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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Revnoir could be found taking a walk just outside the base. He was outside the walls, but they were still within sight. He sighed, lighting a cigarette and putting it between his lips.

What's that maniac planning..?

He wondered silently, referring to Cain. When he had been Wrath, he saw first hand how careful they are. Their planning was always great, but maybe not so much with so many newer Sins.

Things have changed a lot since his time there with Cain. There were replacements upon replacements. None of the Sins ever lasted long under Cain's orders.

He grumbled as he sat on an old ruined bench. The skyscrapers weren't too far, but they blocked everything behind them. It was a city, after all. The skyscrapers acted as a wall. A wall to block out the wind, the light, the landscape. The dust was blown through the streets as the breezes trespassed the walls of the city. It was starting to get cold. It was autumn, and the leaves were showing it.

Yulier cuddled up with her back against Aura's chest, smiling. He was warm. Strangely warm. She wasn't used to body heat, as she was also not used to anyone touching her. It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant. It made her feel as if things could be alright.

Auna looked at her shoes, a little embarrassed that she was scared of the germs on the man's hand and forgot her gloves at the old base. "I'd help you if I could, but I don't know anyone here either.
(You have no idea pride gets freaky xD ) pride moved onto the bed leaning in and kissing lust."That sounds fun,"he said as he got prepared for round two. Out side prides room a monster roar could be heard from within as round two started followed by what sounded like a little asian man screaming Godzilla In a crowd of panicing people. Then strange music played like something off the twilight zone or maybe something from a old alien movie. Then for some reason music played with the lyrics go go power rangers.
"Yulier.... I have a bad feeling.... Something is about to happen. I'm going to contact the other baces when we go in and have them guard the remaining cities.... It's just a bad feeling but.... I'm usually right about them.... And I need to call a meeting of squad leaders soon. I want you to stay by my side.... Unless you do not wish to. If not I understand." Aura said, speaking uncharacteristically soft.
Afterwards, lust was tired. She had no idea how rough he could get in round two. She just laid in bed, panting, her eyes closed. "Well damn.." She sighed, opening her eyes and looking over at Pride
Yulier looked at Aura, smiling a bit. "I'll be staying here until the end, I promise. I'll help with whatever I can." She said, snuggling even closer to the man. Any closer and their bodies would merge. Not in a sexual way stahp et.
Pride sat at the side of the bed his clothes back on and he didn't have a drop of sweat on him."Alright I'm going to meet up with zero and the others to plan something,"he said as he stood up and walked towards the door." Try to join us once you can walk straight which should be in a few minutes since your a sin,"he said before he left.
She smirked and groaned, slowly getting up. "God dammit pride" she muttered and slowly got up and dressed quickly. "I need to step up my game.." She sighed and walked out of the room a few minutes after Pride.
Pride looked around for zero or someone else."Hey Zero Terra Cain anyone home I ready to plan, and could use some assistance,"he called from the hallway.
Echo ran up to every person he could find and threw cheeze at them yelling "CHEEZE! For all!!" Every time.
Zero was in the meeting room still, with a map of the main base on the table. Terra was sitting beside the table, listening to Zero speak as she scarfed down some fruit. She may be gluttony but it doesn't mean she only eats fattening food. Their plan was going along smoothly.
Pride walked into the meeting room looking as good as always he moved up to them."Hey sorry me and lust were...um planning so to say well what's your plan our wasn't the most orderly plan."
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(Revs outside the walls, Yulier is ontop of the wall with Aura, and Auna is somewhere in the halls. All the sins are off somewhere else)
"Anyway.... " aura said. He held tightly to Yulier and dashed back inside to his office. Once inside he set Yulier on the love seat and made a call to the other baces. They all agreed to gurad the remaining cities. Next he came on over the intercom for the bace." All squad leaders to the meeting room on floor one for an urgent meeting. All squad leaders must attend."
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"Please tell me I can kill and rip something apart.. Flesh... Oh Fight I mean... Heh heh.."

Kano was seemingly going mad. He needed something worth while to do. He wanted a fight. He wanted to experience adrenaline again. He wanted to risk his life again. He wanted to rip one's body apart. He cackled while he walked down the halls to the meeting room.
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(OH! sryyy!)

Zero glared at Pride, then sighed. "You two weren't


planning, it's sort of obvious. Come here and I'll explain it all over again." He was obviously annoyed with the man.

Revnoir's earpiece let him hear the intercom even outside the base. He hurried back to the base, soon finding his way into the meeting room.
"Hey what can I say unlike you im not asexual," he said smiling as he approached Zero."Ok so this is a map of the enemy base correct? What's the plan distract the guards a and while there distracted slip through? "
"No, I never thought you'd think of something so amateur. We start by getting them to save a disguised Reaper. One that would take the form of a child. Humans tend to care quite a bit for children, so they won't want to leave them to be supposedly killed. That Reaper will open a window for other Reapers to infiltrate the base."

Yulier stayed completely silent, giving Revnoir a friendly smile when he entered the room.

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