watched, wide eyed. She liked learning her opponents techniques by watching them as they fought. The littlest thing could tip the fight in her favour.
Zero quickly used his Threads to tie Pride to a wall and in a second he was right infront of him, pushing the barrel of the gun into the spot between the bones of Pride's shoulder and collar bone. "Did


want to be replaced, too? I'd be happy to feed you to the dogs." He was threatening to pull the trigger, then formed a knife and put it at Deus' throat so that if he moved his throat would be slit.
"Boys boys..calm down..I don't think killing each other is a great idea right now...cause I could kill you both easily of you continue.." She smirked, having watched their quick fight. "So please stop" she smiled
"I am the dog," pride said as he did the wires around prides hands wrapped around wraths arms and flung him backwards. Pride managed to undo wraths threads with his own and rubbed his throat."I'm really sick of you I hope you know that the only reason I haven't attacked you before was because Cain didn't tell me to,"he told wrath holding him back with the wire.
Zero quickly broke the Threads, causing pain towards Pride (when Threads are broken, the Core acts as if a limb has been cut off) and he quickly threw the knife at Deus. It ended up slashing through Deus' arm, but only hit the edge of the limb. He growled, letting out a similar sound as the Reapers make. He darted towards Deus, forming a long sword and stabbing at the man's stomach area. Sustaining a hit anywhere but the Core for a Sin isn't deadly. They can easily regenerate.
Pride managed to dodge and his wires wrapped around Zeros throat and began to tighten even beginning to cut into his throat. He made sure to keep a good distance away and made his threads as strong as possible.
Zero growled, and quickly formed two thick threads that impaled Deus in the shoulder and in the leg. They twisted, causing extreme pain.
"Maybe I should get Cain...two sins that are pretty powerful getting beat by each other..maybe they can get beat by Cain.." She thought, just as Pride was choking Wrath. She muttered something and ran past his face, a leg jutting out and kicking Prude straight in the nose. He might have two thick threads but Lust quickly stepped on Zeros face, her foot crashing down. "STOP FIGHTING LIKE FUCKING CHILDREN! She yelled, stamping down on Zeros face and kicking Pride once more in the face, aiming for his nose.
Pride let out a agonizing scream but didn't stop his threads kept cutting into Zeros throat and started cutting into his arms and legs aswell.(lol this is a good fight I like this fight lol)
Zero formed a third thread that grabbed Lust by the arm and slammed her into the wall. Zero got back up, making the other two threads hold Pride in place. "Don't get in my way, Cortana." He warned, glaring at her before pulling the third thread away from her and putting it against Deus' throat. It did exactly that. "I thought I told you both to learn your place. You're nothing compared to the others! Being this weak, you could barely kill me, let alone Revnoir or Aura."
"If I wanted to kill you id be aiming for your core," I say my voice filled with rage almost hoarse.he then made another thread and smashed it against Zeros threat he had put against my throat breaking it.
"I try to stop them from fighting one fucking time and I'm called weak..geez, I'm not the one acting like the alpha asshole. You're the one being ridiculous! You're fighting him for no reason! Really, what's the reason? Go ahead, tell me why you want to fuck him up? Is it because he gets on your nerves? If so that's a stupid fucking reason to kill him. GET YOU ASS IN CHECK MAN!" She yelled at him, forming her own two threads and stabbing Wrath all the way through his stomach, and did the same to Pride. "I don't want to win the fight. I want it to fucking end or I'll finish it." She hissed, secretly enjoying the fight. If she lost, so what, she just loved to fight and enrage.
(it just went through his throat tho xD even if it's not deadly, it would cause difficulty of breathing at least)
(Oops didn't get that what I say stays but) pride pulled the threat out of his throat and coughed up blood still holding his threads where they where(lol Cain needs to come in and stop this because I doubt pride or wrath are going to stop any time soon)
"Change of plans. You two, quit making out and get ready to leave." Cain said from the other side of the room. (just follow along, u two xD )
Lust sighed and got rid of her threads. She saw a hole in her jeans were her calf was but ignored it. "Okay Cain.." She sighed.

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