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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Hello? Helloooo?" Lucius was laying in his bed, at the medical wing. The nurse had just walked out but he needed some alchohol to soothe the pain. "Hellooooo?"
Cain sighed. "I don't need help killing him..." He muttered, then his voice grew quiet. "I'll do it right for sure this time."
Cain's eyes widen quickly and he glares at Echo with pins and needles shooting out of his gaze. "How do you know who that is..!?" He growled, standing up and grabbing Echo by the collar. Well, he never said Echo had guessed wrong...

Her fingers twitched with nothing to do and began biting her lip from irritation.

'They're too perfectly helpless and they're adorable when they're in pain... But they're too adorable! They're too damn innocent for their own good!' Leah threw her hands into the air as if this were actually an important issue, and she was becoming sincerely frustrated.
(today at 4 im going to be leaving for georgia for a few days so i wont be on)

maybe a spar?"questioned zen ignoring the fact that what he had said before could be taken wrong and create a horrible misunderstanding.
Cain ended up connecting his fist with Echo's face before he stomped off. "I don't need to be remembered!" He yelled over his shoulder. Zero snapped his attention to him, and quickly ran after him giving Leah an apologetic look.

(afk, sry)

Leah glanced over at Echo, her expression asking what his problem was.

'Who could you have mentioned to get Cain that angry..?' She was a bit baffled at how easily this guy irritated Cain. A moment later, her mind was wandering again...

Dammit! Why did bunnies have to be too freaking cute to torture!?
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"No one of importance to you just now." Echo walked up to leah. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I know you remember.... At least some of it."

Leah flinched slightly at his words.

'I remember that being human absolutely sucked.'

She turned to leave. She still wasn't sure which room was hers, so why not got find out? At least there she could contemplate the problems of bunnies without interruption.
"Heh... Heh heh heh..." Yato slowly laughed. He slowly walked downstairs from the basement. He had nothing to do yet again. And he was alone yet again. He then sighed again. He slowly cried. Lonely. Though he tried his best not to stoop into depression again. He slowly walked out of the base and wandered outside.

Leah wandered about the rooms, gently pushing at doors to see which ones were or weren't locked. Finally, she found one that was opened, seemed unoccupied. Clean. Boring.

She sank down onto the bed, bored as hell.

The problem with bunnies, she decided, was that the person inflicting the pain couldn't feel it. They didn't know what exatly the bunny was reacting to, the specific level of pain it felt.

Leah held her hand out in front of her, Palm facing the wall opposite. She brought her other hand up... And impaled it on a thin stake of threads. Her fingers curled in pain, twitching, and her hand shook. It looked foreign. But she felt it. Her threads retreated.

That was better.

She lay on her back, her hand slowly bleeding on the sheet until the would began to close, which only amounted to a matter of tens of minutes.

She gave a small chuckle.
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Aura walked out of his office and to the training room. He wondered if anyone would be there. He would love a good sparing match.

(So... Only one person knows at all that Leah's missing, and none of the sins at the Weave's noticed that another person popped up on their internal sin tracker?)

A little later, Leah had fallen alseep.

In a dreamlike world, she was watching. Watching herself. Watching herself slowly go insane before her eyes. It might not have sounded like very much, but Leah didn't want to go insane, so the dream scared her.

It terrified her.

It was the isolation.

It was the lack of occupation.

This would happen in real life if she didn't go do... Something.

Slowly, the same scenes replayed, over, over, over. Each time before it reoccurred, a white bunny would appear.





Until she


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Shinohara said:
"I guess I could call Günther a friend but he's more of a collegue. But that diesn't matter. I have you." Eve said with a smile.
"well he can be your friend but I'm happy that I can be special to you" Vayne said smiling and took a fork and takes a piece of his food "I better dig in I'm also hungry" he said as he eats the food.
"Yeah." Eve said and continued to eat. She was still a bit hungry. "I'm happy to keep you a bit special." She said with a smirk in between the bites.
Yulier could be found strolling through the halls, itching to do something. If I'm pregnant, can I not train..? Even if I'm like, what... A week in? She sighed, slouching out of boredom and staring at each detail in the white halls. She was bored out of her mind, wanting so badly to get rid of it.
Yulier jumped in surprise and looked back to see Aura. She smiled, trying to catch her breath. "Dammit, Aura..! Don't scare me like that..!"
"Sorry dear. I can't help how quiet I move. I should get bells and tie them to the ends of my hair....." Aura said only half joking.
Yulier sighed, smiling. "You're just as quiet as Revnoir, its actually pretty cool." She said with a little giggle. "And that bell idea isn't half bad..." She mumbled, grinning. Oh I'll find some bells to put in your hair alright...

Leah woke abruptly. Her bloodied hand, already scarring, only ached. Bored, she wandered up to the roof of the building and collapsed on her back in the snow.

'But I don't want to go insane..!' She complained loudly to the grey, snowy sky.

'I was fine with my mind intact!'

What was worse than going insane? Watching. Seeing her mind fall apart and rot. She could tell how wrong she was becoming.

She wanted hurt something, watch something twitch and squirm in pain. But still, she didn't want to hurt something. That was what was left of her sanity speaking. I
t was just out of boredom that she wanted to torture something. And right now, her mind was torturing her.

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Shinohara said:
"Yeah." Eve said and continued to eat. She was still a bit hungry. "I'm happy to keep you a bit special." She said with a smirk in between the bites.
Vayne digests the food he ate "anyway you can have the rest, I made that for you" he said to Eve and expects to eat his delicious food he made.
LuciusIII said:
"Hello? Helloooo?" Lucius was laying in his bed, at the medical wing. The nurse had just walked out but he needed some alchohol to soothe the pain. "Hellooooo?"
(Sorry missed this post for some reason.)

The nurse walked to Lucius' bed, frowning a bit. "Yes?" She asked an smiled a bit as she looked at him.

Alternated said:
Vayne digests the food he ate "anyway you can have the rest, I made that for you" he said to Eve and expects to eat his delicious food he made.
Eve chuckled and looked at Vayne. "I'm stuffed already." She said with a smile.

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