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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

zen stared at him blankly then, shortly after burst into laughter"why you must be just as insane as i am!" zen said in between breaths as his laughed turned maniacal then psychotic before he caught himself "sorry about that...i lost myself for a second there"
zen started laughing again"what a wonderful marvelous choice...and how did that turn out for you was it fun?"
zens calm was immediately disrupted with more laughter. he tended to be easily entertained when in his natural state"a sheep you say?! then you sir must bee a wolf in sheep's clothing!"
"hmm interesting laugh youve got there" zen said his head tilted

(gtg a little early guys my mom is taking me to the gym at 4 am then i have to go to school she claims i dont exercise enough)
(I feel left out a bit D: I only love Japanese music or Bass Drop... Never will I love songs with lyrics only and I can understand those lyrics ESPECIALLY COUNTRY, THAT IS PURE HATE)
Aura sat up after waking up this time and looked around. "Hmmm?"
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"Oi Aura! Can I have a levithan surgery? I'm not sure if the surgeons would accept I asked myself..."

Kano said slowly. He was slightly annoyed that Aura was with a girl. But Kano sighed instead. He wanted someone to love. However, if he was fighting, it would be his weakness. He doesn't want anyone die on him again.
"Permison Granted. " Aura said. "We will need more powerful people. Besides, you can be trusted with that power more so than other people."
(speaking of girls... and is Aura hinting towards Revnoir..? -grin-)

Auna's transport had gotten her to the gates of Weave, dropping her off with nothing but her paperwork and a gun in case of emergency. She was extremely nervous. She got the attention of the guards, asking them to open the gates. They were nervous too, that she was a Reaper in disguise. They were on edge and spoke among themselves before one ran off to Aura's office to ask if he was expecting a new Recruit. She had the papers, yes, but they still couldn't trust her.

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