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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution


I missed much

Kano committing suicide..? Whaaaa!?)

Muttering 'idiot' repeatedly, she nearly lost her head. The third most powerful in Weave, commuting suicide. The top two were also out of commission due to various reasons.this was getting to be too much. She went for the map in her bag and unfolded it. Using a chalky piece of rock, she made a chart. One side was labeled 'casualties' and the other, 'captured'. Beneath the former she made a single galley, beneath the other she put two.

Idiot, idiot, idiot.
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(Aura walked out of the sin bace and he isn't comming back to Weave. He is going to meet Yulier in the middle.) Arya looked forward. "I see the bace!"
( Oh sorry. Misread your post. )

Günther smiled. "Me too. Let's go see if anyone is waiting for us." He said while walking towards the base. He looked at Arya and then at the base.
"Yulier hurried outside, seeing Aura. She had a bag full of food from the cafeteria. Food she always saw Aura eat. She was smiling widely, and it wasn't look before she stood infront of the other, smiling and holding out the bag as an offering. "I promised you food, and here it is~"

(pls tell me I didn't get this wrong)
(I... I was gonna do the plot twist....


Leah stood again and held her face in one palm.

'Oh god... We're all screwed, this is so stupid. So stupid. But... We still have to finish this, I guess...'

On the last word, she began to finally choke on her breath. Shit. With Aura now a sin, the next one to take his place just stabbed himself!

Considering that, Leah wandered over and dragged the blade from Kano's body and tossed it aside. She pointed to Sena.

'You. Motorcycle. Get him to the base. See if anything can be done.'

Weave was dying. Leah wondered, which was better for it? A long, drawn out death, or a swift one?

@Kazu Kun)
'Wait!' Leah interrupted herself. 'Before you go, I need your gun thingy. And if you have a weapon I could use, that would be helpful.'

She directed her last sentence at Zen.
"a weapon that could be useful? would you prefer one of my new swords perhaps" said zen to leah. they may have been new but he was willing to give up one to help as long as he had the other.

(@Spazzycat101 )
Yulier pulled Aura into her arms, dropping the bag. She held him close, smiling. "don't worry, I'll help you remember."
"Aura I need you to help somebody. You know the other guy that came with you? I need you to help me save him. Can you do that?" she asked, still holding him close. "you don't get the food I brought you if you dont."
"Alright well to start I'm going to need you to help me sneak into the base. Cain can't know I'm there." she said, finally letting go of him.

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