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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(Heeeeeey @Umbra Regalia, did you get a noodlefication for the taggy thingy I put in the RP thing?

My gosh that is sooooo specific. ._.)

As soon as Leah returned to the barracks, she yawned massively and crumpled onto one of the nearest beds. She'd decided she'll sleep the remnants of whatever Cain had put into her system.
-The sound of a knife hitting wood can be heard outside of James bedroom-

“Whew it's finally done” *Looking down at his finished walking stick* “It took a while and a bit of falling but this one should work”

“Okay let's try it out” *The pain in his right leg hit him like a truck as he started to get up. Gritting his teeth*

“There we go now time to try to head out to get better pain killers” *Grabbed the bottle of painkillers of his table, and with a look of pain headed out the door and started off towards the med bay*
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zem had made it to the med bay he wasn't the slight bit nervous about his surgery. infact he was excited he was going to be able to go beyond his normal level and get sronger.
-The stick had a resounding clank everything it hit the floor it sounded nice. Though with the leg pain and the stick James was feeling old the only thing missing was a young whipper snapper to yell at afor getting on his lawn -

*Opening the door to the med bay* "Hey is anyone here I need to trade in these painkillers for ones that don't knock me out like a light" *Gives the bottle a small shake*
"Think I will do just that" *Heads over to one of the chairs and slowly sits down it in it"

"If you don't mind me asking what brought you to the medbay"
"i'm getting leviathan surgery to improve my efficiency and speed on the field" answered zen "guessing by what you said when you came in you're here for new meds?"
zen scratched his head then leaned back on a wall "actually...i haven't seen you around before...my name is zen i'm leader of squad 7 and you" he spoke as he held out a hand
*Reaching out and giving to good shakes* "Nice to meet you names James M. Montgomery i'm in Squad 2"
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"squad 2 hmm?..i haven't seen many people from your squad well then again it's not often i step out of my office"
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(He said 2. Squad 1 is Aura's elite squad. He still has to form it) Aura walked into the medbay. "Anyone seen Gunther?"
"Went on a operation with Sabrin and Vayne to help a town that had been attacked by the enemy, and after a small fight with them a building fell on me in all respects I got really lucky"

*Says as he grips tightly on his stick* "What kind of person shoots a baby"
(I do!*Evil laugh*)

Sloth just sat in her room spacing out looking at the ceiling. It wasn't the same anymore, it was a lot more boring . she would do something interesting but it took too much work.
"I see. Well glad to have you alive. I will see to it a nurse brings you medication. And Zen, they are ready for you in the core cooperation room." Aura said, scratching around his eyepatch.
"no...actually i remember it quite well i just thought it better to be in the company of my good friend on the way there..its not every day you go through life threatening surgery...ya know?" zen could no longer hide it. he was quite nervous. though he did not doubt the medical team's expertise and precision anything could happen.
"Understandable. I will accompany you. And I will have a nurse deliver the pain meds to your room there James." Aura said.
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