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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Vayne was a little worried "so what are you thinking?" he asked Gunther "it's okay if you don't want to but maybe we can talk for a bit".
Günther scratched the back of his head. "Just life. It's a strange thing and it is created in a strange way." He said.
Vayne thinks of what Gunther said "is that so, you know that life is sometimes very unpredictable you will never know what happens just like a mystery box you will never know what is inside it" he said looks up the sky "or maybe it's a mystery how it was made".
"I guess so." Günther said and looked up at the sky again. "It can be predicted but it would require too complicated calculations."
Vayne chuckled "you can do that but your just doing it the hard way" he said and looks back down "why not just take chances it's sometime fun in that way".
"I guess I have taken as much chances that I'm allowed. I have to take care of Arya and the child that's growing inside her." Günther said and smiled a bit.
Vayne was surprised "wow looks like life gaved you responsibility but I wish you luck because you're gonna be a father soon" he said.
"It is a responcibility indeed. But I will carry it no matter how heavy it gets." Günther said and smiled.
Revnoir sighed, standing up from his position on his chair in his office. He couldn't take this anymore, he needed to be moving around. He needed to stop staring at his computer expecting it to burst into rainbows and bullets. He dragged himself out of the room, trying to ignore the urge to fight something. It's been too long since he actually put up a fight for anything.
Vayne smiled and pats Gunther's shoulder "that's what I like to hear" he said smiling "I expect you will be the best father for that child".
"I can't be the best father but I'll be as good as I can." Günther said and placed his hand on Vaynes shoulder. He leaned closer to whisper. "How did it go?" He asked.
Vayne's face suddenly got red "alright..I guess" he said as he remembers what he and Eve did "I wasn't expecting that question".
"It was written on your face when you talked with me and Arya last time." Günther said and laughed. "Just go with it and it'll go fine." He added after the laugh.
"I forgot about you," Alessia replied, annoyed with Zestria's intrusion. She didn't imagine being seen so soon. "Get out of my way."
(im out of school for a week for thanksgiving break but on wednesday i will going to savanna, georgia)

zen was practicing,or trying to practice instant dash. with the new threads it was possible but not easy at all. he had gotten the basics down and was able to cross a 10 meter distance instantly with no signs of his movement but if he tried to do it more than once or cover a larger distance he would either trip himself up or leave a huge dust cloud behind"...ill practice this until i can run a full marathon in instant dash mode..."
Leah just barely dodged Yato's strike when she moved to reshape her threads into another weapon. The blade struck her arm, she retaliated with a strike from her new weapon, a fiery quarterstaff.
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"Ah got my fresh roasted coffee and it smells delicious" *humming happily as he headed back to his squad's barracks*

"Now let's go check on those two"
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Since Quarter staffs were more for impact than cutting or slicing, it would be an almost fatal wound if he was hit by it. Yato quickly retreated back, the tip of Leah's staff was a millimeter off of a hit. He was panting and breathing hard. Though he kept a firm stance. He put one of his hands in his pockets to search for a magazine, but his pockets were empty. He spent all his rounds already and his other weapons were in the barracks, next to where they woke up. Yato quietly curse and took the searching hand back to the hilt of his sword. He waited for another strike.
After a miss, Leah realized that this weapon wasn't mechanically restricted, like the first staff she had used when she arrived at the base. She grinned, manipulating the threads and separating the staff into two halves. She dashed forward and swept one arm forward to serve as a distraction for a jab with her other.

(Yay! She gets to fight like a shield agent! :D )
Yulier softly knocked on the door leading to Aura's office. She was extremely nervous, and was freaking out herself.
Yato stepped back a bit. It was enough for the first swipe to miss. Though, he didn't see the jab with the second half. It hit him right in the gut. His mind went blank and he fell to the ground limp. He coughed out some blood before losing consciousness.

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