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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Somewhere in the Courtyard lay a dead woman. She was on top of a rather large pile of dead reapers. Only one had finaly managed to impail her. Her firery red hair made darker by her own blood. Her silver eyes were lifeless. Sadly, when she died, two lives had been snuffed out. A pistol with a carving lay next to her right hand. The carving was the Tsukiborodo family crest, just like on Aura's two swords. It was the pregnate Arya.
Deus growled at the sight of smoke. Deus roared and sent a tentacle into the ground, all of a sudden several tentacles shot out of the ground like spikes striking at Rev from beneath." I don't need to see to hit something! "
zen did not turn around but instead did a half back bend looking at echo"what are you doing here?" he spoke already trembling with excitement from the current battle. he was struggling to keep his bloodlust under control and it was beginning to seep out of him to be felt by all on the battlefield. it didn't help that his swords only amplified this effect.
"Simply watching. I could care less who wins. In the end it wolnt matter. Even if you win here.... Abel will kill all of you. Including Aura..... He will most likely kill him then slowly tourture the rest of you. Be ready, adopted Tsukiborodo child. You will be the head of the Tsukiborodo family soon. That means it will be your job to protect the rest of the family. That means Yulier and her unborn child. Sadly you will fail. It is inevitable. However.... I don't believe you will even take up the Tsukiborodo name. Adopted into the oldest family there is.... The one who produced some of the greatest warriors threw time.... And you will most likely never take up the Mantle. Too bad realy."
Alternated said:
"that's good actually" Vayne said as he go a little slower "is there a jumping rope here?" he asked Eve.
Eve smiled and nodded. "I don't know. It's my first time in these rooms." She said.
zen turned around to face echo now "you couldn't have waited till after? you....kinda killed my buzz" sighed zen lowering his gas mask" there are a few thing i worry about but aura is not one of them, neither is the Tsukiborodo. if the need arises i will try my best to protect everyone , but i have no right to do so i am simply an adopted child." he lifted his shoulders in a shrugging fashion "simply a stain to family name. aura may not know how he truly feels and hides it from himself. but i have been through this process many times; adoption, and love slowly turned to hatred and abandonment" a smile spread across zen s face " so i couldn't care less" zen was speaking mostly from insanity but partly from his heart. he slid his gas mask back on now "if you'll excuse me i'd like to go back to killing things....even if they don't bleed the feeling of slicing through them is enough for now"
It has been a long while since Yato did anything at all. He remained isolated inside the bunkers. His mind was blank and whater tried to wake him never succeeded. Yato heard the call for a fight from Aura and decided to ignore it for a while. However, soon enough he decided to wake up from his stasis and follow the beckon to fight. He reached for his weapons. Exile, Sekki, the newfound Byakko, and the newly made Suzaku. Byakko was a thread infused sniper able to switch to an assault rifle and also boosted with electric capabilities, able to make contact to a thread and arc back to it's owner or other enemies. Suzaku was a thread infused assault rifle which can switch to a Designated Marksman Rifle boosted with exploding capabilities, every round explodes when it makes contact. However because of that the rounds can't pierce and the explosions aren't that big.

no slide no slide




"Time to do my job..."
Yato equipped a light suit of armor for looks and protection. He closes his eyes for a bit, remembering the direction of the Sin's base from the last time he went there. On his way out he grabs a couple smoke grenades, Toxic fume grenades, Sleeping gas grenades and napalm grenades. He rushes downstairs and to the courtyard of Weave base. He sighed and exited the base. He slowly runs to the area of battle but stays nearly a half mile from it with Byakko equipped. He makes a small little barrier most made so they wouldn't see him. He crouches down and takes him aim. He slowly looks for a target while the pile of snow covers all sights of Yato except for the extremely small lens flare of the scope.

(I'm baaaaack)
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(Finally! *applause* You should put up your character(s) in Reaper 3 if you wanna continue...)

