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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

the swinging of zens sword was swift as he practiced his strikes in his office. he was without a shirt and had his left hand tied behind his back:1..2...3..on thousand...1..2..3..one thousand and 1 " he counted. this method of counting tricked the brain into thinking it was only doing one third of the work it was truly doing so he had technically done 3,003 downward swings. his counting could be heard clearly from the hallway.
(Wow sorry for some reason I got no replies what I miss) pride stood on one leg in crane position at the base."Wax on wax off."
(I survived first practice! ;D Though I almost collapsed on the floor and died xD )

"Hello? Anyone want to talk?" Yato said slightly loudly inside the Weave base. He sighed then sat down on the floor bored to hell. Flashbacks coming back to him. The flashes hurt his head making him hold his head in pain. Suddenly it stopped and Yato was nauseated. He got up from the floor and leaned on the wall tiredly.
*Heading out of the training room exhausted and covered in sweat* "That... went painfully"

*Notices the kid leaning on the wall looking* "Hey you.. kid you okay"
When Revnoir didn't open his door, Leah sighed and started down a hallway. Random choice. Any direction. Any direction at all. Soon, she wandered upon someone leaning heavily on a wall while she ambled pointlessly. Another person came from a nearby training room to greet him.
"Well hello" *Leans a bit on the wall breathing a bit hard*

"How's your day been going so far. Mines been swell and exhausting"

*Looking back over to the kid* "Are you going to be okay can you hear me"
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"H-huh? Oh sorry... Hi... Kind of spaced out a bit." Yato said, shaking his head side to side to wake himself up. He looked over at the male and there was a friendly smile across Yato's face. Then he looked over at the female and his head surged with pain for a second. Thougj he kept a weary smile on his face.
*While still leaned against the same wall*

"Well nice to meet you names James M. Montgomery Leader of Squad 2" *Extends hand outwards*

"Whats your name" *Making eye as he says this*
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Vayne wakes up he looks around and sees that he's still cuffed "did she forget to free me?" he said and struggles "dammit I really need to get of here" and struggles more, he stops struggling and sighed "Can someone Help me!!!???" he yelled.
This guy... Seemed just the slightest bit peculiar. Eh, just a thought. Didn't everyone seem odd? I mean, half reapers wandering around with control over fire and ice and such? A little peculiar in general. Still, she'd keep that feeling in mind.
"Yatogami Aragami, Squad Leader 9. But call me Yato." Yato shook James' hand. He slightly made eye contact but not quite. He disliked looking at peoples eyes. It was just for some reason he didn't like it.
Alternated said:
Vayne wakes up he looks around and sees that he's still cuffed "did she forget to free me?" he said and struggles "dammit I really need to get of here" and struggles more, he stops struggling and sighed "Can someone Help me!!!???" he yelled.
Eve was in the medbay and walked to Vaynes bed. "Keep it down a bit. People are trying to rest here."
Vayne looks at the doctor "you forgot to release me from these" he said and looks at her ID "hmmm Eve so your Doctor Eve well I better put that sign later" he said.

"heh no need for that Doctor" Vayne said and looks at the cuffs "so...can you now unlock these for me Doctor" he said and smiled.
After Yato introduced himself, Leah raised her hand in greeting and bowed her head slightly.

'I'm Leah, of squad eight. Er- leader.'

She had nearly forgotten her position. She only just barely fit that last word in.
"Hm... Leah huh? Sounds familiar... Anyways, nice to meet you James and Leah!" Yato said enthusiastically. He had a joyful grin on his face then he stood up properly and stretched a bit. Yato sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Cmon Doc just release me I know you want to do something to me but we can do that next day if you want to" Vayne said begging to be released by the time he seen her grin "just please this is not a good time".

Eve sighed and walked to open the handcuffs. "I guess I have no reason to keep you here." She said in a dissapointed tone.
Vayne gets up and calms down "Thanks I may visit here often" he said to Eve "ahh by the way name is Vayne better remember it" he introduces himself to Eve and exits the medbay.

"Alright Vayne. Hope you won't come here comepletly clobbered up." Eve said with a chuckle and followed Vayne to the door.
'Familiar? You're new here though, right? Odd.'

Absolutely peculiar. Leah shrugged it off. Or seemed to. She'd look into that. Perhaps, at the base he must have been transferred from or some such thing there was another person like her. No way of knowing at the moment.

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