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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"N....no...... Don't.... You BASTARD...." Aura was still a bloody mess. Even parts of his coat were stained red.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. A patient disapeared from here and still hasn't been found." Eve said and looked behind her quickly before looking back at Leah. "How are you feeling?" She asked again.
'Disappeared? How in the heck could Aura have disappeared? He was as mangled as if he had been tossed in a wood chipper.'

Leah's gaze finally turned serious. No wonder people had been milling about so frantically.

'Has anybody got any remote idea of where he is?'
Zero started laughing. "Well I can't let you die, now can I? What other choice do I have?" He said, as if trying to look innocent. He walked into Revnoir's cell, and formed something like a bloodbag out of Threads. He started taking the other's blood, giggling as Revnoir struggled.
Aura started to crawl out of his cell, since it had been left open, And managed to grab onto Zero's leg. Sadly He didn't have enough strength to do much but tugg on it.
"He isn't in the base so no. He could be anywhere outside the walls surrounding us." Eve said rubbing her forehead.
Cain peeked in, having heard Zero laughing like a maniac. "Oh, why didn't I think of transferring blood..!?" He laughed, walking in. He grabbed Aura by the hair and dragged him back into his own cell. "Now stay here like a good dog and watch."

"You wanted blood didn't you?" Zero asked, standing up now with the bag of blood.

Leah tried to stand, but accidentally landed on her injured leg and collapsed onto the ground. Muttering 'idiot' to herself repeatedly, she stood again, more carefully this time. She glanced back at Eve and beckoned for her to hurry up. They had to take some form of action to get Aura back. Perhaps the other shadow weaver could help. Where was he..?
Suddenly, Leah was struck with another idea.

'Yulier! Yulier, where is she? We have to go get her. She'll help. She hates the other sins.'
Eve helped Leah up but carefully pushed her back onto the bed. "You can't get up and move yet. We have no idea where he went and we aren't capable of going out ourselves. We are jsut doctors and nurses." She said with a stern voice. She wasn't going to let a second pation get out of the medbay without healing first.
Revnoir remained still, barely breathing. He had to try with all his strength just to stay awake, to keep himself from losing consciousness again.

"Well now, the itty bitty kitty wants to be a tiger. You really are


Cain said with a grin, taking the blood bag and hooking it up to Aura with Zero's Threads.

Yulier was freaking out over how she let them take Aura


Revnoir again. She was crying in Aura's office, muttering under her breath about how she should just die and disappear.
Leah's head whipped around to face Eve again. She looked slightly offended.

'You're wrong. We're not all just doctors and nurses. I'm not either of those. And you, you're not just a nurse or whatever. You're a person, you're a part of Weave, and we're going to get back the part that was stolen from us. That's because that's what people of a whole do.'

With one look that replaced the few unspoken words, 'get it?', Leah pushed off of the bed again. She was going to find Yulier, then Aura, whether anyone wanted her to or not. She was a fury, held back by the thin, fraying thread of a leash.
Eve shook her head. "You stay here. I'll see to that something is going to be done." She said to Leah and walked out of the medbay to look for Yulier. It took her a while before she found her in Auras office. "I presume you are Yulier." She said and walked up to her.
Eve took off, leaving Leah with the command to stay.

Too bad.

Leah began to slowly make her way out the door, and turned a hallway, the one that would take her to the main entrance. There, she could begin searching for Yulier. She was oblivious that Eve had left with that same intent.
Cain started laughing, and when the blood was in Aura, he threw the bag into the corner. "Then prove it. Howl for me." He growled and stabbed his switchblade into Aura's left eye.
Eve had a serious expression on her face. "I need you to come to the medbay with me." She said in a commanding tone.
Aura roared with pain and the rage of a thousand angry Vikings. He rose up and grabbed Cains throat and slamed him into the wall hard enough to take the air out of him. "YOU KNOW MOST PEOPLE TAKE PAIN AND CRINGE.... BUT PAIN MAKE ME PRETTY FUCKING VIOLENT!!"
Zero immediately grabbed Aura by the jacket and slammed him to the ground. He held a Thread-Weaved knife to where Aura's Core would be beneath.
Aura paused. There was no opening. Exept.... But that was his trump card.... He had to risk something else. "Nice move.... But not enough" aura said as he reached into the coat and stabbed Zero with a knife. As soon as it whent into Zero it exploded.
Zero has isolated the explosion before it hit anything vital, forming a ball of Threads around the knife. He grabbed Aura's wrist, and forced it away from him before snapping the shit out of it. "I thought white hair meant a wise mind... I guess I was wrong, for once."

Cain sighed, rubbing his neck. It had hurt quite a bit, but he didn't mind. He'd get back at him tenfold.

Yulier quickly nodded, looking at the woman, a little confused.
"Followe me" Eve said and turned around to slowly walk towards the medbay. On the way she saw Leah and quckly ran to her. "I told you to not move around. What will you do if something would happen?"

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