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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"You don't know me? Me? Yato? Hah! Heh... Heh... Heh... HAHAHAHAHAHA" Yato slowly got up from the newly red snow. He slowly started chuckling. It turned into laugh. Into a Psychotic Cackle. He was lost. Physically and Mentally. He was confused, frustrated, annoyed, and scared. The footprints he followed disappeared and when he was thrown out, his earpiece flow off his ear. He kept cackling. However, he couldn't keep it like that. His laugh slowed, into a cry. Tears fell down his face as he wandered around in the snow covered area. Yato kept sobbing and shedding tears while walking through the deep snow. Though, his wounds were getting affected by the weather. They started to ache more and more. Soon enough Yato collapsed, between Weave base and the Sins base. Unconscious in the snow. Isolated and lonely. Forgotten and Left behind.
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(I feel like saving the ship, but Leah just went total killer sarcasm.)

Leah paused for a moment, fidgeting.

'I can at least leave the cell, right?'

While speaking, Envy stepped through the door quietly, regardless of his reply. She wandered out of the basement and drifted quietly through the base, eventually making her way to the roof. As she opened the door, she was blasted with icy air. Just the , she remembered how mangled and ruined her shirt was, and replaced it with a seamless but amateur jacket of her own threads. Just the , she noted a small trail of bloody red traced into the snow.

'What... In the heck..?' She glared into the whiteness of the landscape.

Quickly scanning the roof about her, Envy stood and, using her threads as an anchor on the roof, slid down the side of the building.
Zero stepped outside, is head finally regenerated. He was a bit lightheaded, so he wasn't quite himself, but that didn't stop him from noticing Leah and deciding to remind her that she probably shouldn't leave the base.

"Don't tell me you're going after that guy... He's obviously too weak for us to waste our time with." He muttered, holding his head lightly and trying to regain his stability.

Envy crossed her arms and pouted.

'Aww, but killing weavers is no fun if we don't get to watch them scramble around in panic trying to prevent an attack! It's so much more fun when you send a half-dead messenger.'

While she spoke the last entrance, her expression and voice changed to one of insane glee.

'After all, everyone knows it's the anticipation that's the best part.'
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'Of course not.'

She then set out and trudged through the snow until she finally reached the bleeding form. She hoisted him up by the back of his collar.

'Hey, now's not the time to be dying. Those Weavers over there need someone to tell them of their inevitable deaths, and that they have little to look forward to in the near future.'

She offered him a dark coat of threads, then pushed him toward the Weave's base.

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Deus came walking up to Zero something in his hand." Hey Zero I found this strange little thing in a corner of the base. Do you know what it is, there where a few of them." Deus handed Zero the item unaware that it was C4.
Zero looked at the square explosive and sighed. "We should get all of those out before the guy blows it up. It's an explosive, help me get rid of them." He growled as he went back inside and started tracking down the explosives.
Yato fell from her push. He slowly got up and looked back at her. His eyes were blank. Same with his mind. "Huh? Whats that? Who are you?"

'I'm Envy. And you?'

She began walking in the direction of the base. The reapers seemed to have roughed him up so much that the messenger needed an escort. Pfft!
"I'm not sure who or what I am... Are you able to tell me..." Yato looked at himself. Blood soaked and all. He has a condition where depression and sadness wipes his mind for the past 6 months. He slowly followed the woman. He limped while doing so. He put one hand to is face, feeling the dried out tears on his face.
Echo laughed as he watched the scene before him. Leah a sin and fighting her lover. The c4 everywere. "Oh what fun these games are!" He cackled.
Deus went around searching for more of the explosives. He wasn't much for doing things from a distance but he did appreciate explosives. He managed to find a explosive at almost every corner." Wow I must give this gentleman prop's he came prepared how long did he spend packing all of these hm maybe he used his threads to make them... I wasn't aware we could make such things with our threads." Deus said as he picked up more and more of the explosives

'Of course I don't. That's why I asked you. Now hurry up, maybe your little weaver buddies can tell you.'

"We can't... Threads can't make explosives, they take too many things to make with a single element. You can, though, cause explosions with flame Threads from what I've seen." Zero said, ending up in the same room as Deus when he found all the explosives he could.
"What are Weavers?" Yato question. He kept following, still cold. Suddenly, he tripped on a block of ice hidden in the snow. He fell face first and when getting up he checked his pockets. When searching his hand pressed a button accidentally. The C4s activated, each one exploded the size of a a couple grenades. He threw out the switch, ignorant of it's purpose. He kept following.

'My god! I didn't think the reapers hit you that hard! Ha!'

This was pathetically hilarious! The poor weaver didn't even know what he was!

'Suffice it to say they're hardly human.'
Zero, with his unnatural reaction time, formed barriers around both him and Pride, defending them from any of the explosions. All of it was in the room that they were in, as they had gotten all of the explosives. He sighed as the smoke cleared, coughing a bit. He grumbled, looking at the damage. "That little shit..."
"Why are you laughing? I don't know what happened? What's the date? Or month?" Yato was worried. He knew about the effect that comes from the threads. His surgery was perfect. He was scared.

'It's a bit more than funny. One moment, you're yelling "Lily! Get out"... Or some name like that... and the next you don't know who you are!'

Envy threw her hands in the air as if to surrender, laughing.
"Oh..." Yato became easily distracted. He looked around trying to find something, or anything. He suddenly made a turn. He soon was far enough that Envy couldn't see him. He looked and looked. Soon falling to the ground to hypothermia. He passed out.

(Dang, you just wanna kill him over and over again, don't you?
xD )

After several minutes, Envy realized that the weaver had gone. Damn it.
'Stupid weavers!'

After several minutes of fuming, Envy calmed herself. She was still angry with herself, and used her threads to turn on of her fingernails into a claw. She dragged it across her wrist in a short, bloody line.

'Failure number one...' She muttered.
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