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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Leah smiled back, nodding.

It felt... odd, being... it was weird for her to admit it was 'in love', but she honestly liked Yato. But it was different from her ordinary self. Perhaps that was a good thing. She hadn't cared very much for something other than her own life in... two years, was it? About that.
Pride created long tentacle like spears and used them to block Zeros attack. He simultaneously blocked and attacked zero with the tentacles.
"Hm... Which one, which one..." Yato entered Training Room 1 and spotted sparring weapons. He wasn't sure what to pick so he stared at them, wondering what to choose.
One in the training room, Leah didn't consider any weapons. She wanted to, but she had to work on using her threads to make them herself. And in most combat situations, a flaming blade was better than an ordinary one. She focused again on holding the shape of a rapier, and successfully kept the form in her hand. Now she had to practice keeping it solid in combat.
Zero quickly withdrew, but the second he heard Cain's voice around the corner of the building, he froze. Not out of fear, but of interest. Cain was talking quietly on the phone, and sounded pretty nervous.

"I told you already, nothing's working..! Fuck you, too, then! Dammit, Abel, it

wasn't my fault

"Lets try this one..." Yato grabbed something that caught his eye. He grabbed a gunblade which had nullifying rounds next to it. He took the belt of rounds and the interesting blade. It was a different type than the Exile. He walked to the middle of the room and took his stance. He closed his eyes for a second or two and opened them afterwards. His eyes were flaming with concentration and focus now. Instead of carelessness and love.
Leah turned her immediate focus from her blade to Yato, seeing him prepared for a fight. She adjusted the grip on her flaming blade, feeling the warm hilt beneath her hand. Leah readied the sword before her and waited for Yato to take the first strike.

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Yato took a fast lunge forward. However, immediately he took a step back and flipped his blade into a gun. His after image from his lunging was still there for a second or two, blocking the view of Leah to Yato. Yato shot one nullifying bullet at Leah.

(Basketball practice sorry
:P )
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(Meh, I'm using a level twenty cat person to dominate a planet anyway. Yay, cats! :P )

As soon as Kano moved, Leah leaped into a defensive stance and trust her own blade at his, mutilating a small part of it. When he retreated and fired, the bullet struck the wall behind Leah.

(In other words, I'm playing an MMORPG)
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Yato kept shooting at her, mostly around the chest area. He kept backing up until he reached the wall. He turned around and ran two steps up the wall to gain leverage.Yato charged dowards at Leah, the Gunblade in blade form now.
James walked around the halls tired but still feeling awake.to some degree

*Ah today has been a good day so far*

(It's been a long day but Fat Mo's helps)
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Leah tried constructing a small shield of threads, and, after a couple more shots that struck the wall, she took one to her shoulder. Fortunately it wasn't her arm with which she used her blade. In an instant, she became dizzy, but recovered quickly. She saw Yato then charge at her, extended her own sword for a longer range, and swept it in an upwards arc, attempting to strike Yato's blade off course.
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Yato saw Leah's sword go at him. He clashed swords with her but it caused him to lose momentum and fall to the ground. Yato recovered quickly and charged at Leah again. He attacked sword point first, going for a quick puncture barrage.
When Yato came at her yet again, Leah intentionally let her legs give out, letting her hit the ground quickly. She let the sword evaporate in her hand, and instead went to kick Yato's feet out from under him.
(I just watched the final Animegraphy that will ever be made D: It was amazing and I found about 10 animes that caught my attention in those split seconds. Animegraphy 2015)

"Aw crap! That hurts!" Yato was tripped sideways. He let go of this sword mid-air and it flew across the room. He tried to recover but he couldn't react fast enough. He landed, butt first and pain coursed though his body. He rolled around trying to take away the pain.

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'Sorry, then,' Leah was crouched in a position from which she could spring up or leap back. She had to be ready, just in the case that Yato was faking it. She hated that notion and had never used the trick herself, but she had to be ready for any situation if she was to ever battle the Sins again.

(Wait.... Oh, okay... That doesn't say 'final anime that will ever be made'. That would be disastrous.
O.o )
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Vayne goes to a vending machine and inserts a coin at the money slot, he looks at each drinks choosing what to drink "ahh this one" he said choosing the soda and picks it up from the take-out port and goes outside while drinking the soda.
"I think I feel better now..." Yato slowly got up from the ground. He laughed a bit wearily. Suddenly, he made a sprint for his weapon. He did a roll to gain more distance near it. He grabbed the sword and flipped it to Gun mode. He switched to full auto and put a full magazine of nullifying rounds in it. He shot at full speed at Leah.
As soon as Yato moved, Leah jumped to her feet and wove a large shield, it had the appearance of a solid riot shield, and each round was stopped as it struck the shield and fell to the ground with a noise like shattered, falling glass.
Alessia hid behind a corner as she returned to the 2nd squad barracks, careful to not be seen by the squad leader as he wandered the halls. As soon as the coast was clear, she sneaked inside and made a beeline for the weapons storage room, grabbing her knife along the way.

With well practiced speed and efficiency, she donned her body armour and kit, slinging her assault rifle across her back alongside a rucksack full of ammunition and supplies. Barely five minutes had passed until she was fully equipped and ready to go.

Though she had ventured out on her own many times before, it was usually out in the field during a mission, far away from everyone else. With all the gear she was carrying and the number of people present, Alessia was sure that someone would notice her sneaking out of the base, but she hoped by that time, it'd already be too late to stop her.

Aura would certainly disapprove, but as far as Alessia was concerned, it was his fault for making her follow a human.

I'll not be led by the weak, she thought as she daubed her fingers with charcoal and lined her face with black streaks.
"Where do you think you are going?" Zestria stepped in front of Alessia. She shot a piercing glare, full of intimidation. Her cloak covered her bandaged wounds on her leg.
"Tch..." Yato took a lunge at Leah, straight on. He took a side step to her side, to see her blindspot. He immediately took a step back, his afterimage still taking the side step. With blinding speed her jumped to her other side with his blade cutting the air towards Leah.

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