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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"That could be quite interesting to see here. But see you later." Eve said with a laugh as she closed the door and walked to the medbay's office room to study.
Vayne smiled "What an interesting Doctor" he said in his thoughts and walks around the base maybe he can find something new.
'It's just odd. Deja vu, probably. Either way, it's good to know that Weave is still recruiting people.'

Leah sighed. At least they hadn't collapsed entirely. Yet. It was only a matter of time until the sins were replaced if the Weave still found recruits.
Günther walked around the base without anything to do. He was bored, wanting to do something else than read.
"Now if the two if you don't mind am going to pass out " *falls back on the wall asleep*
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Leah nodded in agreement, tearing at seams in the all but pointless brace on her wrist. She slipped it off, tearing apart velcro.

'Well, this is useless now. Should return it to the medbay...' She muttered absentmindedly. Perhaps afterword she would train a little bit. She had nothing to do now. Well... she could return the brace later. The training room was right there. She had no use of her threads, but she might as well practice battle with weaponry. She hadn't done much legitimate fighting yet. She stepped past James and into the training room. Seeing it was the same one in which she had messed with simulation codes, she gave a chuckle. She ambled toward the computer and reentered the codes etched onto the wall, causing a perpetually spinning reaper appearing to be made from sparkly cotton candy to materialize. Leah silently agreed with herself that computer programming should be considered one of the most prevalent pastimes one could learn before she quietly walked back toward the door, leading the non-hostile reaper to James before nudging him through the doorway.
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my internet might go out some time soon and i don't know when it will be back on so if i suddenly stop posting you know why)
"Thats nice..." Yato whispered. He looked away then walked off. Seemingly depressed. He needed to know what happened before he reached Weave. He needs to know who he was. Yato sighed and kept wandering.
"I'm tired..." Yato said with a long yawn. He started up the stairs forgetting about the elevator. He accidentally forgot that his squad's floor was floor 10 not 9. So he entered squad 8's barracks. He wandered around to get familiar with it. He found a double door locker with a dusty electronic name plate on it. Yato went up to it and blew off the large amount of dust. The dust flew everywhere and Yato coughed. The plate flickered the name and status of a dead Weaver.

Kano Kiritsu


"Hm..." Yato said quietly. He opened the locker which had no more lock. He spotted a broadsword and gunblade with three belts of shotgun shells next to the gunblade. He grabbed the gunblade and belts. "I hope it would be okay to steal from a dead man..." Yato said slowly and still quiet. He tried figuring out how to sheath or equip the weapon. Soon he found out it could attach to his right arm. Yato equiped the gunblade onto his right arm and the blade retracted into it's sheath unless he presses a certain button. Yato put the belts across his torso securely. He then closed the locker shut and walked out of the Squad 8 barracks. He spotted a plate saying that it was Squad 8. He sighed in annoyance and walked one more floor up to Squad 9's barracks. He entered and started to get his stuff in place.
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When James failed to wake and simply shifted slightly, Leah huffed in disappointment. She proceeded back to the simulation desk, the Reaper still following her, and shut down the simulation. She mumbled something about wastefulness and moved on. She may as well explore what squad eight's office was like. She proceeded to that destination, standing thoughtfully in the blank room. A single desk, a small handful of chairs, and nothing more. Bland. Blank. Unpleasant. She closed her eyes and turned out of the office, crossing to the barracks instead. She fell upon one of the beds. She had spent much time like that already. It felt unproductive. She noticed, a few beds away, Kano's old katana, still lying where she had left it after returning from the Sins' base. Out of place. She sighed, wondering when she could rise from the directionlessnes of having no task. Leah took the blade and started towards the lockers, opening Kano's and placing the blade inside.

Something was missing. Did he not always have one of those guns with him? The ones she had first seen used in a training room. Well, she had hardly seen them, she had to look away or risk sight damage. She closed the locker, a bit puzzled. The label on the locker was brighter than earlier, too. Eh. She had so little of anything insider herself at the moment that she could not feel much. She needed something to do. She leaned back against the locker behind her. After a moment of enjoying the dull and bitter taste inside her mouth, she stood and turned to leave the barracks. She noticed the name on the label for the locker she was against, though. 'Leah'. No last name. She stared at it for a blank moment, as if not recognizing it. That was a barren reminder not to attach herself to things. They were too fragile and she was too prone to wreckage.

