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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Leah felt a little bad about destroying the weaver's front gate, but it's not like she could walk over and apologize, even if she had her memories back. It would be best that as few people as possible know that she remembered her weaver self, that people, weaver, sin or human, assumed she was still a sin. It would be less confusing that way, and it would be easier to keep her act going.

She still felt sorry for ruining the doors, though. The weaver in her did, at least. The Envy portion of her mind still giggled at the thought of the weavers freezing in their own base.
Günther opened the door and entered. "I wanted to see you Arya." He said, walking to her and getting down on his knees next to the bed. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
She smiled sleepily at him. "Tired..... But I'm okay. What about you? Medbay not keeping you up too late right now with the lack of wounded?"
"No. It's been quiet around there. Are you eating properly?" Günther asked. He was worried about Arya's health.
"That's good. You'll need a bit more now since you're pregnant." Günther said and leaned in to kiss Arya.
Günther chuckled and took of his lab jacket before getting under the blanket with Arya. He looked at her and smiled.
Günther wrapped his arms around Arya and gently squeezed her against his body. He was happy to just stay like that with her.
Günther closed his eyes, starting too to fall asleep. He had been up quite a long time, thinking about how to be a good father. He wanted the best for Arya and their child.
Lucius walked through the corridor, wondering where Günther was. There had been no one at the medical bay, and Günther was the only person he knew of that worked there. And he needed medical help. The way he walked didn't give anything away, but a bullet was still hurting terribly in his side. God damn traphunters! Lucius decided to call out, because he didn't think he would find him by walking around. He leaned on a wall, and called out: "Günther! Medical! Anyone?!"
Eve heard the shouts and looked around. "Vayne. I'll be back later." She said and ran out of the kitchen and canteen, heading towards the source of the shouts. "What's happening?" She asked as she saw Lucius.
Some woman came running towards him. "You medical? Good." Lucius pulled his camo jacket up and revealed his wound. "There was an old bullet trap on my hunting grounds, and it shot me. " Lucius knew it wasn't fatal, he had had worse, but it still hurt. A lot. "Are you able to extract the bullet?"
"Yes. To the medbay. Immediately." Eve said, trying to support Lucius while guiding him towards the medbay.
Lucius walked towards the first bed he saw and layed down carefully. "Don't use magnetic tongs, use normal ones!" Lucius knew that magnetic tongs would get the bullet out faster and painless, but it carried the risk of him dying.
"Not going to sue either one." Eve said and started to put on blue gloves. "Nurse! We got a bullet wound!" She shouted and a nurse came quickly with morphine, raw alcohol and bandages. Eve applied the morphine and then forcefuly pulled the bullet out with her hands. Once done, she looked inside and took the alcohol, pouring some on the wound. She looked at Lucius face for a while with a smile on her own before she looked at the nurse who went to get needle and thread.
Cain could be found sitting on the couch, now, fidgeting. "Dammit, Abel... Can't you just be patient..?!" He muttered to himself, balling his hands into fists on his lap. He curled up on the sofa, shaking. He was on the verge of tears. "I guess I really am nothing but a child. I haven't changed a bit..." He whispered to himself, curling tighter into a ball and struggling to keep his tears away.
Lucius didn't scream. He had suffered more of these wounds, so this one was not even the worst. "Yeah, of course, your fingers will work as well! Will you also stitch me up with a sword and a piece of rope?"
Eve chuckled. She was a bit sadistic and enjoyed other's pain but wasn't extreme so she wouldn't be harming anyone. "If you want me to do so." She said and took the needle and thread from the nurse that returned. Eve started to stitch the wound and once done, bandaged it. "Now. You need to rest here for a day or two before we can let you go." She said in a serious tone.
Two days for a bullet wound? Back in the army days, two hours would have been the time you got. "That seems long, but alright." Lucius looked around and discovered he was the only person there. "Will I be alone for two days? At least get me the rabbit I shot!"
"Yes. Two days. There will be nurses and me along with Günther who are going to be here. You're not left alone." Eve said and shook her head.

(Seems like I might have to create one more character soon.)
(really liking the new layout)

zen went back to his office and was practicing downwards swing with his dual swords "so bored....someone pleas come and just do something interesting!" zen wished aloud. usually when he did this he would often get what he wished for but he felt as if he was just a little bit too vague with that wish.

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