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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Hm? Really? Let me check if it's there... I probably didn't see it before..." Yato said slowly. He walked towards the locker and while doing so, he grabbed Leah's wrist to bring her with. Yato opened the locker and there was a pile of white, thick and stringy material in the middle. It was seemingly infused with a really small core or two. Yato grabbed the pile of material and the material took shape of a blade hilt. It was firm, however. It had no blade.
Leah stared at the hilt, puzzled, speechless.

'That... wasn't...'

Last she checked, swords didn't tend to suddenly evaporate.

'That... is more than odd. I swear, it was an actual sword last I saw, if this is it...'
"Sekki..." Yato cut off all outside things just focusing on Sekki. Suddenly an explosion of threads happened inside the hilt. They extended outwards to a limit. They solidified and cane together making a thread like blade. A coloring came over the threads. A color of clean steel. "Is this it?"
As soon as the blade sprung from the hilt, Leah stumbled back a step in surprise. Damn. Slowly, and somewhat stunned, she nodded.

'That's... it... How in the heck did you do that?'
Revnoir stay sitting in his office, struggling to keep his mind off of suicide. It was harder than one would expect, but he was managing fairly well. He just kept to doing stuff on his computer, typing this, deleting that, changing this, changing that. He browsed what was left of the web, trying to keep himself above the line between depressed and alright.
"I'm not sure... I'm just human..." Yato's voice trailed off when saying human. He stared at the sword with some nostalgia. He looked over at Leah worrily.
'Weavers aren't human...'

While Leah was saying the words, it came as a kind of confession from her, too. She was no longer human. She was no longer the same species as that little girl, frantically running for her life, from her life... She was no longer considered human. No, she'd never again be that pathetic, cowardly child.

No, neither of them were human. She slowly shook her head. She had become lost in thought, but slowly faded back into reality.

Yato's expression seemed... Worried, even the slightest bit... afraid. She brought her hand to the sword next to Yato's and lowered the blade, the tip of the blade just touching the floor. She looked him in the eye with a trace of both regret and relief in her eyes.

'We aren't human... Anymore...'
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"Why not try and be human..." Yato stared back at Leah passionately. He pulled her close and let go of the sword. He grabbed her waist, bringing her closer. And Yato brang his face close to hers and gave her a passionate kiss
zen had been doing this breathing technique for quite a while now but it was paying off. he felt as if he had an endless amount of threads within him.

(man, that ship was sailed hastily and forcefully...)
(Nah, it's been docked in the harbor since the last battle with the sins. Not too long, but not as short as it seems.

Wow... I feel like I always take it too far when using metaphorical ship speech.)

Leah was surprised, and jumped when Yato kissed her. After a moment, and after her face took on a deep shade of scarlet, Leah leaned forward a small bit and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Yato kept the kiss going, still holding her close. He breathed lightly and quietly. He put his open hand and wrapped it around her waist. Soon enough he slowly moved over towards the lockers, with her back to it. Suddenly he pulled back his face to breathe.

(Fade To Black?)
(OOC in OOC Spazzy)

"Heh... That was... Fun?" Yato said slowly. He got up from under Leah tiredly in the barracks. He stretched his arms and yawned. He still had clothes on at least so he didn't need to change. Though he stayed next to Leah until she woke up.

Oh dear. I'll be preparing for my funeral.


(Pardon me while I fangirl over the awesomeness of Marvel movies and shows and conspiracies and stuff)

Leah woke slowly, out of habit reaching for the nearest pillow to stifle light with, but accidentally hitting Yato. She sat up with a drowsy moan and rubbed her eyes open.
( xD )

"You awake now Leah?" Yato laughed a bit. He was holding the hand Leah almost hit him with. He smiled happily now while watching Leah waking up.
'Hm? Oh... I think so... I dunno...'

Leah sat up, her brain in her typical post-nap fog. There was a prominent nagging feeling in the back of her mind, though. She couldn't care less about it at the moment. With the hand Yato held, she pulled him closer and rested her head on his shoulder, grinning.
"Hah... Same..." Yato slightly chuckled. He gripped Leah's hand, slightly tighter to show affection. He breathed deeply once and rested his head against hers. Yato placed his opened hand on his own chest. He still wasn't sure if he was the so called Weaver or if he was Human. He wanted to keep what he had now. He didn't want to lose it all.
Finally, that nagging feeling coherently presented itself. She had reminded herself so often before, and even several times that day, not to attach herself to people or things because she was too prone to destruction.

Well, too bad, philosophy. Leah wasn't that foolish human any more. She wasn't stupid or fearful like she had been before. She had been fast enough to flee in her past. Now she was fast enough not to leave things behind.

Her grin faded somewhat at the thought of her past.
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"Leah? You okay?" Yato saw the grin on Leah fade away. Though he stayed next to her. Yato sighed and let the hand on his chest fall to his side. He then gave her a light kiss on the forehead.
Revnoir played around with the AI settings and codes, bored out of his mind. He needed something to do, but what was there to do other than stare at this damned computer screen? If you guessed nothing, congratulations! You win... Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Just like what Revnoir was thinking. Nothing. He tiredly clicked this and that, trying to think of something to do on the computer that used to keep him so entertained.
'Stupid memories....'

Leah muttered and snuggled closer to Yato, wishing that she could simply forget things on command.

@Umbra Regalia

Would it be fun to execute plan 'plot twisty' soonish? *raises sledgehammer* MWAHAHAHAHA!!)
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zen was running laps around the base at lightning speed. he was merely a ghost as he ran.the speed he had cast a whirlwind on anything he ran past. but he did not feel tired at all.

(im back)
zen tried to come to an immediate stop but instead skidded leaving deep marks in the ground behind him."phew....man that's fun.." he stretched "i've been running for at least an hour now.......so aura how long have you been watching?... your stare is like a laser beam...insanely easy to detect" zen joked as he looked up at aura
"I wish I could remember things on command... I want to know who I was before... I want to know it all. Also we need to stop being lazy now, before we be unfit, you know?" Yato slowly got up, trying not to break the physical connection between them. He got on top of Leah, giving her a kiss then immediately getting up to a stand slowly.

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