She jerked her eyes away, trying to forget the flood of memories, and with them, emotions. Ten, a fine, uneventfully pleasant life. Twelve, being held as if by a noose of dark Reaper-like threads while soot-black claws clutched her skull, gazing over the ghoul's wraith-like shoulders at the bodies of her family and the bloodstained furniture, occupied by other ghastly things. Fourteen, running, running, running, trying to use what survival she had plucked up from her previous years to flee, outrun the emptiness and black clawed death. Sixteen. Or was that her seventeenth birthday? Her memory was running thin, like a single thread pulled taught. A face. Pain. A shout-- 'anesthetics!'. Fire. Glowing, burning. Pain. Blankness. Then suddenly, consciousness. Sitting in these barracks, clueless. Picking up a small metal rod from the floor....

Leah was kneeling on the floor, her elbows leaning on the bed before her and her hands clutching either side of her head. Her eyes were shut tight, her jaw clenched to the point of pain and a ringing in her ears. Her breathing was quick and noisy, occasionally carrying a quiet groan.
James awoke on the hard metal floor of the training room though slightly dulled the pain in his leg and a bit of the exhaustion from a few hours ago could still be felt. While the floor was comfortable it was a far cry from a warm bed. Eventually deciding that it was time to get a move on he grabbed his walking stick and used it to force his way up. It took a fair bit of time someone had moved him a far way into the room. When he finally reached the door his stomach started to rumble.

"I should probably grab something to eat, then check out my new office, I suppose." *He says with a good laugh*

He then started to make his way to the mess hall his stick making its menacing and loud clank as he made he ways down the hallway.

"Probably should also thank one the both of them for moving me out of the hallway."
"Hm?" Yato yawned out. He heard whimpering and he went to Squad 8's barracks. He spotted Leah cowering on the floor. He rushed over immediately to comfort her. He didn't know what to do, her eyes were closed and she was covering her ears. Yato gave her a long warm hug. His last option.
Leah began struggling against some random unseen force, like a sound slipping into a dream, that she mistook for the grip of a Reaper's threads. After half a moment of panicking, she 'woke', finally able to stop thinking for the moment. She had never been crushed by a reapers threads, she only knew the feeling of being hanged by them. She stopped moving, silently repeating some relatively annoying and catchy song-- the nyan cat song. She kept turning the notes over in her head to escape the moments of the past.

When she had calmed, she realized that nothing such as that had happened during her time at the Weave until then. Was really considering that someone had no identified origin in the form of a last name so caustic?

A moment later she realized she was being hugged by someone, and gave a startled but delayed yelp.
Allison walked herself through the streets. She was simply bored, Nothing to do. The streets were quiet, abandoned and old. The street's seemed to consume any sound made and turn it into a flutter of wind. Allison smiled then looked down at her white snow boots. Allison knelt down and touched the tip of her shoe with a dense smile. "Kooo,Ka,Kooo" Allison yelled out seeing i a reply would be necessary, Nothing but a whisper of earth's soil followed after. Allison sat next to a building and soon fell to a soft sleep. Not knowing the danger Allison was there for awhile.

Allison looked around and saw a few raper's heading her way. Allison stood and stepped back a few meter's "uh oh" she sighed. Allison went to reach for a weapon but all that was found in her pocket was a black pen and some gum. Allison did the only thing possible. Run. Allison was slipping through street's like a child on ice skates. Her feet were numb by the time she had gotten somewhere safe, even there wasn't as safe as a locked bedroom door. Allison saw a reaper through the ally way. the reaper turned and faced Allison. She screamed like there was no tomorrow, well probably not for her. Allison stood and made another run for it. She got to a house on the brim of a mountain This'll do she thought as she kicked the door down and ran inside into a room of picture's locking the door. Allison sat on the couch and as you can believe, slept.