Leah was still bound, struggling to free herself. She was weakened, though, by the wound that was still lingering. She wondered... Why was her healing not as accelerated as the other sins'..?
Cain screamed in agony, his pride and smile both gone. There were tears forming in his eyes, as the pain grew in the pit of his stomach to the point where he wanted to rip out his stomach so that the pain would stop. He tried to grab at Aura's throat, struggling to the best of his abilities, but he was shaking too violently to do anything properly. He kicked at the man, eyes wide.
"Go easy on them Byakko, don't arc to Aura please..." Yato aimed at the agonizing Cain. He aimed for his thigh. Yato extended his wind threads. He cancelled out all winds going against the round he was going to shoot for a couple meters. He checked his aim and shot. A seemingly bolt of Lightning shot straight at Cain's thigh while Aura tortured Cain. The round was able to pierce through both of Cain's thighs because of Yato's angle.

(Posted CS on R3)
Shinohara said:
Eve smiled and nodded. "I don't know. It's my first time in these rooms." She said.
Vayne looks at the left side of the room and sees a jumping rope a little dusty but can be used "let's use that then" he said and uses his threads to get the jumping rope.
Shinohara said:
Eve smiled and nodded. "I don't know. It's my first time in these rooms." She said.
Vayne heard Aura's announcement and was about to go "ahh Eve there is something I need to do we'll continue this later" he said as he kisses her and goes out the training room.
Cain screamed in pain again, now just wanting it all to end already. I really am weak... Abel, please... Help... Cain was starting to lose too much blood, his human body too frail to endure the torture.
Cain's eyes glued to Aura's, his expression full of nothing other than fear. How could I be so weak..?! He quickly started struggling more, but the loss of blood made his body even weaker. He was shaking violently, trying to crawl away.
Aura made the sword of threads dissapate and grabbed Cain by the hair, roughly yanking him up and onto his knees. "In the end, all is irrelevant........ However..... The actions of today will change the tomorrow we are to walk upon. I now ensure that it will be that much brighter a tomorrow. " Aura said. He then used Limbo to swiftly decapitate Cain. Once done he took Cains head and body to the edge of the roof. He threw the body from the roof and held the head high in the air, for all to see. "SINS! LAY DOWN YOYR WEAPONS AND JOIN US! YOUR LEADER IS DEAD AND IF YOU HELP US RECLAME OUR WORLD, YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN YOUR CRIMES! VICTORY IS OURS!!!"
Alternated said:
Vayne heard Aura's announcement and was about to go "ahh Eve there is something I need to do we'll continue this later" he said as he kisses her and goes out the training room.
Eve kissed Vayne back and smiled. "Okay. See you later then." She said and stood up. "Guess I should go take a shower." She thought and left the training room.
Revnoir looked up to see Cain's head in Aura's grasp. He grinned, some of the blood from his throat surfacing and dripping down his chin.

"Ah, what a
view..." A man's voice came from behind Aura, his short white hair whipping in the wind created by a helicopter above. There was the sound of clapping, but it was covered by the loud sound of the helicopter. Behind Aura stood a seemingly unarmed man who shared many traits with Isaac. He had a smile, which could easily be mistaken as kind.
Aura tossed Cains head down. "Put it on a pike beside his father's head!" He said before turning around. "So who.... Are you?"
Revnoir caught the head and giddily hurried over to an open fence piece infront of the base. He mounted it on it, smiling widely. "Finallyyyy~!"

The man laughed a bit, his smile only growing. "What a shame, Cain never speaks of me..." He murmured to himself, still giggling. "Sorry, my name is Abel." He took a few steps closer to Aura.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. "I see.... And why are you here?" Aura asked. He swiftly threw a paper down that was sealed in an envelope. It was labeled 'Final orders.'
Abel's smile grew exponentially as it turned into nothing less than a grin. "Well I was here to finish what Cain had started, but I think I've found something much... much more interesting..!" He said, and in an instant, Abel had formed a spear out of seemingly transparent Threads. He threw it, and it moved faster than anyone could have expected. Without notice, a glass spear had impaled Aura's chest, ripping straight into the center. "It was a pleasure to meet you... Aura..."
Aura's face turned into one of shock. Moments later his body slumped onto the spear. He looked at Abel with hate as the light faded from his brilliant silver eyes.
Abel smiled and walked over. He gently picked up Auras body and the helicopter landed. Abel's spear disappeared and he pulled Auras body into the helicopter. "Blow it up." Abel spoke into an earpiece. The helicopter was gone in an instant and Revnoir just then noticed what happened.

Then came the explosions. Jets dropped bombs that started blowing up the base. Humans would die from the explosions if not protected and Weavers would be badly injured.

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