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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Vayne goes in a bar he sits down and ordered wine he sighed and waited, he taps his foot and looks at his watch.

(anyway I'm not really active but in weekends I will be active)
Leah's swung the door back open again, slightly embarrassed that she had misunderstood the last sentence for a dismissal.
Pride sat ontop of the sins base just staring off into the distance. He was basically the only one around anymore being as Cain was always busy and zero was usually hiding out or with Cain. Deus never knew that sins let alone himself could be so affected by this feeling of lonleyness.He clinched his fist at the thought of the weavers they had really pissed him off and he wasn't going to let it pass not this time. But for now he would sit and wait...until the time when he could get his revenge.
"Wow never thought I see the day that the all mighty pride actually isn't making a fool of himself."Sloth said teasingly.She was gone for a couple of days and heard about the other escape.She was surprised that they did but it still shocking how they did it.
zen wake up from his long nap and immediately remembered that leah still had his sword"i..should probably go get that" he muttered taking his feet off his desk and sitting up"but where is leah anyway"
"I hope you have a pointto being here sloth otherwise I might just kill you,"pride said as he sat looking up at the sky.He had changed his hair somewhat after it got burned by the fire Weaver and he had a different aura about him as well.
Revnoir had been left in the med bay, just like before, while Auna strolled around the base oblivious to the whole situation. She had been a bit worried when the base had gone on lockdown, but seeing as there were no explosions, gunshots, etc. she wasn't too concerned. Since Revnoir and Aura were almost never seen anyway, she just guessed they were working hard in their offices.

Yulier sat in the med bay, watching Revnoir. They may only be friends, but in her eyes Revnoir had saved her and her sister's lives on multiple occasions. She wanted to pay him back somehow, and found that making sure he wasn't taken again was the least she could do. After all, he had done that and more for her. He had protected her from Cain, from Zero, from the Reapers, and even from Weave at one point. She owed him more than anyone else.

Zero could be found in his room, pacing around trying to figure out how to explain this to Cain. If he just told him straight out without a plan, Cain would no doubt kill him in the most painful way possible. He shivered at the thought of going through one of his torture sessions and being on the other side of his blades. Cain knew the weak spots of all the Sins, so he could easily take them down if they betrayed him, but sometimes his human emotions got in the way. He had had feelings for Yulier at one point, so his hesitation when the time came to put her down was the reason she could make it out alive. His hesitation towards killing the only person Scourge ever talked about was what let Revnoir get away. And his insanity and love towards torture had been what let Aura get away.

Cain was walking outside, a lit cigarette in between his lips. He was staring in the direction of Weave's base, grinning widely. One could not tell if he knew about Aura's escape or not, but even so, he looked as if he had a plan to tear everyone there limb from limb then burn the remains. He pulled the cigarette away from his face and puffed out a cloud of smoke. He looked more relaxed, despite his growing sneer, and it could most likely be blamed on the cigarette.

(Yay long posts! Finally I had time to actually post everyone's actions for fahks sake! Damn you, fast rp!)
Deus turned to her his eyes fierce like those of a beast."Would you really care to try me?"he asked, then turned back towards the horizon staring into space again.
Aura walked out of his office to go walking around. There were things he needed to do. "Gunther is getting a promotion...... I need to talk to Zen..... Train Leah...... And above all.... I need to put a contingency plan in place...." He said as he walked around.
zen was still in his office. he was studying the sword he had made. it was quite interesting and mostly organic though it itself acted as if it had a will of its own. just what were those weird pieces of flesh he found and incorporated into the twin blades....he sighed"what a bother..." as he leaned back into his chair and took another glance at the sword"hmmm...."
"good i guess..cool eyepatch by the way..so what brings you here ,though i don't doubt that you would come by just to say 'hi' i have a feeling there's a lot going through your head right now"
"You have become well suited to your job. You have become quite observant. " Aura said. "We need to up our game....."
zen nodded"seeing as we have now lost kano we are becoming a bit...hmm wispy should i say?...though cain on the other side doesn't exactly have an army of 10,000 men either" joked zen"..so how would you propose we 'up our game'?"
"you need the Leviathan or Phoenix surgery." Aura said. "Take your pick. Do you want to focus on defence or speed?"
Leah took the new earpiece from the desk. She had almost forgotten. When Aura mentioned her threads, she swayed awkwardly.

'I... That injection.. It'll need to wear off...' She was referring to the drug she had been injected with at the Sins' base that rendered her threads unusable. Its effects were almost dissolved, but all but.

When Aura left, she took that as a dismissal. After he went walking down the hall, she exited and returned to the Squad eight barracks. She'd. It explore the office yet. Not yet.

(Alright now I've edited.... *sigh*)
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"hmm..." said zen thinking .." my type of fighting style is more built for speed..so yeah ill go with speed then"
(We aren't in aura's office anymore. So you weren't there to hear aura mention a surgery.) "Leviathan then." Aura said.

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