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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Can you please get off me Zero I don't swing that way." Pride said still in Zeros pin. He was breathing heavily and annoyed by how much stronger wrath was than him.
Zero sighed, ignoring the joke about sexuality. He got off the other, brushing the dirt off of him. "Are you satisfied now? Or do you still want to 'train'?"
Pride smiped and stood up brushing the dirt off himself. "I just got pinned do you think I'd give up after losing so easily?" Pride asked. He let out a laugh and lifted his fist back up."Come now lets Duke it out my good man!"
"Well we're not getting anywhere like this. You'll just keep losing, so what's the point?" He asked, standing as if he weren't going to fight but inside, he was looking out for any movement no matter how subtle.
"i guess that would be right...but anyways these leviathan threads are amazing i have a felling i could actually pull off an instant dash with these..."
"What the hell!?" Zestria finally recovered. However, the thing that woke her up was another nightmare. The savagery happened again. Another slaughter. All going for her. Zestria winced a bit. She looked at her legs. They were bandaged and secured properly. Zestria slowly got up from the medical bed wearily. She grabbed a bit larger pill bottle of pain killers. She threw one into her mouth and put the bottle into her pocket. Zestria's legs were back to normal, but there still was pain. She slowly walked to the door to get her balance back. "Lets go find my Squad and leader..." Zestria grabbed her black and dark cloak and equipped it and exited the door. She walked straight towards the exit of the med bay and wandered the first floor.
Leah nodded solemnly, as if returning to training would be boring beyond imaginable. It'd probably be the opposite, getting to stab holes into computer-generated ghouls.

'I wish I could instantly forget things... Things I'm sick of.' She stood and hugged Yato, leaning against him and sighing. 'I guess we're both a little jealous of each other, hm?'
"I have plenty of skill you just have experience, the point of training is to get Stronger. So id appreciate it if you'd stop your trash talking, and actually train me!" Deus said as he charged at Zero striking at him over and over leaping and striking repeatedly.
"Fine..." He grumbled as he parried each of Deus' attacks. He quickly kicked at his legs, aiming to trip the snow-haired male. He was amazingly fast, his eyes glinting as he moved.
Zero didn't manage to avoid his grip and was sent flying towards the wall. He quickly twisted so that his feet connected with the wall and before he could fall, he pushed off of the wall with his legs, giving him an impressive boost in mobility. He darted towards Deus, outstretching his hand to grab him by the throat.
"Seems so Leah!" Yato chuckled happily. He held Leah's waist and held her close. He slowly moved out of the barracks with her still with him. "But we still have to train Leah!"
Zero slid under Deus right before he slammed into him and spun around, grabbing him by the back of the shirt preparing to throw him.
'If ever I'm going to go infiltrate a certain sin base with permission this time, it sure seems like I will.' Leah sprung forward to go to the training room, and twisted her feet around to beckon to Yato with a smile.

Her philosophy only applied to the formerly human side of her.
"Oh dammit!" Deus said as he was tossed by zero. As he was sent flying Deus sent needles made from his own threads at Zeros pressure points hoping they hit and that his landing didn't hurt to much.
Yato smiled back happily. He quickly caught up to Leah who was ahead. He laughed a bit when doing so. "Want to spar maybe?" Yato said joyfully. He at least needed to get used to fighting and all.
Zero's eyes widened as he saw the needles coming at him, and barely to dodge them. He ended up with two in his arm and one in his back. He got to picking them out, always keeping an eye on Deus to make sure he wouldn't attack.
Deus landed with a hard impact but as soon as he did he charged back at Zero while he was pulling the needles out. Deus tossed more needles at Zero and then attampeted to get behind him and strike.
Zero formed a large wall of his Threads to block the needles, retreating further to gain distance. He got all the pins out, and growled. He darted around, attempting to attack Deus from behind now.

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