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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(All it does is make you have threads that you can use. Unless a Weaver is using the threads, then they are inside the weavers body.)
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova](Aren't you a Shadow Weaver?)

(the Weavers only have claws in the book.)
“A 50. Cal. Rifles, Chainsaws, Mini Guns, Flamethrowers, Explosives, etch. Practically anything that can deal a massive blow while taking care of massive groups of hostile threats Sir.... By the way Sir, what're Reapers and Weavers?”
(ALSO did u guys get the chat thing for rpn?)

Ashen slowly woke up, and stared at the new man who had woken her up. She stared wide-eyes, not knowing this person, and was about to strangle him with her threads before seeing she was in Aura's office still. She jumped up and ran over to Aura. She was kneeling behind the desk, peeking over the top of it. "Who's that..?" She whispered to the shadow weaver. "How does he not know what a Reaper is..?!"
[QUOTE="Kamasive Nionnova](oh sorry, mixed the RP the actual story)

(its fine xD I do it too sometimes. I always visualize whats happening and imagine all the weavers having the claws)
(I got it!) "This is a new recruit Ashen. I'm.... Not shure how he doesn't know, but he wolnt harm you dear."
"Yes.... And as for weavers.... Well.. A Weaver is a human who has had a reaper core implanted in them. They have the powers of a reaper, but not as strong normally."
(@Aurath Moonblood u got the chat thingy?)

Ashen quickly stood up, bowing in respect, and smiled. "S-Sorry... It's my fault for the odd reaction. Really, I'm sorry." She was obviously Canadian by the way she apologized all the time. She gave him an apologetic look, feeling a bit bad now.
(The Server name itself is Reaper (as you'd expect xD ) )

Yulier had no idea how to react, and just apologized again and bowed while she did so.
“Well Sir, Can we please continue Tommorow?”. He asks. “I have something very important to do Sir.”

(GTG, feeling very sleepy, it's 10:14 pm right now, see you guys Tommorow, I have no classes)
"You are dismissed." Aura said.

(It wolnt let me join. Just send a direct message. My username is Aurath)
[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]"You are dismissed." Aura said.
(It wolnt let me join. Just send a direct message. My username is Aurath)

(I don't know howwwww xD I have to add you to friends but idk how)
“Thank You Sir, Have a Nice day, Sir, and Ma'am.” Sabrin Walks out of the office leaving his documents on Aura's desk to checked, and immediately heads to the town where the Spaniard Civilians are held.

(Bye!, *Yawns*, Zzzzzz.....)
(ok so Aura it says I have to share a server with you before I can direct message........ l: what's it say when u try to enter the server?)

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