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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution


Yato's body was on a slight ramp in the geography. His body slowly rolled over and over. He actually reached the base. His body limp against the walls.

Envy finally reached the Weaver's base herself, grinning as she used her new threads to bend the front gates with a painful screeching noise. She stepped through the warped entrance and crafted a paint brush, then used it to write upon the main door in her own blood,

Dear Idiots,

I'll be sure to make your deaths hurt. <insert winky face here>

Sincerely, Envy~

Envy turned on her heel, giggling madly.
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"Wow then he brought all those explosives along with him." Deus whistled impressed."Quite the little prepper." Deus said coughing up a bit of smoke and rubbing his face which was still covered in blood."So what should we do now?"

Envy wondered for a moment... What would the weavers do if she....

She took a few steps forward, then turned back around and sprinted at the door, kicking it open with a loud bang that echoed through the base. She had broken the mechanisms keeping the doors closed, but her message was still plainly visible, as she had only written it on one door, not both. Oh, this would be a cold winter. She laughed maniacally, and began jogging back toward her own base.
zen was in his office napping in his chair when a loud noise awoke him."huh?..." he mumumbled jolting upright..."ugh..." he stood and stretched scratching his head as he stepped out of his office to investigate. he found that the door had been kicked down and was letting in a bone chilling breeze which didn't exactly bother zen, him being an ce weaver and all but, did agitate him that someone had the nerve to kick the door down"...who the....sigh...really?...i guess ill tell aura" he lifted a hand to his earpiece "aura you there?" he spoke while peering out the door into the snowy darkness trying to find any signs of an intruder. a few moments later he found foot steps in the snow..." well whoever did this is not the smartest around..."
"Eh?! You again?! What do you want? You little ****" Yato was fully healed now. And he found out himself what happened. What happened before he was guided back to Weave. He saw Envy going back to Weave. He had a stare of death and a stare of a shinigami. He held Exile out towards her. Barrel and all. He was pissed more than ever. He was dumped and rejected.
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She stopped yet again.

Someone was in her way. It was that weaver from earlier.

'Oh! So you did make it back alive! And didn't anyone ever tell you...' Envy let out a little giggle, 'Guns are childish?'

(@zenreaper Sorry about the edit, but I missed that Yato was right in Leah's way.)
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(Heh heh)

"I Don't Give A Damn About Anyone's Opinion..." Yato shot imploding rounds at Envy. Each pellet stuck to whichever it hit, and imploded on itself, taking anything in a half inch diameter sphere. He kept shooting imploding rounds at her, 20 pellets per shell. He slowly walked towards her while doing so.

Envy did her best to summon a wall of threads after one round put a harsh wound on her raised arm, but she had to keep reconstructing it and adding threads. Her playful, mischievous mood had been disrupted.

'What the hell!? If you're so angry, I assume you remember who exactly you are?'

Envy was struggling to keep up with the imploding rounds.
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"And I know who you are... And who you were to me... Fucking give me back Leah..." Yato took out corrosion rounds this time. It was able to corrode threads, however, at an exteremely slow rate unless stacked. He barraged with the corrosive rounds this time. Burning through the threads, slowly.

Finally! He stopped with those stupid implosions. But... Now he was attacking with something else... Dammit.

'Why do you keep mentioning them? Who in the hell is Leah!?' This was getting annoyingly confusing. As far as she knew, they had no prisoners held back at the base. And who she was to him? Who was she to anyone here? She didn't know anyone here.
"Leah... Leah was the past you... Someone I held dearly... Tch..!" Yato threw a C4 at the wall of Threads. It stuck and Yato flanked Envy. He activated it (He refreshed at the base) and at the same time, Yato swung Sekki at Leah.

Her threads collapsed, and now... A friggin sword!???! Envy countered with her own blade, a replica of the same rapier Leah had used before, but in black. She tried to back away, but received a deep cut on the side of her face. She was becoming distressed.

'Past me!? I'm just...' She threw her free hand out to her side as if to give up, and her expression grew to be a blend of confusion and fear. '... Me! I'm just me! Right now that's the only thing I can be sure of.' But now, she was starting to question even that.

She took another cut from the blade on her other arm. Shit.
She was losing concentration. She could lose this battle.
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"Let's see if this helps..." Yato parried one of Envy's attacks, making her sword and arm repel away from Yato. He grabbed Envy's throat and slammed her onto the floor. He kissed her passionately.

Dammit. She was gonna lose. Her sword flew from her hand and fell apart into threads. She gasped painfully as Yato took her by the throat and held her down on the ground, but her eyes jumped back open when he... Kissed her!? Damn, it was already hard to breathe! Shit... She felt like she was suffocating... Oh god... It felt like a noose... She couldn't breathe, the Reaper was going to hang her... She was going to be killed by the ghouls. Until the beasts were chased away by people.

She began to struggle, panicking, trying to tear Yato's hand from her throat and push him away so she could breathe and the reapers would disappear.

(Flashback time! •u•)
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Yato let go of her throat and disconnected the kiss. He pinned her down by holding down her arms. He stared at her with desperation for Leah to come back. If not, he would suffocate her.

She was shaking now, her eyes were unfocused and and seeing something that wasn't there. She had stopped speaking and fighting. She tried to move her hands to find a weapon, but couldn't. She was no longer aware of what was around her. She shut her eyes and tried to shrink away from the reapers only she could see.

'Make the reapers go away...' She moaned pathetically, stuck in her hallucination.
"If you come back to me, I will..." Yato kissed Her passionately again. Hoping it would work, he made this one last longer than the last. A tear went down his face while doing so.

This time, she was broken from the hallucination, her face having turned scarlet and her breathing slow and heavy. Her eyes were darting around, finally seeing her actual surroundings, which were hardly less chaotic than the memories themselves. Speaking of which, she could only partially remember her time being Leah. The duration of time before her first panic attack in the barracks was still as blank as ever, but the time after that was spottily returning. She still remembered everything about being Envy too, of course. And now the pain of having been turned into a sin.

Her eyes finally focused on Yato, who still had her pinned to the ground.
Yato pulled away from the kiss. He sighed in relief. He slowly got off of Leah and rolled over to look away from her. He was neevous and anxious. He didn't know what to do now. And he wasn't sure if she changed back or not.
Alternated said:
Vayne followed Eve to the canteen "so what do you want to eat?" he asked Eve.
"I don't know. I'll let you pick something. Surprise me." Eve said with a grin on her face.
"you never told me what kind of food you like but" Vayne said and looks at the menu "hmm you know I have experience in cooking I can cook something for you If you like".
"now I only need the permission so I can get in the kitchen" Vayne said finding a way "anyway for now tell me what kind of food do you like?" he asked Eve.

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