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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"You sure are in a rush to train." Eve said with a chuckle. "Maybe we could go and start with warm-up and stretching."
Shinohara said:
"You sure are in a rush to train." Eve said with a chuckle. "Maybe we could go and start with warm-up and stretching."
"yeah your right" Vayne said as he stretches his arms and yawns.
"Mind carrying me there?" Eve asked half serious. She chuckled a bit and wrapped her arms around Vayne.
Aura was back in his office and looked at his computer screen. "What's all this?" He asked looking at the messages.
Rogue was not answering, only making more authorization windows pop up. No matter how hard he tried, Aura would not be able to open any other window. He had to click something on the authorization page but the cancel button was greyed out.
Shinohara said:
"Mind carrying me there?" Eve asked half serious. She chuckled a bit and wrapped her arms around Vayne.
Vayne laughed "why don't you walk...." he said to Eve jokingly and suddenly carried her "just kidding to the training room right?".
The windows paused, as if it could hear him. They started closing themselves. A note popper up. "You shouldn't struggle..." It read, and the same window opened up beside the note. The window was flashing now, prompting him to press the OK button to give Rogue the authorization for who knows what?
Revnoir sighed. He tapped his earpiece to speak. "I'll be there in a minute, is something wrong?" He asked, putting out his cigarette in the snow and stepping towards the entrance to the base.

The window started flashing more brightly, and words were added to the note. "How uneventful. You plan to call your knight to your side? Well, I'll have you in checkmate soon so there's no reason to do anything."
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Her hand twitched. She was gonna lose it. She wanted--needed to kill something. Something.

She tore back the sleeve of her coat and hesitated just a moment before she dug her teeth into her arm, quickly tasting blood. She giggled a bit, then let go. The stinging would hopefully take a while to go away. She had figured out that pain helped her keep her mind. At least it delayed her going completely crazy.
Revnoir's scowl quickly escalated into a frown. "Rogues acting up..?" He muttered to himself and quickly got to the computer to see what he meant by 'wrong'. He stared at it for a long while, then formed a fist on the desk in anger. "Dammit..." He growled, and started typing away at the computer. He used a bunch of strange shortcuts with the keyboard and didn't once touch the mouse. How the fuck did someone hack Rogue..?!?

Yulier walked in, and saw Revnoir typing furiously at the keyboard and Aura beside the window. She raised an eyebrow and went over to see what was going on. "What happened?" Revnoir didn't answer.
Aura clenched his fist and un clenched it repeatedly. Blood from the glass dripped from his hand into a pool on the ground. "Someone hacked the AI system..."
Another note popped up on the screen, this time taking the whole screen. "Checkmate~" There was a gif underneath it of an animated chess game.

Seconds later, a loud screech came from everyone's earpieces. Revnoir ripped his off, growling. Yulier quickly did the same, the screech hurting her head like crazy.

Leah was half-alseep on the roof the the Sins' base, tired, but not wanting to tumble back into a dream of insanity. She let her arm bleed into the snow for a bit, relishing the sting.
Aura grabbed his earpiece and turned it off. A calm came over him. His bloody hand was still making a pool of blood. "Then who are we dealing with?"
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Revnoir let out a groan of frustration as none of his shortcuts would work anymore. "I don't know a single person who's skilled enough to Hack the AIs, let alone Rogue. It's an entirely different format than anything else, I don't understand how they could change anything..." He sighed, trying his best to calm himself down.

Yulier hurried over, checking Aura's hand. She quickly pulled out any glass, then wrapped it tightly with her Threads that acted as a bandage.
"Well if we are in checkmate.... Then that would make me the white king..... And this person hacking the systems the black king."

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