Night fell and Allison was still asleep, no sign of reaper's in the house but she was asleep looking like she was dead. rain splashed on the roof and Allison just snored and snored but then stopped as she fell onto the floor. A soft sound was made as Allison fell. Allison didn't move for a while but then a small jiggle came from her foot. She still lay asleep on the floor, rain pouring down and sun awaiting to shine. the moon was covered by the clouds and was out-shon by the stars.

"I'm Awake" called Allison as she stood and paced to the couch which was about two cm away but Allison took her time. She stood and walked out of the room with a few reaper's just standing waiting for Allison to leave. Allison screamed once more and the reaper's cornered her in the kitchen of the house.

"What Happened" asked Allison as she pulled her sheet's off of her and jumped out of bed into the kitchen. "Just a slight dream" Allison said as she pulled her bowl of cereal closer and started chewing it.

((Hope no-one mind's me starting here))
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"Leah... Calm down... I won't hurt you..." Yato kept his hug warm and firm. But not too tight. He kept his comforting grasp around Leah. He was worried about what was happening to her. Suddenly Yato let go and moved his body from her side to her front. He sighed and then moved her hands away from her head and he brung his right hand to her forehead. Yato flicked her forehead jokingly. " You feeling better?"
'I... Guess. I wasn't expecting to... Whatever that was...' She felt as if she were heating, her face was warm... In reality she was blushing.

Through the moment, she tried to convince herself that those memories, the ones that she loathed, could be forgotten. She could become a different person, different from her helpless past counterparts. Someone who stood in the place of running. But it was not the terrifying events that scarred her, it was the solitude. Years until she met another person, when she agreed to become a weaver. It was that she despaired.

Slowly, she nodded.

'I'm fine.'
"Just make sure that doesn't happen again when I'm not here... Or else we could have seem the rest of the process. Uhm, you sure though? You're red all over your face!" Yato chuckled jokingly. He spotted the redness on her face. Yato brushed the back of his hand on Leah's blushing cheek. He wanted to make sure she was ok. Ignorant of the actual fact of her redness on her face.
xXMiaXx said:
Allison walked herself through the streets. She was simply bored, Nothing to do. The streets were quiet, abandoned and old. The street's seemed to consume any sound made and turn it into a flutter of wind. Allison smiled then looked down at her white snow boots. Allison knelt down and touched the tip of her shoe with a dense smile. "Kooo,Ka,Kooo" Allison yelled out seeing i a reply would be necessary, Nothing but a whisper of earth's soil followed after. Allison sat next to a building and soon fell to a soft sleep. Not knowing the danger Allison was there for awhile.
Allison looked around and saw a few raper's heading her way. Allison stood and stepped back a few meter's "uh oh" she sighed. Allison went to reach for a weapon but all that was found in her pocket was a black pen and some gum. Allison did the only thing possible. Run. Allison was slipping through street's like a child on ice skates. Her feet were numb by the time she had gotten somewhere safe, even there wasn't as safe as a locked bedroom door. Allison saw a reaper through the ally way. the reaper turned and faced Allison. She screamed like there was no tomorrow, well probably not for her. Allison stood and made another run for it. She got to a house on the brim of a mountain This'll do she thought as she kicked the door down and ran inside into a room of picture's locking the door. Allison sat on the couch and as you can believe, slept.

Night fell and Allison was still asleep, no sign of reaper's in the house but she was asleep looking like she was dead. rain splashed on the roof and Allison just snored and snored but then stopped as she fell onto the floor. A soft sound was made as Allison fell. Allison didn't move for a while but then a small jiggle came from her foot. She still lay asleep on the floor, rain pouring down and sun awaiting to shine. the moon was covered by the clouds and was out-shon by the stars.

"I'm Awake" called Allison as she stood and paced to the couch which was about two cm away but Allison took her time. She stood and walked out of the room with a few reaper's just standing waiting for Allison to leave. Allison screamed once more and the reaper's cornered her in the kitchen of the house.

"What Happened" asked Allison as she pulled her sheet's off of her and jumped out of bed into the kitchen. "Just a slight dream" Allison said as she pulled her bowl of cereal closer and started chewing it.

((Hope no-one mind's me starting here))
(your good. But the reapers left out there won't attack you. They stoped doing that after Scourge died.)
Aura got up and paced around his office, stressed about something.

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