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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

'Is there not some other place I can... Rest? I don't think I like cells.'

She began to raise her voice, but was biting down the pain of her wound. Envy scanned the room in disgust. Oh, come on! There seemed to be a whole building above them. She raised her eyebrows, challenging Cain to conjour a valid counter argument.
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"When the danger is gone you will have your own room. But for safety reasons you must stay in the cell for now." Cain said.

Safety reasons? Pfft!

'Ha!' She hid her pain again, 'Safety reasons? What kind of safety reasons!?' She yelled, swinging her arms about her, exaggerating.

'I like your excuse. Too bad I don't believe it. Now please, if there's an actual threat, I'm sure I can handle it, wounded or not.' She twirled one finger lazily in the air, twining a few black threads around it.


Envy buried her bloodied face in her bloodied hand, trying to surprise a few giggles to spare pain.

'Aren't I already standing in it..?' She had never stepped through the doorway of the room.

(Eehhhhh that dark red looks gross)

'And please, I'd like to know, what even is this threat?'
She leaned to the side in order to better see through the doorway, but not being able to make out anything anyway.
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Cain became furious and grabbed Leah by the hair, dragging her into the cell and chaining her into the cell before walking out and locking it.
Yato was on the other side of the base by the time Pride's threads arrived. He spotted a basement door. He went to it however, once he arrived to the door, Cain was exiting. He sighed and stared at the man. His expression changed instantly. "May I Have My Friend Back? Mr. CoCain?" A sadistic grin was across Yato's face.

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Alternated said:
"I'll take it then all of it" Vayne said as he smiled "I hope I will be a good father".
"I know you won't be a bad one at least." Günther said and laughed.

Envy was jerked forward painfully by her hair, which had blood drying in it.

Her partially-healed wound throbbed when Cain cast her into the cell, far less appealing that the one before.

'What in the hell!? What is your problem?' She yelled. She was the only one who had to stay put!? How useless!

(Aura nova'd the basement, right?)
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Shinohara said:
"I know you won't be a bad one at least." Günther said and laughed.
Vayne laughed with Gunther "I'll never be a bad one I mean being a bad father means death flag to me" he said.

(How about the one that's abandoned and run down because of the reaper apocalypse?)

Envy glared at where Cain had left, sitting dejectedly at the wall, hugging her knees to her chest. How annoying.
Alternated said:
"yeah that would be good" Vayne said thinking what would be the best bar to drink in with Gunther.
"Well. I guess I have to return to the medbay. See you around." Günther said and walked into the base, heading to his office in the medbay.

Eve was inside the medbay and as Günther entered, she sighed and walked out to head towards the canteen. She was quite hungry.
"yeah see ya around" Vayne said to Gunther "hmmm now what to do" he said and goes back inside the base when he was about to enter his stomach growled "I'm sure I drank soda" he said and goes to the canteen anyway.

Leah had now been missing from the Weave's base for quite some time, unseen. After she claimed to have eliminated the reaper, it would have made sense for her to return to the base, but she was not there. She should have been back by now, if what she claimed had happened was actually true.
Eve saw Vayne enter the canteen and sneaked up on him. "Guess who." She asked as he covered his eyes.
Vayne was covered in the eyes by Eve and chuckled "of course it's you Eve" he said as he slowly removed Eve's hands from his eyes and turns to her "my love" he said and kissed her.
Cain glared at Yato, frowning. He was visibly pissed right off. "No. No you cannot." He growled as he walked away. The Phoenix Reaper and Leviathan Reaper from before showed up, glaring at Yato. (Kiritsu, no you cannot take either one down. They're just a little weaker than Sins and your character is about as strong as maybe a Noble. Huge gap right there. Just warnin' ye.) The Phoenix stood infront of the entrance to the cell room, while the Leviathan stood in his path to follow Cain. The best option right now would be to go back to base and get help.
Eve chuckled and returned the kiss. "You pass." She said as they parted the kiss. She looked up at Vayne and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her head against his chest.
"Then I'll get her myself..." Yato went into the basement , passing Cain and found a cell. He found a bloodsoaked girl, Leah. "Leah?"

(Er.... The reaper was in the way of the basement....)

Envy heard noises on the floor above her. Words and sounds, indistinguishable. She was bored. She pulled a wide yawn, and clenched her teeth against the pain. She decided to try to rake the dried blood from her hair to pass the time.
Vayne hugged Eve and smiled "Good thing we're alone here" he said and wants to ask Eve a question "so about the time that we you know did it do you not mind being a mother?".

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