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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Your just a pawn to Cain. A tool.... A weapon. You do everything he tells you to..... Your a slave and you didn't even realize it..... That is sad." Aura said. Was he trying to piss her off and provoke her to attack, or is he being honest and sincere? You decide.
"............We respect strength, not cowardice like you people.." She growled and got up, blood rushing to her head which set off another headache. She stumbled a bit but got up easily. She began walking away.
Aura cought her with his threads. He finaly had use of them again. He wrapped his threads around her body, making a sort of cacoon around her form. "Don't fall...... And don't move unless I let you.... Otherwise.... I will crush you into nothing." Aura said, still laying on the ground. He hated this part of his job.
"You dared to insult a Tsukiborodo. We are not cowerds. I fight to my last breath for people I don't even know. I was injured, yet o stood to fight, knowing it would mean my death or capture...... I have more honor than you and all of your murderous friends alike." Aura started to tighten his threads around her as he continued to speak. "And frankly I........." He trailed off and his threads stoped tightening. "....your.... But I thought...... You.... Couldn't be.... Your a reaper..... " aura stuttered.
"Don't tell Cain.... If he finds out..... He will think you useless with it, and shoot you in the stomach to kill it....." Aura said, his tone pained but serious.
"You know damn well... What I'm talking about.... I will not crush your entire body.... That would kill the child.... I'm not a monster.... But I can still cause you great pain..... Now I'm going to allow you to use your legs.... So I'm going to uncover them. You will come over here and unlock the cage..... Then I shall let you go unharmed. Understood?" Aura asked, not wanting to have to harm her.
"..so you'd rather me be a traitor and get killed by Cain instead of killing me yourself? Yeah..totally not cowardly.." She muttered, looking away. "Sorry. Can't do it." She muttered
Aura growled. He hated this part. "You know..... I have been realy kind to you up to this point.... But I have use of my threads again..... Even wounded like this I can kill you easily..... You can't win against me.... And you have that little secret in your belly. You have to many weak points. If you want me to kill you here and now I will.... Only say the word." Aura said as he slowly stood, leaning heavily on the cage bars for support.
Carly walked down the hall. It was unusually quiet. She stared at her feet, still burned. Unfortunately along with her memories returning she also remembered the death of that child. Scarlett held the journal in one hand and traveled outside, determined.
She stayed silent and said nothing, thinking about the consequences. "I could've killed you. But I didn't. Why is it always me that you use as a pawn?" She chuckled.
"I don't like it but I have to use this method.... Your my only chance at escape......" Aura said with labored breath.
"No I'm not. Maybe you should actually look around at your surroundings! The bars are old, easy to kick down. There's another way out of here you know!" She hissed, mildly pissed off
"Already thought of that... The bars are rigged to an alarm.... And I'm I'm no condition to break them.... I can barely stand....."
"....well I can't get you out of here without of dying afterwards..and before you say it, no I'm not going with you.." She hissed
"Well... I guess we are both in a tight position here..... Tell you what...... You keep me alive long enough to escape..... Switch out the druggs so I can still use my threads.... I will keep quiet about your..... Secret growing inside of you...... And if we win in the end.... You will be spared...." Aura said.
"...fine. I'll try to do what I can but I can't promise. If they give you the other drug I'll give you some adrenaline..deal?" She sighed, finding a small keyhole in the situation
After the facial rearrangement, the doctors took Leah back out from the medical room... and noticed that their other patient was not present. In his condition, he would hardly have been able to move, let alone walk out. A small and scarce trail of blood highlighted his leave, to where it ended abruptly in one hallway. Someone had perhaps kidnapped him. There was little other way he could have left. They sounded an alarm.
Scarlett crouched down on the concrete and took out her pencil. On the next blank page of her journal she wrote "Happy Ending"

With her heart pounding she set the journal down and took out her lighter. Carly brought the flame down to the pages and withing moments a small fire was brewing, the pages turning black and then to ash.
Keith walked back to his room. The only noise was his shoes on the tile. Opening his door, he took off his shoes and sat down on the bed.
(@ThePumpkinQueen, There are alarms going off)

The sound of the wailing alarms woke Leah, but her consciousness was still blurred and foggy. It absolutely did not help that there was a flurry of doctors and nurses rushing 'round the medbay.
(@Spazzycat101 Keith doesn't often fight and Scarlett is Scarlett D: )

Carly quickly stomped out the flames. She ground them into the concrete and headed back to her room.

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